LTKA-Bot is a virtual teaching assistant chatbot designed to support course activities and automate processes to improve education efficiency. It was built using the Hubot chat engine and Telegram frontend. LTKA-Bot has modules to manage tasks, groups, submissions, and other course elements. An initial deployment showed it can streamline in-class and offline activities as well as generate reports. Overall, LTKA-Bot demonstrates the potential for chatbots to automate education and lift it to the next level.
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Remarks &
Addressed aspects: design
approach, usecases and
some lessons learned from
current trial and deployment
Introduction of LTKA-Bot, a ChatOps based virtual assistant that
can help and facilitate lecturers and students in all course-
related activities such as: task assignment, submission, group,
logbook, session, outcomes/measures, and scoring
LTKA-Bot has shown the potential in
streamlining and automating many
processes and thus lifting up higher
education to the next level.
21. Selected References
1. R. M. Felder and R. Brent, "Designing and teaching courses to satisfy the ABET engineering
criteria," Journal of Engineering Education, 92.1, pp. 7-25, 2003.
2. HUBOT, [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 10- Jun- 2018].
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