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                                                       Business and consumer
                                                       demand in China is
                                                       growing constantly and
                                                       rapidly.       Permanent
                                                       growth offers a great
                                                       challenge for and many
                                                       interesting opportunities
                                                       for European businesses. MERIT helps companies to
                                                       enter the vast and rapidly growing Chinese market
                                                       and to build profitable business relations.
Market entry
                                                       We offer practical ¡°hands-on¡± services to achieve
                                                       targets relating to all aspects of your China business
Strategic alliances                                    plans.

                                                       Merit Technologies & Equipment works as consulting,
Representative offices                                 researching & negotiating partner and assists in
                                                       setting up representative offices, organizing
                                                       technology and patent transfers, establishing joint
Technology & patent transfer                           ventures and other business transactions. We act as
                                                       dedicated purchasing agents and organize the
Joint ventures                                         sourcing of products from China for worldwide

Source & Supply                                        In our approach we will assess your demands, the
                                                       viability for the Chinese market, research and report
                                                       on market conditions and offer hands on assistance
                                                       in building a profitable market entry strategy
Communication                                          Our approach is practical and ¡°down to earth¡±.

                                                       MERIT has offices in China, with our operational
Quality Control                                        office in Shenzhen, (close to Hong Kong and
                                                       Guangzhou) and associate offices in Shanghai and

                                                       Established in 2003, Merit Technologies & Equipment
                                                       is the exponent of a business-to-business market-,
                                                       sales- and product development company.
                                                       We assist our clients and execute functions relating

                                                               Source & supply, procurement
                                                               Setting up permanent basis of operation in
                                                               Search and find of strategic alliances
                                                               Development and execution of market entry
             Our mission is:                                   Development of sales, marketing and
          TO TURN KNOW-HOW                                     distribution strategies

GO THERE                                                   MARKET SELECTION
                            All China success stories      Selecting and addressing the right market, both
                            start with one simple step:    geographically, quantitative and qualitative is a
                            Go there!                      logical and important step in introducing your
                            Don¡¯t just go to the major     product in a 1.4 billion people market. We have
                            cities, but travel and see     access to an extensive market intelligence portfolio
                            the country. Get to know       and select and propose the most promising markets
                            people and learn about         to our customers. If required we can set up test
                            their attitudes, culture and   markets and analyze the results before final
                            their ways of doing            commitments are made.
business. Once you get a feel of the country, start
thinking about business. If you want to set up your        PEOPLE
own company: think long term!                              If you intend to set up your own business, in
The three major issues for success are:                    whatever form, people are the most valuable asset
communication, solid agreements and control. Larger        and key to the success of your operation.
companies have the resources and manpower to               Communication; speaking the ¡°same language¡± is
cover these areas. For many smaller companies this         vital. We help you set a profile for the type of people
is a mater of concern, but also the area where Merit       you need; recruit and match them with your ¡°home
Technologies & Equipment is your partner.                  office staff¡±. We will inform you about legalities,
If you think ¡°you are too small¡± let¡¯s discuss. Merit      remuneration, sales tools required and execute the
Technologies & Equipment works with a cluster              actual search, pre select and pre qualify them,
program; combining interested companies in their           present them to you and if necessary train them on
endeavors to enter the Chinese market. The cluster         your behalf.
will provide management, location, legal, fiscal and
financial support, while sharing overhead expenses.        MERIT RESOURCES
                                                           Being a Dutch Chinese company we
SETTING UP YOUR OWN ENTITY                                 have     developed   an       extensive
Setting up a representative office, joint venture or a     network. We can fall back on a
complete company; either for sales, procurement,           selection of engineers, lawyers,
marketing or production demands extensive and              accountants, tax- & HRM consultants. We have a
careful preparation. Your own entity brings many           history with many factories and are an established
questions about permits, legalities, finance, tax,         business partner. Guanxi still works in China.
profit, management and control. Merit offers proven
services in these areas and helps you in your              SOURCE & SUPPLY
decision-making process. We search for the best            MERIT is your dedicated source and supply company.
locations; local, regional and governmental support;       We (independently) source, buy and export industrial
potential partners and companies. We assist with all       goods, consumer goods, electronics, technologies
legal, accounting and tax aspects. We engage               and    equipment      on    behalf   of   customers,
external, local services for some of these aspects,        manufacturers, distributors, purchasing combinations
people that thoroughly know the finer details of           & wholesalers around the world. Our expertise is
setting up business in China.                              found in supplies, products, components, equipment,
                                                           machinery, materials and parts.
HOW TO PLACE YOUR PRODUCT IN THE                           We supply ¡°ready-made - off the shelf¡± products;
MARKET?                                                    custom-made products, engineered & designed
Projecting your product in the Chinese market and          products and generally speaking execute your
analyzing its viability, feasibility, market unique        wishes.
features and selling points, pricing and potential in
the selected market is part of the primary research        CONTACT
we execute. Often these preliminary surveys are            Please feel free to contact us:
sponsored by the government.
Depending on the type of product this might entail         T       |   +31.314.640965
extensive competitive analysis and test markets. It        M       |   +31.618.948861
might lead to slight product modifications. We check       E       |   sales@merit-china.com
your product against national and local legislation        W       |   www.merit-china.com
and applicable mandatory standards.

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Brochure 2012

  • 1. ¡Ì MERIT TECHNOLOGIES & EQUIPMENT (HONGKONG) LIMITED CHINA BUSINESS CONSULTANTS, MARKET ENTRY, SOURCE & SUPPLY INTRODUCTION YOUR CHINA CONNECTION ÂõÌØ»·±£¼¼ÊõÉ豸£¨Ïã¸Û£© ÂõÌØ»·±£¼¼ÊõÉ豸£¨Ïã¸Û£©ÓÐÏÞ¹«Ë¾ Business and consumer demand in China is growing constantly and rapidly. Permanent growth offers a great challenge for and many interesting opportunities for European businesses. MERIT helps companies to enter the vast and rapidly growing Chinese market and to build profitable business relations. Market entry We offer practical ¡°hands-on¡± services to achieve targets relating to all aspects of your China business Strategic alliances plans. Merit Technologies & Equipment works as consulting, Representative offices researching & negotiating partner and assists in setting up representative offices, organizing technology and patent transfers, establishing joint Technology & patent transfer ventures and other business transactions. We act as dedicated purchasing agents and organize the Joint ventures sourcing of products from China for worldwide export. Source & Supply In our approach we will assess your demands, the viability for the Chinese market, research and report on market conditions and offer hands on assistance in building a profitable market entry strategy Communication Our approach is practical and ¡°down to earth¡±. MERIT has offices in China, with our operational Quality Control office in Shenzhen, (close to Hong Kong and Guangzhou) and associate offices in Shanghai and Beijing. Established in 2003, Merit Technologies & Equipment is the exponent of a business-to-business market-, sales- and product development company. We assist our clients and execute functions relating to Source & supply, procurement Setting up permanent basis of operation in China Search and find of strategic alliances Development and execution of market entry plans Our mission is: Development of sales, marketing and TO TURN KNOW-HOW distribution strategies IN HOW-TO AND ACTION
  • 2. ¡Ì MERIT TECHNOLOGIES & EQUIPMENT (HONGKONG) LIMITED CHINA BUSINESS CONSULTANTS, MARKET ENTRY, SOURCE & SUPPLY GO THERE MARKET SELECTION All China success stories Selecting and addressing the right market, both start with one simple step: geographically, quantitative and qualitative is a Go there! logical and important step in introducing your Don¡¯t just go to the major product in a 1.4 billion people market. We have cities, but travel and see access to an extensive market intelligence portfolio the country. Get to know and select and propose the most promising markets people and learn about to our customers. If required we can set up test their attitudes, culture and markets and analyze the results before final their ways of doing commitments are made. business. Once you get a feel of the country, start thinking about business. If you want to set up your PEOPLE own company: think long term! If you intend to set up your own business, in The three major issues for success are: whatever form, people are the most valuable asset communication, solid agreements and control. Larger and key to the success of your operation. companies have the resources and manpower to Communication; speaking the ¡°same language¡± is cover these areas. For many smaller companies this vital. We help you set a profile for the type of people is a mater of concern, but also the area where Merit you need; recruit and match them with your ¡°home Technologies & Equipment is your partner. office staff¡±. We will inform you about legalities, If you think ¡°you are too small¡± let¡¯s discuss. Merit remuneration, sales tools required and execute the Technologies & Equipment works with a cluster actual search, pre select and pre qualify them, program; combining interested companies in their present them to you and if necessary train them on endeavors to enter the Chinese market. The cluster your behalf. will provide management, location, legal, fiscal and financial support, while sharing overhead expenses. MERIT RESOURCES Being a Dutch Chinese company we SETTING UP YOUR OWN ENTITY have developed an extensive Setting up a representative office, joint venture or a network. We can fall back on a complete company; either for sales, procurement, selection of engineers, lawyers, marketing or production demands extensive and accountants, tax- & HRM consultants. We have a careful preparation. Your own entity brings many history with many factories and are an established questions about permits, legalities, finance, tax, business partner. Guanxi still works in China. profit, management and control. Merit offers proven services in these areas and helps you in your SOURCE & SUPPLY decision-making process. We search for the best MERIT is your dedicated source and supply company. locations; local, regional and governmental support; We (independently) source, buy and export industrial potential partners and companies. We assist with all goods, consumer goods, electronics, technologies legal, accounting and tax aspects. We engage and equipment on behalf of customers, external, local services for some of these aspects, manufacturers, distributors, purchasing combinations people that thoroughly know the finer details of & wholesalers around the world. Our expertise is setting up business in China. found in supplies, products, components, equipment, machinery, materials and parts. HOW TO PLACE YOUR PRODUCT IN THE We supply ¡°ready-made - off the shelf¡± products; MARKET? custom-made products, engineered & designed Projecting your product in the Chinese market and products and generally speaking execute your analyzing its viability, feasibility, market unique wishes. features and selling points, pricing and potential in the selected market is part of the primary research CONTACT we execute. Often these preliminary surveys are Please feel free to contact us: sponsored by the government. Depending on the type of product this might entail T | +31.314.640965 extensive competitive analysis and test markets. It M | +31.618.948861 might lead to slight product modifications. We check E | sales@merit-china.com your product against national and local legislation W | www.merit-china.com and applicable mandatory standards.