Christian Machesky has experience in leadership roles through his military training at The Citadel, where he held positions such as Cadre Sergeant and 1st Sergeant of the Cordell Airborne Ranger Club. He graduated from The Citadel in 2018 with a Bachelor's degree in Psychology and a GPA of 3.21. His work experience includes leadership and training roles in China as well as food service jobs in Michigan.
Hevert Pati?o Plaza, de 39 a?os, ha sido diagnosticado con psoriasis severa que afecta principalmente sus codos y abdomen. Hace cuatro a?os comenz¨® a usar la loci¨®n de manos y cuerpo de Multialoe diariamente, la cual le ha ayudado a mejorar su condici¨®n y soportar su d¨ªa a d¨ªa. ?l y su familia tambi¨¦n toman Alovero regularmente. Recomienda los productos de Multialoe por ser excelentes.
El documento describe tres subculturas juveniles: los plancha, que adoptaban un estilo de vestir y actuar desafiante hacia la autoridad policial; la subcultura g¨®tica, un movimiento musical y contracultural que surgi¨® en el Reino Unido en las d¨¦cadas de 1970 y 1980; y los floggers, un grupo ligado a la plataforma Fotolog donde compart¨ªan fotos y comentarios.
Nirmal Chatterjee is a civil engineer with over 31 years of experience seeking a new position. He has extensive experience in project construction and management, including maintenance work. His resume details his qualifications and experience managing various civil engineering projects in India, including building constructions, maintenance works for hotels, and infrastructure projects. He is seeking a suitable position that utilizes his skills and experience in civil engineering project management and construction.
His Highness the Aga Khan visited the Kyrgyz Republic in November 2014 to review progress on the construction of the University of Central Asia's (UCA) Naryn campus and engage with government partners. During the visit, the Aga Khan met with Kyrgyz leaders including President Almazbek Atambayev and Speaker of Parliament Asylbek Jeenbekov to discuss UCA and AKDN initiatives. He also visited the Naryn campus construction site and UCA's School of Professional and Continuing Education. UCA is the first internationally chartered university in Central Asia and is supported by the Aga Khan Development Network, which has over 60,000 employees working in over 25 countries.
Este glosario de inform¨¢tica define t¨¦rminos clave como acceso directo, Adobe Acrobat, adjunto y adware. Explica conceptos como teclas modificadoras como Alt, procesos de archivo y auditor¨ªa inform¨¢tica, y formatos como AVI y dispositivos como lectores de CD-ROM.
Does This Car Make Me Look Fat? Alternative modes of transportation and body...Puja Parakh
Obesity is an increasing problem; according to the CDC, in 2007; 70% of US adults are considered overweight. Traffic congestion/pollution is on the rise. According to WSDOT, the average travel distance for work is 5 miles, however, 65% still commuted by car, truck or van. New urban planning initiatives ( + Obama) seem to offer the perfect solution: decreasing traffic and encourage healthy behaviors by promoting alternative modes of transportation.
Do these alternative modes of transportation ¨C walking, biking, and taking the bus ¨C actually correlate to ¡°healthy living¡±?
Este documento describe una mascarilla facial compuesta de lodo volc¨¢nico, aloe vera y aceites esenciales. Explica que el lodo volc¨¢nico y el aloe vera tienen propiedades antioxidantes, antiinflamatorias y antimicrobianas que purifican y revitalizan la piel, mientras que los aceites esenciales como el de aguacate y romero ayudan a combatir el envejecimiento y la inflamaci¨®n. Adem¨¢s, proporciona instrucciones para la aplicaci¨®n de la mascarilla una vez a la semana para
Richard A. Fluegel has over 25 years of experience in sales and business development roles. He has a proven track record of developing solutions that increase revenues, such as a cloud application that generated $6 million for EarthLink and a distribution program that realized $15 million for Arrow Electronics. Currently, he is a Solution Sales Specialist at Time Warner Cable Business Class focusing on developing disaster recovery and continuity solutions for government and education clients.
Hijab Sally is an Instagram account that provides inspiration for Muslim women. The account is run by Tatik Prisnamasari, who shares photos and advice to encourage women to embrace modest dress and spirituality. Her goal is to spread positive messages that bring Muslim women together and strengthen their faith.
His Highness the Aga Khan visited the Kyrgyz Republic in November 2014 to review progress on the construction of the University of Central Asia's (UCA) Naryn campus and engage with government partners. During the visit, the Aga Khan met with Kyrgyz leaders including President Almazbek Atambayev and Speaker of Parliament Asylbek Jeenbekov to discuss UCA and AKDN initiatives. He also visited the Naryn campus construction site and UCA's School of Professional and Continuing Education. UCA is the first internationally chartered university in Central Asia and is supported by the Aga Khan Development Network, which has over 60,000 employees working in over 25 countries.
Este glosario de inform¨¢tica define t¨¦rminos clave como acceso directo, Adobe Acrobat, adjunto y adware. Explica conceptos como teclas modificadoras como Alt, procesos de archivo y auditor¨ªa inform¨¢tica, y formatos como AVI y dispositivos como lectores de CD-ROM.
Does This Car Make Me Look Fat? Alternative modes of transportation and body...Puja Parakh
Obesity is an increasing problem; according to the CDC, in 2007; 70% of US adults are considered overweight. Traffic congestion/pollution is on the rise. According to WSDOT, the average travel distance for work is 5 miles, however, 65% still commuted by car, truck or van. New urban planning initiatives ( + Obama) seem to offer the perfect solution: decreasing traffic and encourage healthy behaviors by promoting alternative modes of transportation.
Do these alternative modes of transportation ¨C walking, biking, and taking the bus ¨C actually correlate to ¡°healthy living¡±?
Este documento describe una mascarilla facial compuesta de lodo volc¨¢nico, aloe vera y aceites esenciales. Explica que el lodo volc¨¢nico y el aloe vera tienen propiedades antioxidantes, antiinflamatorias y antimicrobianas que purifican y revitalizan la piel, mientras que los aceites esenciales como el de aguacate y romero ayudan a combatir el envejecimiento y la inflamaci¨®n. Adem¨¢s, proporciona instrucciones para la aplicaci¨®n de la mascarilla una vez a la semana para
Richard A. Fluegel has over 25 years of experience in sales and business development roles. He has a proven track record of developing solutions that increase revenues, such as a cloud application that generated $6 million for EarthLink and a distribution program that realized $15 million for Arrow Electronics. Currently, he is a Solution Sales Specialist at Time Warner Cable Business Class focusing on developing disaster recovery and continuity solutions for government and education clients.
Hijab Sally is an Instagram account that provides inspiration for Muslim women. The account is run by Tatik Prisnamasari, who shares photos and advice to encourage women to embrace modest dress and spirituality. Her goal is to spread positive messages that bring Muslim women together and strengthen their faith.
8. Starring
UK Prime Minister
UK Secretary of State for
Leaving the European Union
EC¡¯s Chief Brexit Negotiator
EP¡¯s Brexit Negotiator
President of the European
President of the European
10. 73 zetels zijn nu voor het VK. Wat gebeurt daar
eigenlijk mee?
11. Consequenties bedrijfsleven
? EU interne markt
? Vrij verkeer van personen
? Internationale handelsverdragen
? Hoofdkantoren kijken naar
andere vestigingsplaatsen
? EU protectionistischer?
Kortom: onzekerheid
16. Europese steden
We, EUROCITIES, will continue
cooperating with large British cities. As
mayors, we are aware that we have an
important role to play in making the EU
more citizen-oriented, united and
Johanna Rolland, mayor of Nantes and
EUROCITIES president, 24 June 2016
18. Kansen
? Momentum voor verandering
? 73 EU-Europarlementariers direct kiezen?
? Europa van de steden?
? Zijn daar de lidstaten voor nodig?
? Amsterdam voortrekkersrol?
? Bedrijven aantrekken, die iets voor je economie doen
Editor's Notes
#3: Europees Strateeg Amsterdam Economic Board (overheden, bedrijven en kennisinstellingen uit de MRA werken aan innovatieve en duurzame economische ontwikkeling met ambities voor 2025)
Blogger op
Want het h¨¦le Europese verhaal wordt vrijwel nooit verteld
#9: How to annoy a Brit ¡ª put a Frenchman in charge of Brexit
#10: The stronger integrationist coalition at the expense of Eurosceptic MEPs would mean that the bloc of MEPs in the European Parliament in favour of deeper economic, political, and social integration would be more powerful. For example, there would be a bigger majority in support of deeper economic and monetary union (such as eurozone bonds and harmonised macro-economic policies). In addition, given that the EPP and S&D both favour a ¡®social market¡¯ model for the single market, there would be a larger majority in support of common social policies (such as the Working Time Directive), more tax harmonisation, and perhaps even a European minimum wage.
Some people, particularly on the left, might like to see this, as the EU would most likely be less ¡®neo-liberal¡¯ and more ¡®social democratic¡¯ without Britain. However, from the perspective of the UK outside the EU, the European single market ¨C which would continue to be the UK¡¯s largest export market ¨C would be more highly regulated, and this would inevitably mean significantly higher costs for UK firms who would still want to continue to sell their goods and services to the EU.
#12: Zolang het nog EU-lid is, kan het VK zelf geen internationale handelsverdragen afsluiten
Hoofdkantoren kijken naar andere vestigingsplaatsen
Op naar een protectionistisch Europa? Met F, D
The commission is taking the hardest line that the UK?must accept free movement of people?if it wants favourable access to the single market.
The European parliament¡¯s chief negotiator on Brexit, Guy Verhofstadt, said on Tuesday that ¡°if UK wants access to the single market, it must also accept the free movement of citizens¡±, adding that Brexit should be delivered by 2019.
#13: The EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF) is a biennial, pan-European, general science conference dedicated to scientific research and innovation. ESOF brings together over 4,500 leading thinkers, innovators, policy makers, journalists and educators from more than 90 countries, to discuss current and future breakthroughs in contemporary science.
Anne Glover, former EU Chief Scientific Officer
Martin Selmayr, Head of Cabinet Jean Claude Juncker
Now in its seventh iteration, ESOF attracts thousands of delegates to the host city during the week of the conference, which, in 2016, will be held between 23 and 27 July in Manchester. ESOF is one of the best opportunities for everyone from leading scientists, early careers researchers, business people, policy makers, science and technology communicators to the general public to come together to find out more about how science is helping us advance today.
Horizon 2020, het grote EU-programma voor Onderzoek en Innovatie
Hoogstwaarschijnlijk vindt Brexit op z¡¯n vroegst pas in 2019 plaats en heeft het dus weinig impact op Horizon 2020 (H2020) dat tot 2020 loopt. Het budget voor onderzoeks- en innovatieprogramma¡¯s zoals H2020 ligt immers vast tot 2020. Er zijn ook niet EU-landen (voor H2020 zijn dat o.a. Zwitserland, Noorwegen, Isra?l, Turkije), die als zg. ¡®Associated Countries¡¯ deelnemen in dit soort programma¡¯s. Als het Verenigd Koninkrijk (VK) mee wil blijven betalen ¨C en die kans zit er dik in want net als NL zijn ze topscorer in EU R&D ¨C en ze voldoen aan alle voorwaarden kunnen ze dus gewoon deelnemer in R&D-programma¡¯s programma¡¯s blijven. Ook is dit afhankelijk van hoe hard de EU de onderhandelingen gaat voeren. EFRO, de Europese subsidies voor regionale ontwikkeling zijn complexer, die zijn echt alleen voor lidstaten.
Met het vertrek van het VK verliest de EU een belangrijk deel van zijn wetenschappelijke kracht (gebaseerd op citaties en rankings). Het VK is grootindiener in Horizon 2020: het land co?rdineert meer dan 1400 H2020 projecten (3/4 daarvan geleid door universiteiten). Om te vergelijken: Nederland co?rdineert er bijna 600, waarvan bijna 400 geleid door kennisinstellingen.
Data from European Commission Cordis, presented in ¡°International Higher Education in Facts and Figures¡±?report.
Nederlandse kennisinstellingen zijn een van de belangrijkere partners van kennisinstellingen in het VK, op de?6de plaats wereldwijd op basis van aantallen Research Papers. Heel veel vooraanstaande Britse kennisinstellingen en wetenschappers hebben hun?ongenoegen over Brexit geuit?in de media.
Het VK is (net als Nederland) netto-verdiener aan EU-innovatieprojecten. Voor FP7, de voorloper van H2020, zijn de definitieve cijfers bekend: het VK droeg 5,4 miljard euro bij maar haalde 8,8 miljard euro binnen aan subsidies voor onderzoek en innovatie.
Meer dan een derde van de financiering van Britse universiteiten komt uit de EU. Vraag is hoe het VK dit gaat opvangen (natuurlijk hoeven ze straks ook niet meer bij te dragen aan de EU) en of ze op termijn genoeg hoger opgeleide arbeidskrachten kunnen leveren. Beta-banen dragen voor minstens 20% bij aan de toegevoegde waarde op de Britse markt, en de Tech sector vormt 50% van de Britse export. Na Brexit is het de vraag hoe deze positie gehandhaafd kan worden.
#15: Meeting eberhard met britten in A¡¯dam
Brieven eberhard
Bedrijven welkom, maar geen lijkenpikkerij
#18: If the 19th century was defined by Empires, and the 20th century by nation-states, the 21st belongs to cities.
Economische groei
Groei van de bevolking
Steden zijn in charge