Breastfeeding and working can present challenges but with proper planning mothers can continue to breastfeed. Mothers should discuss pumping schedules with their boss and childcare providers to ensure their baby's needs are met. It's important to establish and maintain milk supply by pumping frequently and feeding the baby often when together. With support, effective pumping, and managing stress, working mothers can balance work and breastfeeding.
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Breastfeeding And Working
1. Breastfeeding and Working that need to be worked out before you Milk supply:
really go back to work? Did you leave If your milk supply goes down, pump
Before going back to work: enough milk? Were you able to pump more during the day if you can. Feed
Talk to your boss about pumping at work. enough milk to meet your babys daily your baby often when you are together.
Discuss how often you will pump, when needs? Use an effective pump. Massage your
you will pump, and where you will store breasts before pumping. Pump for 5-7
your breastmilk. Take as long a leave as possible minutes. Then, massage breasts again.
before returning to work: Keep repeating until you no longer get
Find someone who supports breastfeeding Return to work slowly if you can any more milk when you pump.
to take care of your baby. Make sure the work part-time at first, progress to
person/day care is okay with handling 他 time, then full-time. Working part- Make life simple at home.
pumped milk. time is easier than working a full day. Get help with chores. Limit errands.
If you must return to work full-time, go Say no to doing extra things. Make
Get your baby used to taking a bottle. It back to work on a Thursday. Working 2 simple meals. Crock pot meals are easy
is often easier to let someone else feed days the first week is much easier than to put together and ready when you come
the baby a bottle. working an entire week. home from work. Rest! Take your baby
to bed with you and nurse often.
Start pumping and storing breastmilk. Tips for making it through the day:
For younger babies, store milk in small Breastfeed your baby when you drop Cleanliness when pumping:
amounts 2 to 4 ounces. Mark each baby off at the sitter/day care. Pump or Wash your hands before you pump
bottle/bag of milk with the date expressed hand-express your milk as often as you your milk. Make sure the pump parts
and your babys name. It helps to have a would feed your baby during the day (if that touch your breast are clean, also.
lot stored in case you have a bad pumping you can). Breastfeed your baby when Collect your milk in clean bottles or
day at work or your baby takes more each you pick baby up. Breastfeed your use bags that wont tear when frozen.
day than you expected. baby often when you are together. You Keep your milk cold at work. Put it in
may find your baby wants to breastfeed a refrigerator or a small cooler with ice.
Have a practice day. almost all the time when you are At home, you can store your milk in the
Pretend you are going back to work. Get together. This is normal. refrigerator (40属 or less) up to 5 days, in
you and your baby ready to go to work, a freezer (less than 32属) up to 3 months,
breastfeed, drop baby off at the baby sitter Baby sling: and in a deep freeze (0属) 6 months or
or day care, pump during the day at the Wear your baby in a sling when you are longer. Put your milk in the back of the
times you will be pumping at work, pick together. It helps you reconnect with refrigerator or freezer to avoid warmer
baby up at the end of the day, breastfeed. your baby after a long day at work. It temperatures thawing the milk when the
How did it go? Were there any problems allows you to get things done while door is open.
holding your baby.
2. Thawing and heating stored
Thaw milk by running warm water
over the bottle or bag. Never boil or
microwave it. The fat in breastmilk will
separate. Gently rotate the bottle to mix
the milk before feeding it to your baby.
If you think your milk has spoiled, smell
it. If it smells bad, throw it away. and
Milk banks:
If you find you have more frozen milk
For more tips on breastfeeding and working,
than your baby will ever need, consider
check out Working Without Weaning: A
donating the extra to a milk bank. mothers guide to breastfeeding by Kirsten
Donated milk is pasteurized and used Berggren available at
to help premature and sick infants. For
more information on milk banking, go
to: .
息 Copyright 2005
1712 N. Forest St.
Amarillo, TX 79106
(806) 376-9900
For more tips on wearing babies in slings,
check out Babywearing by Maria Blois (800) 378-1317
available at