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Brochure Design Process Bob Rios Visual Strategies Apr Supply
APR Supply Company Voted

APR Supply Co., a twenty-two branch plumbing, heating
and HVAC supplies distributor headquartered in Lebanon,
PA, was recently recognized as the 2009 Business of the
Year by the Central Penn Business Journal.

A third-generation family-owned business, APR Supply Co.
has been operating in Lebanon since 1922. The award
recognized APR Supply Co. for its resilience and ability to
grow and prosper during both strong and weak economic
cycles. Scott Weaver, president, identified the nurturing of
a corporate culture that is customer-focused and yet
comfortable with continual change as instrumental to the
companys success.

Always aggressive, Mr. Weaver looks to have APR double
in size every five years. He expects that to be
accomplished through a combination of organic growth
as well as by acquisition and new markets.
                                                                                                      Full Service Distributor of
                                                                  APR Supply Company
                                                               Corporate Office/Distribution Center
                                                                                                                     Heating &
                                                                       749 Guilford Street
                                                                      Lebanon, PA 17046
                                                                                                              Cooling Supplies
                                                                     Phone: 717-274-5999
                                                                      Fax: 717-273-2749

                                                                         Visit Us Online
                                                                      info@aprsupply.com                                Since 1922
Mission: To Create Enthusiastic Customers
                                                                                                                        APR has                convenient locations
                                                                                                                                To serve you with all the leading
                                                                                                                                     brands at great prices!

                                                                                                                              1 Bethlehem      12 Lewistown
                                                                                                                              2 Bloomsburg     13 New Oxford
                                                                                                                              3 Chambersburg 3 14 Philadelphia
                                                                                                                              4 Easton         15 Pocono
                                                                                                                              5 Ephrata        16 Pottstown
                                                                                                                              6 Feasterville   17 Scranton
                                                                                                                              7 Gettysburg     18 Sinking Spring
                                                                                                                              8 Harrisburg     19 State College 3
                                                                                                                              9 Hazleton       20 Wilkes-Barre
                                                                                                                             10 Lancaster 3    21 Williamsport
                                                                               3 UNDER 1 RO ating, and electrical
                                                                                             , he                                              22 York
                                                           3     one stop shop
                                                                                for Plumbing
                                                                                                                             11 Lebanon

                                                                                                                                   Supply Locations          Supply & Partner
Commitment to Inventory
We have taken the position to have MORE inventory                                                                                    Corporate Office/Distribution Center
regardless of business cycle

Delivery Model
From our Distribution Center, Every Customer..          TESTIMONIALS
Every Day!
                                                         As a company we are constantly striving for                    I have known the leadership team at APR Supply Co.
Order Accuracy                                           exceptional customer service combined with the                 for nearly my entire career. APR is a great corporate
99.6% of the time we say we have it, You get it!         highest quality of plumbing products. In our service           citizen and a strong voice for positive change in our
                                                         industry time is of the essence in order to achieve our        industry. Through all of our conversations, however,
Technical Support                                        customer service goals. APR Supply with its wide               one overriding theme comes through loud and clear.
Tech service professionals easily accessible to help     selection of product, its daily on-time-jobsite                APR passionately and creatively pursues new and
solve issues fast increasing your billable man hours     deliveries, warehouse bar code system and                      exciting ways to serve their customers.
Web Commerce                                             knowledgeable staff, makes our job simple. APRs
Ease of order entry and information available online     dedication to customer service and partnership with            Bruce Carnevale
24/7                                                     their customers, gives us the opportunity to deliver           Vice President Sales and Marketing
                                                         that same type of focus and dedication to our                  Bradford White Corporation.
Education and Certification                              customers needs.
Over 80 sessions educating or certifying our customers
                                                         Steve Agentis
Awards Program & Co-Op                                   President of S. Agentis / Mr. Rooter Lehigh Valley Franchise
Funding for you to grow your business!

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Brochure Design Process Bob Rios Visual Strategies Apr Supply

  • 2. APR Supply Company Voted APR Supply Co., a twenty-two branch plumbing, heating and HVAC supplies distributor headquartered in Lebanon, PA, was recently recognized as the 2009 Business of the Year by the Central Penn Business Journal. A third-generation family-owned business, APR Supply Co. has been operating in Lebanon since 1922. The award recognized APR Supply Co. for its resilience and ability to grow and prosper during both strong and weak economic cycles. Scott Weaver, president, identified the nurturing of a corporate culture that is customer-focused and yet comfortable with continual change as instrumental to the companys success. Always aggressive, Mr. Weaver looks to have APR double in size every five years. He expects that to be accomplished through a combination of organic growth as well as by acquisition and new markets. YOUR Full Service Distributor of APR Supply Company Plumbing Corporate Office/Distribution Center Heating & 749 Guilford Street Lebanon, PA 17046 Cooling Supplies Phone: 717-274-5999 Fax: 717-273-2749 Visit Us Online www.aprsupply.com info@aprsupply.com Since 1922
  • 3. Mission: To Create Enthusiastic Customers APR has convenient locations To serve you with all the leading brands at great prices! 1 Bethlehem 12 Lewistown 2 Bloomsburg 13 New Oxford 3 Chambersburg 3 14 Philadelphia 4 Easton 15 Pocono 5 Ephrata 16 Pottstown 6 Feasterville 17 Scranton 7 Gettysburg 18 Sinking Spring 8 Harrisburg 19 State College 3 9 Hazleton 20 Wilkes-Barre 10 Lancaster 3 21 Williamsport OF 3 UNDER 1 RO ating, and electrical , he 22 York 3 one stop shop for Plumbing 11 Lebanon Supply Locations Supply & Partner Commitment to Inventory We have taken the position to have MORE inventory Corporate Office/Distribution Center regardless of business cycle Delivery Model From our Distribution Center, Every Customer.. TESTIMONIALS Every Day! As a company we are constantly striving for I have known the leadership team at APR Supply Co. Order Accuracy exceptional customer service combined with the for nearly my entire career. APR is a great corporate 99.6% of the time we say we have it, You get it! highest quality of plumbing products. In our service citizen and a strong voice for positive change in our industry time is of the essence in order to achieve our industry. Through all of our conversations, however, Technical Support customer service goals. APR Supply with its wide one overriding theme comes through loud and clear. Tech service professionals easily accessible to help selection of product, its daily on-time-jobsite APR passionately and creatively pursues new and solve issues fast increasing your billable man hours deliveries, warehouse bar code system and exciting ways to serve their customers. Web Commerce knowledgeable staff, makes our job simple. APRs Ease of order entry and information available online dedication to customer service and partnership with Bruce Carnevale 24/7 their customers, gives us the opportunity to deliver Vice President Sales and Marketing that same type of focus and dedication to our Bradford White Corporation. Education and Certification customers needs. Over 80 sessions educating or certifying our customers Steve Agentis Awards Program & Co-Op President of S. Agentis / Mr. Rooter Lehigh Valley Franchise Funding for you to grow your business!