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        TRAINING COURSE | Tactical Training Centre THAILAND |

                            27 May to 31 May 2013

Proudly presented by
Business Risks International Pty Ltd and
Pioneer Protective Services Group

Business Risks International (BRI) and            Vehicle preparation and operation
Pioneer Protective Services Group                  essential equipment.
(PPSG) will be conducting HOSTILE                 Vehicle security and Car Jacking
ENVIRONMENT AWARENESS TRAINING                     Counter measure.
(HEAT) at our Tactical Training Centre
                                                  Journey Management
                                                  Survival Techniques for Hostile
in Thailand.
The aim of this course to train students          Navigation, GPS and Tracking
to the standard required when
                                                  Conduct and prepare site & venue
deploying to Hostile or High Risk                  security assessments/ mission risk
Countries.                                         assessments.
                                                  Public Order and Riot Situations.
This course is ideally suited for security,
                                                  Hotel Security.
government, media, NGO’s, oil and gas,            Scenario training conducted in a
and corporate personnel whose duties               realistic urban environment
may require them to deploy to high risk            training village with multi-level
areas as part of operational duties. The           buildings.
course is also very beneficial for
professionals who wish to improve
their skills and experience.

Instruction on the course includes but
is not limited to the following:

    Mission planning and Operational
    Security Travel & Risk
    Situational Awareness.
    Crisis Management.
    Abduction and Kidnap Risk
    Route reconnaissance and
     Intelligence gathering.
    Understanding Protective Security
     Details (PSD).
    IED awareness.
    EOD, Mines & ERW (Explosive
     Remnants of War) awareness.
    First aid (first responder).

The course is a combination of theory         ACCOMMODATION
conducted in lecture rooms and field
classrooms, and practical training in         PPSG will arrange student
field training areas and weapons              accommodation as part of the package.
ranges. Also vehicle training will be         Included in this will be breakfast and
conducted within private facilities with
                                              lunch. Students are responsible for
full range of road types and surfaces.
                                              their evening meals, of which there is a
Training missions and planning will           large variety of choices, both western
also incorporate well known                   and Thai, in Lop Buri City.
landmarks in Lop Buri, Thailand, in the
                                              PPSG is responsible for movement of
form of venue and route
                                              students to and from their
reconnaissance, road moves and on
                                              accommodation to the training venue.
site/venue TTPs.

Students are to arrange own return
flights to Bangkok.                           Course instruction is given in English.
PPSG will arrange lodging in approved         Native Thai instructors are also on
hotels as part of course fee. Please          course staff for Thai students.
advise if you wish to arrange your own
                                              At all training activities a medic will be
PPSG will arrange student pickup from
                                              in attendance, and the venue is in close
designated locations in Bangkok for
                                              proximity to international standard
transport to Lop Buri prior to course
                                              Students are advised to have adequate
For more info on Lop Buri, please visit
                                              travel insurance in case of sickness or
the following links:
                                              accident. Please ensure to bring
                                              personal medical needs (prescriptions)
Where-to-Go/Lopburi                           and personal first aid kits. There are
                                              times on the course when physical and
http://www.thai-                              strenuous activities are undertaken,
tour.com/eng/lopburi/introduction.html        students should have a reasonable
                                              level of fitness and be of good health. A
                                              basic medical check-up is
                                              recommended prior to course.

                                              DRESS AND EQUIPMENT

                                              It is recommended students bring the
                                              following items and equipment:

                                               Outdoor shoes or lightweight boots.
                                               Outdoor socks: lightweight for hot

 Cross trainers.                              Personal insect repellent: Rid /
 Trousers: cargo or BDU style -                  Aerogard etc.
   lightweight and loose fitting.              Sunscreen (non- irritant to eyes).
 Shirts: lightweight and long sleeves         Lip balm.
   for warm climate.                           Personal first aid kit containing
 Shirts: polo or short sleeve casual.            bandages, band-aids, antiseptic
 Cap or bush hat: for protection from            cream, bite and sting relief etc.
   the sun.
 Belt pouch or belt bag: for carrying        FIELD EQUIPMENT
   wallet, keys etc.
                                               Day pack: large enough to carry
 Lightweight waterproof jacket (in               items including stationary, personal
   case of rain).                                 first aid kit, drinking water, camera,
 Loose breathable underwear and t-               spare shirt etc.
   shirts.                                     Multi tool: Gerber or Leatherman
* Bring enough clothing to allow for a
                                               Camelbak (optional - sufficient
24-hour turnaround in hotel laundry               drinking water will be available at all
** Various items of cheap clothing can
be purchased locally, though footwear          Small torch: AA battery type.
for larger feet is extremely hard to find.     Lightweight rain proof jacket
*** The climate is hot and humid.                 (breathable).
**** No military style camouflage
uniforms to be worn. We are in close
proximity to Thai Military units.             PPSG TACTICAL STORE

                                              There will be a tactical store facility
                                              available. If you do not wish to carry
                                              excess items on flights, there will be a
 BALLISTIC or Industrial standard            range of tactical equipment and items
   protective eyewear / or sunglasses         for purchase including:
   with ballistic protection properties.
 Prescription glasses must meet                 Tactical backpacks.
   ballistic or industrial safety                Grab bags / bail out bags.
   standards.                                    Personal medical kits.
 Personal strapping/joint supports              Caps.
   for existing injuries.
                                                 Tactical flashlights.
 Personal prescription medicine –
   ensure to keep in original


                                                   ABOUT HEAT Course
The cost of the HOSTILE
ENVIRONMENT AWARENESS                              Course content is flexible and can be tailored
TRAINING (HEAT) COURSE IS                          to your organisation/participants requirements
$2,500 USD per student. (Excluding                 taking into consideration the region/country
airfare)                                           where they will be operating. The courses can
                                                   be between 2 to 5 days in duration and is
Course must be fully paid for prior to
                                                   focused on developing skills that will assist in
commencement, this is due to
                                                   mitigating risks and gaining confidence.
training and equipment requirements
which must be finalised before start                Realistic, challenging scenarios designed to
                                                                                                      BUSINESS RISKS INTERNATIONAL
of course.                                         demonstrate practical responses to a variety of
                                                   situations and increase participants confidence
The student fee also includes all                                                                     NATIONAL OFFICE
                                                    Interactive training through a combination
video/pictures, student handouts,                                                                     SYDNEY AUSTRALIA
                                                   of lectures, role plays, scenarios and field
morning tea and lunch (Thai and                                                                       24h: 1300 760 221
western), bottled water / soft drinks,                                                                T: +612 8198 4750
transport and lecture rooms. Also an                                                                  E: acooke@busrisks.com.au
end of course function will be held at                                                                SINGAPORE OFFICE
a traditional Thai restaurant.                                                                        T: +65 6829 2242
All students will receive a digital
photographic & video record of
At completion of course students will
be issued a Certificate of Completion.
For further information on this
exclusive training course or to
confirm a place on this course please

Ron Grimes

Andrew Cooke at

Methods of payment will be confirmed on
application for a position on the course.
Confirmed students will be issued with joining
instruction detailing necessary administrative
details and equipment required for attending the


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Bri hostile environment awareness training course thailand

  • 1. HOSTILE ENVIRONMENT AWARENESS TRAINING (HEAT) COURSE TRAINING COURSE | Tactical Training Centre THAILAND | 27 May to 31 May 2013 Proudly presented by Business Risks International Pty Ltd and Pioneer Protective Services Group
  • 2. HOSTILE ENVIRONMENT AWARENESS TRAINING COURSE TRAINING COURSE | LOP BURI THAILAND | 27th May to 31 May 2013 Business Risks International (BRI) and  Vehicle preparation and operation Pioneer Protective Services Group essential equipment. (PPSG) will be conducting HOSTILE  Vehicle security and Car Jacking ENVIRONMENT AWARENESS TRAINING Counter measure. (HEAT) at our Tactical Training Centre  Journey Management  Survival Techniques for Hostile in Thailand. Environment. The aim of this course to train students  Navigation, GPS and Tracking Systems to the standard required when  Conduct and prepare site & venue deploying to Hostile or High Risk security assessments/ mission risk Countries. assessments.  Public Order and Riot Situations. This course is ideally suited for security,  Hotel Security. government, media, NGO’s, oil and gas,  Scenario training conducted in a and corporate personnel whose duties realistic urban environment may require them to deploy to high risk training village with multi-level areas as part of operational duties. The buildings. course is also very beneficial for professionals who wish to improve their skills and experience. Instruction on the course includes but is not limited to the following:  Mission planning and Operational orders.  Security Travel & Risk management.  Situational Awareness.  Crisis Management.  Abduction and Kidnap Risk Reduction  Route reconnaissance and Intelligence gathering.  Understanding Protective Security Details (PSD).  IED awareness.  EOD, Mines & ERW (Explosive Remnants of War) awareness.  First aid (first responder). BUSINESS RISKS INTERNATIONAL – WWW.BUSINESSRISKSINTERNATIONAL.COM.AU
  • 3. The course is a combination of theory ACCOMMODATION conducted in lecture rooms and field classrooms, and practical training in PPSG will arrange student field training areas and weapons accommodation as part of the package. ranges. Also vehicle training will be Included in this will be breakfast and conducted within private facilities with lunch. Students are responsible for full range of road types and surfaces. their evening meals, of which there is a Training missions and planning will large variety of choices, both western also incorporate well known and Thai, in Lop Buri City. landmarks in Lop Buri, Thailand, in the PPSG is responsible for movement of form of venue and route students to and from their reconnaissance, road moves and on accommodation to the training venue. site/venue TTPs. Students are to arrange own return LANGUAGE flights to Bangkok. Course instruction is given in English. PPSG will arrange lodging in approved Native Thai instructors are also on hotels as part of course fee. Please course staff for Thai students. advise if you wish to arrange your own MEDICAL accommodation. At all training activities a medic will be PPSG will arrange student pickup from in attendance, and the venue is in close designated locations in Bangkok for proximity to international standard transport to Lop Buri prior to course hospitals. commencement. Students are advised to have adequate For more info on Lop Buri, please visit travel insurance in case of sickness or the following links: accident. Please ensure to bring personal medical needs (prescriptions) http://www.tourismthailand.org/ Where-to-Go/Lopburi and personal first aid kits. There are times on the course when physical and http://www.thai- strenuous activities are undertaken, tour.com/eng/lopburi/introduction.html students should have a reasonable level of fitness and be of good health. A basic medical check-up is recommended prior to course. DRESS AND EQUIPMENT It is recommended students bring the following items and equipment:  Outdoor shoes or lightweight boots.  Outdoor socks: lightweight for hot climate. BUSINESS RISKS INTERNATIONAL – WWW.BUSINESSRISKSINTERNATIONAL.COM.AU
  • 4.  Cross trainers.  Personal insect repellent: Rid /  Trousers: cargo or BDU style - Aerogard etc. lightweight and loose fitting.  Sunscreen (non- irritant to eyes).  Shirts: lightweight and long sleeves  Lip balm. for warm climate.  Personal first aid kit containing  Shirts: polo or short sleeve casual. bandages, band-aids, antiseptic  Cap or bush hat: for protection from cream, bite and sting relief etc. the sun.  Belt pouch or belt bag: for carrying FIELD EQUIPMENT wallet, keys etc.  Day pack: large enough to carry  Lightweight waterproof jacket (in items including stationary, personal case of rain). first aid kit, drinking water, camera,  Loose breathable underwear and t- spare shirt etc. shirts.  Multi tool: Gerber or Leatherman (optional). * Bring enough clothing to allow for a  Camelbak (optional - sufficient 24-hour turnaround in hotel laundry drinking water will be available at all service. activities). ** Various items of cheap clothing can be purchased locally, though footwear  Small torch: AA battery type. for larger feet is extremely hard to find.  Lightweight rain proof jacket *** The climate is hot and humid. (breathable). **** No military style camouflage uniforms to be worn. We are in close proximity to Thai Military units. PPSG TACTICAL STORE There will be a tactical store facility available. If you do not wish to carry HEALTH AND SAFETY excess items on flights, there will be a  BALLISTIC or Industrial standard range of tactical equipment and items protective eyewear / or sunglasses for purchase including: with ballistic protection properties.  Prescription glasses must meet  Tactical backpacks. ballistic or industrial safety  Grab bags / bail out bags. standards.  Personal medical kits.  Personal strapping/joint supports  Caps. for existing injuries.  Tactical flashlights.  Personal prescription medicine – ensure to keep in original packaging. BUSINESS RISKS INTERNATIONAL – WWW.BUSINESSRISKSINTERNATIONAL.COM.AU
  • 5. . ABOUT HEAT Course The cost of the HOSTILE ENVIRONMENT AWARENESS Course content is flexible and can be tailored TRAINING (HEAT) COURSE IS to your organisation/participants requirements $2,500 USD per student. (Excluding taking into consideration the region/country airfare) where they will be operating. The courses can be between 2 to 5 days in duration and is Course must be fully paid for prior to focused on developing skills that will assist in commencement, this is due to mitigating risks and gaining confidence. training and equipment requirements which must be finalised before start  Realistic, challenging scenarios designed to BUSINESS RISKS INTERNATIONAL of course. demonstrate practical responses to a variety of situations and increase participants confidence The student fee also includes all NATIONAL OFFICE  Interactive training through a combination video/pictures, student handouts, SYDNEY AUSTRALIA of lectures, role plays, scenarios and field morning tea and lunch (Thai and 24h: 1300 760 221 exercises. western), bottled water / soft drinks, T: +612 8198 4750 transport and lecture rooms. Also an E: acooke@busrisks.com.au end of course function will be held at SINGAPORE OFFICE a traditional Thai restaurant. T: +65 6829 2242 All students will receive a digital photographic & video record of course. At completion of course students will be issued a Certificate of Completion. For further information on this exclusive training course or to confirm a place on this course please contact Ron Grimes ron.grimes@pioneerpsg.com Andrew Cooke at acooke@busrisks.com.au NOTE: Methods of payment will be confirmed on application for a position on the course. Confirmed students will be issued with joining instruction detailing necessary administrative details and equipment required for attending the course. BUSINESS RISKS INTERNATIONAL – WWW.BUSINESSRISKSINTERNATIONAL.COM.AU