Britax seeks to expand market share by increasing awareness of its brand and positioning itself as the safest and most comfortable car seat manufacturer. Research finds low brand awareness but high loyalty among existing customers. Britax can transfer this loyalty to new customers by educating them on car seat differences. Competitors have more market share due to greater awareness, representing an opportunity for Britax. The greatest obstacle is lack of awareness, but educating mothers increases likelihood they will choose Britax.
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1. Britax Branding/Marketing Communications Overview
Based on the findings from both primary and secondary research,including focus groups and on-
line surveys, combined with a competitive market analysis, data indicates a great deal of
untapped market potential for Britax.
In general, there is a very low awareness level of Britax among moms and expectant mothers.
Those that do know of Britax, or are customers,have a very high opinion of the company and are
extremely loyal and in most cases are passionate advocates of the brand and look for the
opportunity to tell others about Britax.
There is no reason that this affinity can not be transferred to new customers if they can be made
aware of the product and be provided information that helps to educate them on the differences
between car seats. The bottom line is, the more educated a mom is, the more likely we are to win
her business.
In terms of sheer numbers, Graco and Evenflo have more market share than Britax, which also
means the potential for Britax to gain share at the expense of these competitors is great. No
doubt, the demographic for a Britax customer can be somewhat limitedwe will not be all things
to all people and our price point will always limit our audience to some degreehowever,there
remains a significant portion of our potential target audience that has no awareness of Britax,
which means opportunity to gain new customers and incremental market share. Research also
suggests that with the right value proposition and proof, a certain demographic of consumers
will stretch their budgets for this particular item, which opens up a new target audience for Britax
at the lower end of the portfolio.
The greatest obstacle to increasing market share appears to be awareness and education.
Research confirms that the more a mom knows, the more likely she is to choose Britax. At this
point, we simply are not widely known and are forced to rely on those moms that are pre-
disposed to proactively conducting research. They have to find us, versus us finding them, or
at a minimum we need to make it easier for them to find us, thereby helping with the search
This education process should take place at the point of sale via retail sales people, P.O.S. and
packaging, in addition to public relations, advertising, proactive direct mail and partnerships with
hospitals, car companies, retailers, etc. The web site and our generalon-line presence are also
extremely important given the use of the internet as a research tool in the buying process.
Competitive Positioning:
As will be evidenced by the Brand Roadmap to follow, there is a real opportunity for Britax to
expand on its reputation for safety as a key differentiator and component of its value proposition.
No other competitors have truly staked out this position and claimed it as their own in a unique,
impactful and credible way.
In addition, if Britax is also able to position itself as the information source for moms, thereby
making a contribution that makes the decision-making process easier for them; it will go a long
way toward increasing brand preference and equity. Mothers are starved for simple information
and are looking for ways to make this decision process easier,while at the same time allowing
them to feel good about the choice that they make. For Britax to position itself as an advocate for
2. mothers, children and safety, will provide a realcompetitive advantage and will only further
reinforce our brand promise.
A secondary, but important consideration involves comfort. In our focus groups and in looking at
secondary data, moms are extremely focused on whether a safety seat is comfortable for their
child. In many instances, they also equate comfort with safetyextra cushioning, padding, seat
design, etc.,send a visual signal of both safety and comfort. An increased focus on comfort could
prove to be an incremental differentiator in the marketplace and appears to represent an untapped
With respect to imagery, Graco, Evenflo and others seem to focus primarily on warm and
fuzzy, nurturing, cute babies, and moms claim that this does not influence them and is not
important to them. They view the purchase of a car seat the way they view the purchase of a car
or appliance. It is a serious, involved decision and they are looking for tangible, rational,
reasons to believe. There is an opportunity for Britax to stake out the visual imagery that is
more scientific, direct and to the point, with some inclusion of warmth and compassion. Our
focus groups were even in terms of preferring a totally scientific image, versus a mix of science
and warmth.
Britax also has the advantage of saying that making transportation systems is all that we do. That
message seemed to resonate with moms, as did a focus on our heritage as a reinforcing point to
aid in establishing our credibility.
Britax has the opportunity to define a very clear,defensible, unique and attractive position in the
marketplace that should lead to improved visibility, awareness,recognition and ultimately,
increased market share.
Britax Branding Blueprint
Brand Positioning Statement:
To highly involved, knowledgeable moms with small children, who are very concerned with
providing their children the safest,most comfortable car seat available and are willing to pay a
premium for it, Britax is the brand of child safety seat that is most consistently proven to deliver
the safest experience for children. The reason is their use of the most advanced materials and
design in construction of the seats,plus the most extensive in-house safety testing and research in
the industry, which is further reinforced by endorsements from leading, independent authorities
such as Consumer Reports, Baby Bargains, American Society of Pediatricians and industry safety
The brand character is efficient, strong, scientific, dependable, engineering-oriented, empathetic,
smart, practical and confident.
3. Benefits Laddering Matrix:
Primary Target/Demo: Highly involved, knowledgeable moms, college educated, ages 25-45,
household incomes of $75,000+, most likely early adopters, believers in research,both primary
and secondary (experience of other moms), assume variations in degrees of safety and want the
absolute best for their child.
Usage Behavior: Own multiple car seats; rely heavily on research to make the most informed
decision, high involvement in the purchase process,willing to pay a premium for proven
performance and value.
Needs: To believe they have purchased the safest,most comfortable car seat for their child and
that it has been money well spent.
Product Benefits:
5-point harness
Plush seat covers and fully lined back and seat with comfort foam
True Side Impact Protection
Inflatable head pad
Easy position chest clip
Energy absorbing EPS foam liner and base
Positioning pillows
Belly and harness pads
Patented rip stitch
Plush seat covers
Patented HUGS system (Harness Ultra Guard System)
Aircraft certified
Customer Benefits:
Keeps child snug and secure
Easy for mom to install, use and adjust
Verifiable safety
Extremely comfortable for my child
Available in a variety of sizes and colors
Grows with my child
Features allow adjusting to create the perfect fit for my child
Emotional Benefits: The type of car seat I purchase proves that I am a caring, responsible,
knowledgeable mom who is deeply concerned about providing the absolute best for my child.
My new car seat allows my child to rest peacefully and comfortably and gives me peace of mind
in the process by knowing that I own the safest, most tested, most comfortable car seat available
and that I made a smart economic purchase for my family.
4. Engineering Britax Credibility:
The Reasons-Why and Permission to Believe
The reason-why is the point in the marketing process where the sale is closed. Our reason why
is the point where we outline and present a compelling benefit that reassures customers they are
making a wise decision. They are looking for reinforcement of their beliefs. That means as the
manufacturer we need to engineer a credible and defensible reason-why.
There are two potential components to credibility:
1. Reason-why: Typically intrinsic to the product and based on some inherent and unique
design or process.
2. Permission to Believe:Typically extrinsic to the product and based on some third-party
endorsement, or primary research.
In the case of Britax, we have a numberof intrinsic and extrinsic factorsthat we can use to
reinforce our credibility. The challenge is that in several instances, we need to clearly define and
quantify those factors, i.e., 50-point inspection, number of industry firsts,design materials used,
number of times test sled is used, etc. We cant over emphasize the importance of quantifying
safety as much as possible.
Pioneered use of 5-point harness
Energy absorbing EPS Foam liner
True Side Impact Protection
Electronic safe-installation verification indicator
Perfect Fit system
IntrinsicProcess: (Needs further definition)
In-house testing with sled
Employ safety specialists, design engineers, etc.
IntrinsicResearch: (Needs further definition)
Proof of principle, performance research
Examples: X point safety testing, X man hours spent on each latch, etc.
Consumer Reports
Baby Bargains
Industry technicians and safety specialists
ExtrinsicEquity Bank:
Heritage-designed first car seat (Need to quantify)
Heritage-other firsts (Need to quantify)
Focus-building car seats is the only thing we do.
5. Creative Strategy Statement:
Convince (Who-Target): Affluent,research-oriented moms, aged 25-45, who are most likely
early adopters who are highly involved with their children and the car seat purchasing process
and want the absolute best for their child when it comes to safety and comfort and are willing to
pay for it if they can be convinced of the value.
That (WhatBenefit/Belief): Britax makes the safest,most comfortable car seat available.
Because (WhyReasons-Why/Support): We conduct exhaustive in-house safety and
performance testing, are consistently endorsed by third party groups such as Consumer Reports
and we have focused exclusively on child transportation systems for more than 30 years.
Brand Personality: Pediatrician, Teacher, Professor
Core Brand Message: As the very first company to make the first child safety seat,Britax
continues its singular focus on designing and engineering the safest,most comfortable car seat
available and we go the extra mile through research and testing to ensure that our products deliver
the utmost in safety, performance and comfort.
Tagline Options: Based upon the results of the online survey and our focus groups, the following
taglines or thematic directions were the clear favorites of our participants. All but How Safety
Should Feel, communicate the same basic message using the same basic tone. At this point, we
do not have a strong opinion with respect to which one we should adopt and may want to consider
an additional survey to arrive at a clear winner. Having said that, we are comfortable choosing
any of these as the new tagline for Britax.
The First Name in Child Safety
How Safety Should Feel
Safe For A Reason
Smart, confident, technical, understanding, direct, passionate and warm.
Visual/Graphic Representation:
Warm Science
Imagery should incorporate rational points, quantification of safety,research and performance,
supported by nurturing, caring, comfortable images that communicate peace of mind and a focus
on protecting the child.
Britax Key Messages and Supporting Points
6. Key Message #1:
All parents worry about whether his or her child is safe while traveling, and for more than
30 years, Britax has eased those concerns by making child seats that are renowned as the
best and safest worldwide.
Supporting Points:
1. Unrivaled record of pioneering technology breakthroughs that enhance the safety of child
a. Britax is the only manufacturer with True Side Impact Protection, a patented
head support that distributes crash forces,minimizes lateral head movement,
contains the head and body, and shields the child from intrusion in the event of a
side impact.
2. Unparalleled commitment to product testing with 5 test facilities located around the
3. Willingness to share new technology with car manufacturers and competitors to make
safety features more widely available to consumers
4. (Need to add more quantifiable measurements related to safety and performance,50 pt
inspection, man hours spend on research,number of times test sled is used, percentage of
plant devoted to test sled, etc).
Key Message #2:
The bestchild seat is one thats installed and used correctly, which is why Britax child seats
are loaded with unique features that make them easy to install and adjust so that children
are properly secured in their seats.
Supporting Points:
1. Highest possible NHTSA ratings on 2007 Ease of Use rankings in most categories
2. Narrow,contoured base for easy fit in most vehicles
3. Quick-adjust head and harness adjustments
4. Built-in lock offs
5. Push-button LATCH connectors
6. No-tangle polyester webbing
7. Key Message #3:
Britax believes there is no such thing as safe enough so we continually push to improve on
child passenger safety.
Supporting Points:
1. Continue to research,test and develop innovations that will make child seats safer than
ever, including some exciting innovations such as:
a. Seat Logix
, a patented electronic sensing technology to indicate proper seat and
child installation.
2. Continue to design and build each and every Britax child seat to surpass existing U.S.
safety standards
3. Support efforts to raise current U.S. child seat safety standards
4. Work closely with vehicle manufacturers,government agencies, child safety advocates
and others to improve safety and consumer education
Key Message #4:
Parents who buy Britax child seats dont have to make a choice between safety and comfort
because both are incorporated into every child seat we make.
Supporting Points/Comfort:
1. Use of high-density comfort foam in a fully-lined back and seating area .
2. Extra plush seat covers with added wadding to ensure a comfortable ride.
3. Multiple positioning pillows for head and/or body are designed to provide a secure,
comfortable ride for every child.
4. Belly and harness pads protect the childs neck and abdomen from the harness and
buckle, creating a layer of comfort.
Supporting Points/Safety:
1. Energy absorbing base absorbs crash energy away from occupantcrumple zone
designed into the base.
2. Patented V-Shape design allows for more absorption of crash forces.
3. Secondary hooks on front of seat help to prevent backward over-rotation.
4. Anti-rebound bar prevents infant seat from rebounding into vehicle back seat.
5. Patented HUGSystem keeps harness secure to reduce head excursion.
6. Energy absorbing EPS foam liner absorbs crash energy away from occupants head and
body during impact.