IP Telecom is a telecommunications operator, data center, and cloud computing provider exclusively for businesses. It has acquired competencies in technological solutions development, giving it differentiated quality services recognized by high customer loyalty percentages. IP Telecom is ISO 27001 certified and considers information security critical, particularly for its cloud computing, managed services, and data center hosting in Lisbon, Viseu, and Porto. It has a nationwide fiber-optic network with over 5,500 km of underground cables supported by regional centers ensuring 24/7 maintenance and operation. Its data centers in Lisbon, Porto, and Viseu have 99.99% monthly availability and are Tier II certified.
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1. IP Telecom is a Telecommunications Operator,
Data Center and Cloud Computing provider,
exclusively for the business market.
Acquired competencies - throughout its
story - in structuring and development
of technological solutions, gives IP
Telecom the differentiation and quality
attributes of service, recognized by the
high percentage of its customers
IP Telecom is an ISO 27001 certified company.
Present at several Cybersecurity agencies,
including the Portugueses National
CiberSegurity Agency (GNCS), we do consider
critical to demonstrate the importance given to
the information security of our customers,
particularly at operational processes level iand
support applications for our CloudComputing
and managed services solutions as well as
Hosting and Housing carried out at our Data
Centers of Lisbon, Viseu and Oporto.
High Speed National Communications Network
IP Telecom has a fiber-optic network nationwide, with
more than 5,500 km of cables buried in underground
infrastructure such as ducks, supported by 7 regional
intervention centers that ensure the maintenance and
operation on a 24x7 (Tunes, Setúbal, Lisboa,
Entroncamento, Castelo Branco, Porto and Régua).
Featuring multiple geographic redundancy rings,
international connections and presence in all major
Portuguese cities, as well as 330 PoPs, IP Telecom
ensures unrivaled redundancy levels to its customers,
such as all the major Telco’s operating in Portugal.
Data Centers
IP Telecom runs 3 Data Centers located, respectively,
at Lisbon, Oporto and Viseu, connected by a unique
and redundant network, with 99.99% monthly
availability, are Uptime Institute certified as TierII,
certification that defines its high level of performance,
security and availability.
Network and Support Operation Center (NOC)
Monitoring and operation center (24x7) of all IP
Telecom environment, maintaining continuous Service
Supervision and Network and Systems Monitoring,
ensuring compliance with the SLA defined with
Support Infrastructure
i want to know more
2. IP Telecom, SA
Rua Passeio do Báltico, 4
1990-036 LISBOA · Portugal
Phone +(351) 211 024 000
e-mail comercial@iptelecom.pt
38°45'58.90"N · 09°05'55.44"W
Enterprise Solutions Target Markets
IP Telecom provides enterprise solutions for all
levels of Cloud Computing Architecture:
IaaS Infrastructure as a Service
PaaS Platform as a Service
SaaS Software as a Service
We have a portfolio of solutions tailored to our
business customers and public administration:
Management of Services, among others.
Business and Public Administration
Defence and Home Security
Telecommunications Operators