KOMPAS Start - pakiet usug marketingowych dla maych i rednich przedsibiorstwJustyna Muszyska
Pakiet usug o nazwie KOMPAS Start przygotowalimy dla firm, kt坦re
dopiero rozpoczynaj swoj dziaalno oraz dla firm, kt坦re chciayby
zintensyfikowa prowadzone przez siebie dziaania marketingowe,
np.: wzmocni sw坦j wizerunek, zwikszy sprzeda甜 i rozpoznawalno
swoich marek. Oferta KOMPAS Start obejmuje:
* opracowanie dugoterminowej Strategii Marketingowej;
* zaprojektowanie Systemu Identyfikacji Wizualnej (logo, szablon wizyt坦wek, papier firmowy, strona internetowa, foldery reklamowe);
* bie甜ce Wsparcie Marketingowe i Graficzne.
Zapraszam do obejrzenia prezentacji z ofert KOMPAS Start
El documento describe el calentamiento global como un aumento observado en las temperaturas de la atm坦sfera y los oc辿anos en las 炭ltimas d辿cadas, as鱈 como una teor鱈a que predice mayores temperaturas futuros si contin炭an las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero. La opini坦n cient鱈fica mayoritaria es que la mayor parte del calentamiento de los 炭ltimos 50 a単os se debe a la actividad humana, principalmente debido al aumento de di坦xido de carbono seg炭n simulaciones.
Micro-blogging, especially Twitter, has become widely used by media and PR in Western Europe and the US to monitor trends, engage stakeholders, and respond quickly to events. While initially just used for status updates, Twitter is now a critical tool for tracking topics and conversations. Mainstream media also uses Twitter as a source for stories and many have launched Twitter channels, though full integration into other online activities is still limited. The future of communications on social media platforms like Twitter will focus on speed, visual content, and global, responsive engagement across devices.
Charles Coutier - The posThe post-recession futureMaciek Budzich
The document summarizes how global brands and consumers are reacting to the post-recession economy and provides strategies for brands to engage new consumers. It discusses that brands are cutting costs, saving money, staying flexible and planning short term to deal with the recession. Consumers are changing their behaviors and attitudes about who to trust. The document also outlines strategies for brands including paid, owned, and earned media where brands pay for media, develop their own proprietary media, or encourage user generated social media through their actions.
WOMM - Jak to jest z tym marketingiem szeptanymMaciek Budzich
WOMM - Jak to jest z tym marketingiem szeptanym
Maciej Budzich (www.blog.mediafun.pl).
Pene podsumowanie konferencji oraz nagranie video na http://www.blog.mediafun.pl/index.php/2009/04/01/taka-konferencja-rze-muwie-womm-%E2%80%93-okiem-organizatora/
The document discusses motivations for using social media and their implications. It outlines how consumers are increasingly seeking self-expression, participation and finding meaning through social media. Their motivations include personal achievement, networking, keeping in touch and curiosity. This impacts their social media site choices and behaviors. The document also discusses how brands can benefit from understanding changing consumer insights and media habits to build emotional connections and loyalty by creating relevant presences and conversations on social media platforms.
Micro-blogging, especially Twitter, has become widely used by media and PR in Western Europe and the US to monitor trends, engage stakeholders, and respond quickly to events. While initially just used for status updates, Twitter is now a critical tool for tracking topics and conversations. Mainstream media also uses Twitter as a source for stories and many have launched Twitter channels, though full integration into other online activities is still limited. The future of communications on social media platforms like Twitter will focus on speed, visual content, and global, responsive engagement across devices.
Charles Coutier - The posThe post-recession futureMaciek Budzich
The document summarizes how global brands and consumers are reacting to the post-recession economy and provides strategies for brands to engage new consumers. It discusses that brands are cutting costs, saving money, staying flexible and planning short term to deal with the recession. Consumers are changing their behaviors and attitudes about who to trust. The document also outlines strategies for brands including paid, owned, and earned media where brands pay for media, develop their own proprietary media, or encourage user generated social media through their actions.
WOMM - Jak to jest z tym marketingiem szeptanymMaciek Budzich
WOMM - Jak to jest z tym marketingiem szeptanym
Maciej Budzich (www.blog.mediafun.pl).
Pene podsumowanie konferencji oraz nagranie video na http://www.blog.mediafun.pl/index.php/2009/04/01/taka-konferencja-rze-muwie-womm-%E2%80%93-okiem-organizatora/
The document discusses motivations for using social media and their implications. It outlines how consumers are increasingly seeking self-expression, participation and finding meaning through social media. Their motivations include personal achievement, networking, keeping in touch and curiosity. This impacts their social media site choices and behaviors. The document also discusses how brands can benefit from understanding changing consumer insights and media habits to build emotional connections and loyalty by creating relevant presences and conversations on social media platforms.
2. Opinie na temat festiwali i konkurs坦w reklamowych nagrody uzyskiwane w midzynarodowych festiwalach i konkursach reklamowych s efektywnym narzdziem w pozyskiwaniu bud甜et坦w reklamowych dla agencji reklamowych w Polsce nagrody otrzymane na midzynarodowych konkursach lub festiwalach s dobrym narzdziem marketingowym umo甜liwiajcym podniesienie presti甜u marki w Polsce nagrody uzyskiwane na midzynarodowych konkursach lub festiwalach przyczyniaj si bezporednio do zwikszenia sprzeda甜y nagrodzonych marek w Polsce