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(b)Right IDEA’sOrganisational Game ChangersINSIGHTS TO ACTIONS9/4/2009© 2009 Shinergise Partners Ltd.
Overview & PrinciplesBackgroundOver the last 30 months Shinergise has participated in several organisational development consultancy projects.In doing so we have identified some common patterns of challenges and stumbling blocks that organisations have in common and routes to success that organisations could share.(b)Right I-D-E-A’sDiscovering INSIGHTSEstablishing DIRECTION and DEVELOPMENT needsManaging ENERGY, EXPECTATIONS and EXECUTIONResource Planning and Implementing ACTIONS9/4/2009© 2009 Shinergise Partners Ltd.
(b)Right IDEAsINSIGHTSTIME PRESSURES block INSIGHTSMany organisations are failing to develop their own internal insights because they lack the facilitation skills to develop them, however this is hidden behind some common challengesIndividuals complain of lack of timeTeams complain of lack of opportunityLeaders complain of reporting pressuresDeveloping insights takes time but it also creates time; one of the most instinctive and insightful approaches is based around Appreciative Inquiry, consider the following mental can-openers“Think of a time when…”“What if we could…”“If we had the following additional resources we could…”9/4/2009© 2009 Shinergise Partners Ltd.
(b)Right IDEAsDIRECTION & DEVELOPMENTCOMMON CHALLENGES, COMMON OUTCOMESFrequently organisations are failing to create alignment and a sense of shared directionIndividual managers set a direction for their departmentsIndividual divisions set a direction for their business strategiesIndividual operating companies fail to leverage group strengthsThis lack of common direction leads to frequent false starts, over-committed resources and failure to deliver innovation on time and in full“Lost in the wilderness” is how some functional experts express their feelings when it comes to a lack of strong direction9/4/2009© 2009 Shinergise Partners Ltd.
(b)Right IDEAsDIRECTION & DEVELOPMENTFAILURE TO ENGAGE = FAILURE TO EXECUTETeam teleconferences that drain energyTeam meetings that fail to address common agendasTasks that “fall between two stools”Tasks that get 90% complete, but never get finished to the functionality and quality levels requiredFAILURE TO COACH = FAILURE TO DEVELOPExperts at all levels, from apprentice to master craftsman to CxO benefit from development coaching yet few organisations make this possible on a positive “forward leaning” basis9/4/2009© 2009 Shinergise Partners Ltd.
(b)Right IDEAsENERGY, EXPECTATIONS & EXECUTIONCreating New Energy. Delivering New Results.LEAN organisations abound and with it the common “initiative fatigue” factor of people who have been asked to do more with less, achieve higher results with lower resources.Organisational fatigue is a growing by-product of the economic crisis and like physical fatigue is typically the result of a lack of organisational fitness.Shinergise’s tag-line exists for a reason, it conveys what we do and what results from it.  Our clients engage with us to inject fresh energy into organisational development challenges – to bring fresh insights, fresh minds and together identify fresh solutions.9/4/2009© 2009 Shinergise Partners Ltd.
(b)Right IDEAsENERGY, EXPECTATIONS & EXECUTIONManaging Expectations = Shared Vision, Mission and ValuesThere is widespread agreement with the insight that many organisations lack common purpose and common direction.A lack of shared VISION creates a disparity of expectations.A lack of shared MISSION creates a diversity of activities.A lack of shared VALUES creates a divergence of behaviours.Re-establishing a shared Vision, Mission and Values programme is regrettably an activity that is frequently outsourced to creative agencies or delegated to a sub-group in the organisation – this frequently leads to a “smoke and mirrors” PR re-launch that completely fails to address underlying issues.VMV is a leadership challenge, to be owned and executed as a primary responsibility of the leadership team – Shinergise facilitates it, we co-own it during development but it ultimately belongs to the organisation and not the consultancy therefore we build the programme round your organisation needs and your leadership agenda.9/4/2009© 2009 Shinergise Partners Ltd.
(b)Right IDEAsENERGY, EXPECTATIONS & EXECUTIONRACI PlanningResponsible – Accountable – Consulted – InformedAn essential element, particularly when many organisations are operating as a series of geographically dispersed teams – clarity of roles and responsibilities is essential, Shinergise helps our clients achieve this with the minimum of fuss and a clarity of execution that eliminates doubt and delivers immediate communication efficiencies.Communicate  Influence  ImpactAn integral part of the “CREAT!VE CONVERSATiONS” model, Shinergise works with client teams to improve the quality of their communication processes, ensuring a better team dynamic and sustaining organisational alignment. Agenda EngineeringCritical set of teamwork behaviours designed specifically for geographically dispersed teams.9/4/2009© 2009 Shinergise Partners Ltd.
(b)Right IDEAsACTIONS – save some money today!If you are agreeing with the thoughts and views expressed in this document, then you will most certainly agree with the next step…	…TAKE ACTION!Give us a call on +44 771 700 6782 ordrop us an e-mail at hamish@shinergise.com9/4/2009© 2009 Shinergise Partners Ltd.

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B)Right Idea’S

  • 1. (b)Right IDEA’sOrganisational Game ChangersINSIGHTS TO ACTIONS9/4/2009© 2009 Shinergise Partners Ltd.
  • 2. Overview & PrinciplesBackgroundOver the last 30 months Shinergise has participated in several organisational development consultancy projects.In doing so we have identified some common patterns of challenges and stumbling blocks that organisations have in common and routes to success that organisations could share.(b)Right I-D-E-A’sDiscovering INSIGHTSEstablishing DIRECTION and DEVELOPMENT needsManaging ENERGY, EXPECTATIONS and EXECUTIONResource Planning and Implementing ACTIONS9/4/2009© 2009 Shinergise Partners Ltd.
  • 3. (b)Right IDEAsINSIGHTSTIME PRESSURES block INSIGHTSMany organisations are failing to develop their own internal insights because they lack the facilitation skills to develop them, however this is hidden behind some common challengesIndividuals complain of lack of timeTeams complain of lack of opportunityLeaders complain of reporting pressuresDeveloping insights takes time but it also creates time; one of the most instinctive and insightful approaches is based around Appreciative Inquiry, consider the following mental can-openers“Think of a time when…”“What if we could…”“If we had the following additional resources we could…”9/4/2009© 2009 Shinergise Partners Ltd.
  • 4. (b)Right IDEAsDIRECTION & DEVELOPMENTCOMMON CHALLENGES, COMMON OUTCOMESFrequently organisations are failing to create alignment and a sense of shared directionIndividual managers set a direction for their departmentsIndividual divisions set a direction for their business strategiesIndividual operating companies fail to leverage group strengthsThis lack of common direction leads to frequent false starts, over-committed resources and failure to deliver innovation on time and in full“Lost in the wilderness” is how some functional experts express their feelings when it comes to a lack of strong direction9/4/2009© 2009 Shinergise Partners Ltd.
  • 5. (b)Right IDEAsDIRECTION & DEVELOPMENTFAILURE TO ENGAGE = FAILURE TO EXECUTETeam teleconferences that drain energyTeam meetings that fail to address common agendasTasks that “fall between two stools”Tasks that get 90% complete, but never get finished to the functionality and quality levels requiredFAILURE TO COACH = FAILURE TO DEVELOPExperts at all levels, from apprentice to master craftsman to CxO benefit from development coaching yet few organisations make this possible on a positive “forward leaning” basis9/4/2009© 2009 Shinergise Partners Ltd.
  • 6. (b)Right IDEAsENERGY, EXPECTATIONS & EXECUTIONCreating New Energy. Delivering New Results.LEAN organisations abound and with it the common “initiative fatigue” factor of people who have been asked to do more with less, achieve higher results with lower resources.Organisational fatigue is a growing by-product of the economic crisis and like physical fatigue is typically the result of a lack of organisational fitness.Shinergise’s tag-line exists for a reason, it conveys what we do and what results from it. Our clients engage with us to inject fresh energy into organisational development challenges – to bring fresh insights, fresh minds and together identify fresh solutions.9/4/2009© 2009 Shinergise Partners Ltd.
  • 7. (b)Right IDEAsENERGY, EXPECTATIONS & EXECUTIONManaging Expectations = Shared Vision, Mission and ValuesThere is widespread agreement with the insight that many organisations lack common purpose and common direction.A lack of shared VISION creates a disparity of expectations.A lack of shared MISSION creates a diversity of activities.A lack of shared VALUES creates a divergence of behaviours.Re-establishing a shared Vision, Mission and Values programme is regrettably an activity that is frequently outsourced to creative agencies or delegated to a sub-group in the organisation – this frequently leads to a “smoke and mirrors” PR re-launch that completely fails to address underlying issues.VMV is a leadership challenge, to be owned and executed as a primary responsibility of the leadership team – Shinergise facilitates it, we co-own it during development but it ultimately belongs to the organisation and not the consultancy therefore we build the programme round your organisation needs and your leadership agenda.9/4/2009© 2009 Shinergise Partners Ltd.
  • 8. (b)Right IDEAsENERGY, EXPECTATIONS & EXECUTIONRACI PlanningResponsible – Accountable – Consulted – InformedAn essential element, particularly when many organisations are operating as a series of geographically dispersed teams – clarity of roles and responsibilities is essential, Shinergise helps our clients achieve this with the minimum of fuss and a clarity of execution that eliminates doubt and delivers immediate communication efficiencies.Communicate  Influence  ImpactAn integral part of the “CREAT!VE CONVERSATiONS” model, Shinergise works with client teams to improve the quality of their communication processes, ensuring a better team dynamic and sustaining organisational alignment. Agenda EngineeringCritical set of teamwork behaviours designed specifically for geographically dispersed teams.9/4/2009© 2009 Shinergise Partners Ltd.
  • 9. (b)Right IDEAsACTIONS – save some money today!If you are agreeing with the thoughts and views expressed in this document, then you will most certainly agree with the next step… …TAKE ACTION!Give us a call on +44 771 700 6782 ordrop us an e-mail at hamish@shinergise.com9/4/2009© 2009 Shinergise Partners Ltd.