This document discusses a project comparing digital media use among majority and disadvantaged groups in Portugal and the USA. The project is called "Project Digital Inclusion and Participation" and examines the trajectories of how different groups adopt and use digital technologies in both countries. The contact person for the project is Maria Jos¨¦ Brites and her email address is provided.
14. Project Digital Inclusion and Participation. Comparing the trajectories of digital media use by majority and disadvantaged groups in Portugal and the USA. Maria Jos¨¦ Brites [email_address] Thank you!
Editor's Notes
#3: Roger Silverstone, Eric Hirsch and David Morleydistinguished four elements or phases in the household¡¯s moral economy, in relation to media:
#11: Peer interaction and talk its highly useful, even for those who have no possibilities to talk at home, either because they live in very sentimental closed families or because there is a clear generation gap between them.
#13: Parents that only attended four to nine years of school, there was one boy with a political blog, one boy with a non political blog, one girl with a non political blog and one with MySpace. Parents with secondary or higher education were related to youngsters that had political blogs.