
際際滷Share a Scribd company logo
o Spacious classrooms with active
learning centers
o Indoor play area
o Outdoor playground with sand
o Secure building
o Location right next to downtown

Of course I want my child to be
cared for in a safe and loving
environment, which DCP more
than provides. But it's also really
great that parents and teachers
are authentic, kind and
interested in building a
community around our kids.
 Abby W.

Starts March 2012 for the 2012-2013 school year
 Application available on website and in directors office
 $65 one-time non-refundable application fee
 $35 annual supply fee
 One month tuition deposit and supply fee due within 10 days
of acceptance

Call Rose for a tour today!
(919) 688-7667

durhamcommunitypreschool.org  (919) 688-7667

At DCP you will find:
o a warm, caring, enriching environment
o developmentally-appropriate activities and toys
o inviting rooms with child-centered learning areas
o experienced and nurturing staff
o low teacher-to-child ratios
o affordable tuition and fees
o happy children and parents!

Rose Volponi, Director
304 E. Trinity Avenue
Durham, NC 27701
(919) 688-7667
Teaching Philosophy
We engage our young people through
play, creativity and hands-on activities.
Our preschool curriculum is childcentered and bolsters skills necessary
for school-readiness.
Classes are held Monday through
Thursday, 9:00 am to 12:30 pm,
September through May. Attendance days
vary for each classroom. Children bring
their own snacks and lunches. Age cut-off
for each room is August 31.


Lily Pad Lagoon provides reading and free play for infants 6 to 24 months.
With a teacher-to-child ratio of 1:4, children attend up to three days per week,
Tuesday through Thursday. Tuition starts at $90 per month.
Tadpoles introduces circle time, story time, inside and outside free play and
crafts as a loosely structured routine for toddlers aged 2 to 3 years old.
Teacher-to-child ratio is 1:7 with attendance two or three days per week,
Tuesday through Thursday. Tuition starts at $175 per month.

I have inherited a belief in community, the promise that a gathering of the
spirit can both create and change culture. In the desert, change is nurtured
even in stone by wind, by water, through time.
-Terry Tempest Williams
Durham Community Preschools mission is to provide high-quality,
affordable, part-time care for children aged 6 months to 5 years in a safe,
enriching, and developmentally appropriate environment where children can
learn, create, and explore. We are committed to retaining knowledgeable
and nurturing teachers; to welcoming families of every race, ethnicity,
religion, family structure, income, and background; and to building a
partnership that, by example, teaches our children to participate in and care
for the greater community.
Our community is friendly, supportive and inclusive. We pride ourselves in
having motivated parent volunteers who support the school as teacher
helpers, board and committee members and fundraisers, or just step in
whenever needed. Our parents are heavily vested in the health of the school
and passionate about ensuring each child has a good experience.

Pollywogs enhances the Tadpoles curriculum for potty-trained 3 year olds
with learning centers for arts and crafts, reading, puzzles, blocks and role-play.
Preschoolers adopt daily roles such as class DJ and bell ringer which helps
build self-esteem. They attend Tuesday through Thursday with a teacher-tochild ratio at 1:7. Tuition starts at $240 per month.
Leap Frogs is an extended Pollywogs program for 4 year olds with the added
responsibility of a class pet. Preschoolers attend Monday through Thursday
with teacher-to-child ratio is 1:8. Tuition is $280 per month.

In the words of some parents...
We love being part of a preschool family  DCP is definitely a community,
in all the best senses of the word!  Annie H.

In past summers, our school has offered weekly camps for children up to age
5 years old. Last years themes included Kids Dance, Whats Cooking, and
Treasure Map Mania!

I like how thoughtful and caring the teachers are. I feel like my daughters
teacher really understands who she is and nurtures her strengths.  Sarah

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  • 1. Facility o Spacious classrooms with active learning centers o Indoor play area o Outdoor playground with sand caf辿 o Secure building o Location right next to downtown Durham Of course I want my child to be cared for in a safe and loving environment, which DCP more than provides. But it's also really great that parents and teachers are authentic, kind and interested in building a community around our kids. Abby W. Admissions Starts March 2012 for the 2012-2013 school year Application available on website and in directors office $65 one-time non-refundable application fee $35 annual supply fee One month tuition deposit and supply fee due within 10 days of acceptance Call Rose for a tour today! (919) 688-7667 durhamcommunitypreschool.org (919) 688-7667 At DCP you will find: o a warm, caring, enriching environment o developmentally-appropriate activities and toys o inviting rooms with child-centered learning areas o experienced and nurturing staff o low teacher-to-child ratios o affordable tuition and fees o happy children and parents! Rose Volponi, Director 304 E. Trinity Avenue Durham, NC 27701 (919) 688-7667 durhamcommunitypreschool@gmail.com www.durhamcommunitypreschool.org
  • 2. Teaching Philosophy We engage our young people through play, creativity and hands-on activities. Our preschool curriculum is childcentered and bolsters skills necessary for school-readiness. Programs Classes are held Monday through Thursday, 9:00 am to 12:30 pm, September through May. Attendance days vary for each classroom. Children bring their own snacks and lunches. Age cut-off for each room is August 31. I Lily Pad Lagoon provides reading and free play for infants 6 to 24 months. With a teacher-to-child ratio of 1:4, children attend up to three days per week, Tuesday through Thursday. Tuition starts at $90 per month. Tadpoles introduces circle time, story time, inside and outside free play and crafts as a loosely structured routine for toddlers aged 2 to 3 years old. Teacher-to-child ratio is 1:7 with attendance two or three days per week, Tuesday through Thursday. Tuition starts at $175 per month. I have inherited a belief in community, the promise that a gathering of the spirit can both create and change culture. In the desert, change is nurtured even in stone by wind, by water, through time. -Terry Tempest Williams Mission Durham Community Preschools mission is to provide high-quality, affordable, part-time care for children aged 6 months to 5 years in a safe, enriching, and developmentally appropriate environment where children can learn, create, and explore. We are committed to retaining knowledgeable and nurturing teachers; to welcoming families of every race, ethnicity, religion, family structure, income, and background; and to building a partnership that, by example, teaches our children to participate in and care for the greater community. Community Our community is friendly, supportive and inclusive. We pride ourselves in having motivated parent volunteers who support the school as teacher helpers, board and committee members and fundraisers, or just step in whenever needed. Our parents are heavily vested in the health of the school and passionate about ensuring each child has a good experience. Pollywogs enhances the Tadpoles curriculum for potty-trained 3 year olds with learning centers for arts and crafts, reading, puzzles, blocks and role-play. Preschoolers adopt daily roles such as class DJ and bell ringer which helps build self-esteem. They attend Tuesday through Thursday with a teacher-tochild ratio at 1:7. Tuition starts at $240 per month. Leap Frogs is an extended Pollywogs program for 4 year olds with the added responsibility of a class pet. Preschoolers attend Monday through Thursday with teacher-to-child ratio is 1:8. Tuition is $280 per month. In the words of some parents... We love being part of a preschool family DCP is definitely a community, in all the best senses of the word! Annie H. In past summers, our school has offered weekly camps for children up to age 5 years old. Last years themes included Kids Dance, Whats Cooking, and Treasure Map Mania! I like how thoughtful and caring the teachers are. I feel like my daughters teacher really understands who she is and nurtures her strengths. Sarah W.