The document discusses breathing rates and their effects on the body. A normal breathing rate is 10-12 breaths per minute, while stressed breathing is 14-18 breaths per minute. Taking more rapid, stressed breaths causes more dehydration as water is released from the body, and increases stress hormones that can fatigue the body. Slow, diaphragmatic breathing at 6-8 breaths per minute is more calming and can energize the body instead of relying on coffee.
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Breath test
1. Take a deep breath
7/23/2014 1
How many breaths do you take in a min?
Did you use your diaphragm?
How did you do?
Good breathing 10-12 breaths/min = 14,400/day
Stressed 14-18/min=25,920/day
Calm breathing 6-8 breaths = 10,080/day
More you breaths you take the more transpiration of water out of your
body causes increased dehydrated. Stressed breathing increasing
the release of stress hormones that fatigues the body.
Are you feeling tired?
Try taking a diaphragmatic breath to energize your body instead of
reaching for coffee!