#2: if you want to “ do a startup ” you ’ re fucked
#3: Excessive happiness and excitement Restlessness, increased energy, less need for sleep Talkativeness Easily distracted Racing thoughts High sex drive Making grand plans Suddenly wanting to quit a job Grandiose beliefs in one ’s ability, intelligence Excessive happiness, hopefulness, and excitement Sudden changes from being joyful to being irritable, angry, and hostile Restlessness, increased energy, and less need for sleep Rapid talk, talkativeness Distractibility Racing thoughts High sex drive Tendency to make grand and unattainable plans Tendency to show poor judgment, such as deciding to quit a job Inflated self-esteem or grandiosity -- unrealistic beliefs in one's ability, intelligence, and powers; may be delusional Increased reckless behaviors (such as lavish spending sprees, impulsive sexual indiscretions, abuse of alcohol or drugs, or ill-advised business decisions)
#7: all my life - i ’ d have to overcome barriers - my parents didn ’ t want me to do this because the yknew how difficult it would be work with older people convince them i ’ m not going to waste their money that i mean it, that i can, and will this generation has built its name around technology. technology is inherently an enabler. worldwide. it binds us
#15: Why do you want to create something out of nothing Why do you want to change the world for nothing but the sake of doing so Why do you want to create a better life for everyone around you that you care about Why do you think what's here, what's now, is inadequate, and you can at least try to make it better in the way you know how Why do you think the corporation happens to be a capitalistic vehicle for creating change, that the legal stuff is annoying, and is just another problem waiting to be solved Why do you think that the long road ahead looks fun, rather than daunting Why do you not care about everyone else thinks: you can't sleep: you jump out of bed every morning and go "fuck you people who don't want to do this thing, I know it's right, and I will pursue this until I die" Then that's why you want to do a startup.