There are several ways to treat trash and waste. Proper trash disposal and recycling helps reduce pollution and protects the environment. Reducing the amount of trash produced in the first place through reuse and reduction is the most effective approach.
The Great Barrier Reef is the largest coral reef system in the world, visible from space. It supports tremendous biodiversity, including clown fish that protect themselves by hiding among sea anemones. A large portion is protected as part of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park to help preserve the ecosystem, while tourism also provides an economic boost for the region.
Sharks are a type of fish with cartilaginous skeletons and streamlined bodies that breathe using five to seven gill slits. They have dermal denticles covering their skin for protection and improved hydrodynamics. Sharks range greatly in size, from the dwarf lanternshark of only 17 cm to the whale shark which can grow to 12 meters and feeds by filter feeding plankton and small fish.
Giant squid are solitary predators that feed on deep sea fish and other squid species. They use their two elongated tentacles, which are clubs, to catch prey and bring it to their beak to shred before swallowing. One of the largest giant squid ever found washed up in Australia, measuring over 26 feet long. Giant squid can grow to enormous sizes, up to 13 meters for females and 10 meters for males, making them longer than sperm whales and among the largest living organisms.
There are over 47 species of seahorses found around the world, mainly in shallow tropical and temperate waters. Seahorses change color when socializing or in new environments and prefer sheltered areas like sea grass beds, coral reefs, and mangroves. Seahorses belong to the genus Hippocampus and family Syngnathidae along with pipefish.
Dolphins are marine mammals closely related to whales and porpoises that are found worldwide in shallow seas, mostly eating fish and squid. There are almost forty species of dolphin in seventeen genera ranging greatly in size from the smallest at 1.4 m (4.6 ft) and 40 kg up to the largest, the Orca or Killer Whale, at 9.5 m (30 ft) and 10 tonnes.
Sharks have rows of teeth that are constantly replaced throughout their lives. They can lose up to 30,000 teeth. The rate of replacement varies between species from every 8-10 days to several months. Shark skeletons are made of cartilage rather than bone. Sharks typically hunt alone but will sometimes feed together if attracted to prey. Baby sharks are called pups and can be born through egg laying, live birth, or in between.
Jellyfish are found in every ocean from the surface to the deep sea. They are sometimes found in large groups called blooms or swarms. Jellyfish do not have a brain.
Stingrays are a family of rays related to sharks that are commonly found in coastal tropical waters worldwide. While most live in marine environments, some species can also be found in fresh water. Stingrays have the ability to jump out of the water.
Sharks have many rows of teeth that continuously fall out and are replaced, with sharks losing thousands of teeth per year. The document includes photos of sharks hunting and close-up shots of sharks, as well as a photo of the author.
Dolphins are marine mammals closely related to whales and porpoises. There are almost forty species of dolphins that vary in size and have evolved around ten million years ago during the Miocene. Dolphins are found worldwide mostly in shallow seas, eat fish and squid, and are considered some of the most intelligent animals.
Saltwater fish require saltwater and live in marine environments, while tropical fish kept as aquarium pets come in many bright colors derived from pigments in saltwater fish and iridescence in freshwater varieties. Common saltwater and tropical fish kept in home aquariums include clownfish, angelfish, guppies, and others.
Sharks are the author's favorite animal and while they sometimes mistake humans for other animals, sharks are actually a type of fish with a cartilaginous skeleton and streamlined body.
Starfish have the remarkable ability to regenerate lost limbs. They are echinoderms in the class Asteroidea. While the names "sea star" and "starfish" are sometimes used differently, with "starfish" referring more broadly to related animals like brittle stars, most starfish have five arms, though some have more.
There are over 47 species of seahorses found in shallow tropical and temperate waters worldwide, ranging in size from very small dwarf seahorses to those over a foot long off Central America. Seahorses have a pouch like a kangaroo where males carry and protect the eggs until birth.
The Great Barrier Reef is the largest coral reef system in the world, visible from space. It supports tremendous biodiversity, including clown fish that protect themselves by hiding among sea anemones. A large portion is protected as part of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park to help preserve the ecosystem, while tourism also provides an economic boost for the region.
Sharks are a type of fish with cartilaginous skeletons and streamlined bodies that breathe using five to seven gill slits. They have dermal denticles covering their skin for protection and improved hydrodynamics. Sharks range greatly in size, from the dwarf lanternshark of only 17 cm to the whale shark which can grow to 12 meters and feeds by filter feeding plankton and small fish.
Giant squid are solitary predators that feed on deep sea fish and other squid species. They use their two elongated tentacles, which are clubs, to catch prey and bring it to their beak to shred before swallowing. One of the largest giant squid ever found washed up in Australia, measuring over 26 feet long. Giant squid can grow to enormous sizes, up to 13 meters for females and 10 meters for males, making them longer than sperm whales and among the largest living organisms.
There are over 47 species of seahorses found around the world, mainly in shallow tropical and temperate waters. Seahorses change color when socializing or in new environments and prefer sheltered areas like sea grass beds, coral reefs, and mangroves. Seahorses belong to the genus Hippocampus and family Syngnathidae along with pipefish.
Dolphins are marine mammals closely related to whales and porpoises that are found worldwide in shallow seas, mostly eating fish and squid. There are almost forty species of dolphin in seventeen genera ranging greatly in size from the smallest at 1.4 m (4.6 ft) and 40 kg up to the largest, the Orca or Killer Whale, at 9.5 m (30 ft) and 10 tonnes.
Sharks have rows of teeth that are constantly replaced throughout their lives. They can lose up to 30,000 teeth. The rate of replacement varies between species from every 8-10 days to several months. Shark skeletons are made of cartilage rather than bone. Sharks typically hunt alone but will sometimes feed together if attracted to prey. Baby sharks are called pups and can be born through egg laying, live birth, or in between.
Jellyfish are found in every ocean from the surface to the deep sea. They are sometimes found in large groups called blooms or swarms. Jellyfish do not have a brain.
Stingrays are a family of rays related to sharks that are commonly found in coastal tropical waters worldwide. While most live in marine environments, some species can also be found in fresh water. Stingrays have the ability to jump out of the water.
Sharks have many rows of teeth that continuously fall out and are replaced, with sharks losing thousands of teeth per year. The document includes photos of sharks hunting and close-up shots of sharks, as well as a photo of the author.
Dolphins are marine mammals closely related to whales and porpoises. There are almost forty species of dolphins that vary in size and have evolved around ten million years ago during the Miocene. Dolphins are found worldwide mostly in shallow seas, eat fish and squid, and are considered some of the most intelligent animals.
Saltwater fish require saltwater and live in marine environments, while tropical fish kept as aquarium pets come in many bright colors derived from pigments in saltwater fish and iridescence in freshwater varieties. Common saltwater and tropical fish kept in home aquariums include clownfish, angelfish, guppies, and others.
Sharks are the author's favorite animal and while they sometimes mistake humans for other animals, sharks are actually a type of fish with a cartilaginous skeleton and streamlined body.
Starfish have the remarkable ability to regenerate lost limbs. They are echinoderms in the class Asteroidea. While the names "sea star" and "starfish" are sometimes used differently, with "starfish" referring more broadly to related animals like brittle stars, most starfish have five arms, though some have more.
There are over 47 species of seahorses found in shallow tropical and temperate waters worldwide, ranging in size from very small dwarf seahorses to those over a foot long off Central America. Seahorses have a pouch like a kangaroo where males carry and protect the eggs until birth.