The document summarizes key elements of folktales, including that they are passed down orally, contain simple repetitive details representing a specific culture, and teach a lesson. It then previews a folktale about a mole who tries repeatedly to reach and possess the moon, but eventually learns it is meant to be shared and appreciated from afar.
2. Learn: A folktale is a type of story
that has been passed down by
word of mouth and can teach
readers a lesson.
YWBSI: you can answer the
selected response questions and
BCR about the folktale.
3. A folktale
has been passed down by word of mouth
has simple details that are sometimes
represents a specific culture or group of
teaches a lesson
4. Folktales
Since the stories are passed down by
word of mouth, it makes sense that the
details must be simple and are often
They have to be easy to remember and
easy to tell.
5. Folktales
Many times, a folktale will represent a
particular culture.
There may be places, foods, languages,
clothing or animals that go along with a
In this story, all of the characters are
animals. They live in a forest. Many
things about the forest are
mentioned in the story.
6. Folktales
Folktales teach a lesson.
A lesson is something the reader can
learn from the main character in the story.
The lesson is about life. It is usually
something that helps us become a better
IT IS NOT the solution to the problem of
the story.
7. Lets read the story.
Think about the main character in the story.
What is he trying to do?
What events keep repeating?
What happens at the end of the story?
8. Discuss.
Mole thought the moon was the most
beautiful thing he had ever seen.
He wanted to have it. All of his animal
friends told Mole that it wasnt as close as it
Mole tried and tried to get the
9. Discuss.
Mole saw the reflection of the moon in a
puddle, but when he touched it, Mole
thought he broke it.
Moles friends comforted him and told him
that he would see the moon again.
The moon soon came out from
behind the clouds.
10. Discuss.
Mole realized that the moon was not as
close as it looked and that it was just as
beautiful to look even if he could have it
for himself.
Some things that are so very
special are meant to be looked at
and shared with everyone.
11. Selected Response
Read each question carefully.
Read each answer.
Go back into the text and check to make
sure you have the correct answer.
12. BCR
Answer the question.
Give a reason for your answer.
Cite examples directly from the text that
support or tell more about your answer.