Spectrum Medical Education (SME) is an Ahmedabad based organization that conducts medical education courses as an authorized training center of the American Heart Association (AHA). SME offers Basic Life Support (BLS), Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS), Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) courses, as well as BLS and ACLS instructor courses. SME's mission is to provide training in basic and advanced cardiac life support skills in India to help healthcare professionals and laypeople learn how to save lives.
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Brochure Sme
1. Course Directors
Launching Dr Manoj K. Singh
PALS soon ITC Co-ordinator, Regional Training Centre,
Faculty, ITC Co-ordinator,
Consultant Chest & Critical Care,
Room No. 31: First Floor,
Apollo Hospital, Bhat, Gandhinagar-382428
Cell : 9925179799
Medical Education
Dr Abrar Saiyed
ITC Deputy, Co-ordinator SME, Consultant
Physician, Ex Asso-Professor of Medicine
at B.J.Medical College & Civil Hospital.
Anam Hospital, Behind Cama Motors
Khanpur, Ahmedabad-380001
Cell : 9376133600
International Director Authorized Provider
of CPR and ECC Courses
Jean Duval
President & CEO
Duval Emergency Consultants Corporation,
Ex-President American Heart
LearnACLS.com & RCF AHA, Association R
Keeseville, NY 12944
Learn and Live SM
Opening new International Training Sites
Medical Education
Your only answer for:
BLS Provider Course.
ACLS Provider Course.
? BLS /ACLS Renewal Course.
Room No.31,
Apollo Hospitals International Ltd; ? Family & Friends CPR.
American AUTHORIZED Plot.No.1A, Bhat GIDC Industrial Estate, ? BLS /ACLS Instructor Course.
Heart TRAINING Gandhinagar-382 428 (India) ? Medical Emergency Training.
Email: spectrumaha@gmail.com PALS Provider Course.
Association R
C E N T E R Websites: www.cprinindia.com
2. R
American Heart AUTHORIZED
Association TRAINING
Learn and Live C E N T E R
Medical Education
pectrum Medical Education (SME) is an Basic life Support (BLS):
Ahmedabad based organization dealing in
medical education. SME is certified as asic life support teaches a person about the
international training organization (ITO) by initial assessment and resuscitation of a
American heart association (AHA) to conduct victim in cardiac arrest of all age group
(infant, children and adults). This is a 6 hour work-
? First Responder Course shop which includes.
? BLS Provider Course ? Audiovisual Demos
? ACLS Provider Course ? Hands on experience on mannequins regarding
? BLS Instructor Course how to do chest compression, how to take care of
? ACLS Instructor Course airway & how to use defibrillator.
? Lay Person CPR ? How to deal with adult, pediatric and infant
choking victim.
At SME our mission is to answer most of the ? Use of Ambu bag as a Breathing Aid.
questions that are related to basic cardiac life support ? Use of Automated External Defibrillator for out of rhythms.
and advanced cardiac life support in India. Doctors, Hospital Cardiac Arrest. ? How to take Intraosseous line
interns, nurses, paramedics, lay person and others ? CPR as per latest guidelines. ? Identification of cardiac rhythms & their manage-
who are interested in learning vital skills of saving ? Lay person Resuscitation. ment.
life will find SME guiding them in right direction. ? Audiovisual demos.
Every candidate is assessed at the end using multiple ? Managing Strokes, Arrhythmias & Medical Emer-
You can go through our course calendar at our choice questions and performance on skill station for gencies.
website www.spectrumcriticalcare.com and select Medical Emergencies and if the candidate ? Skill Stations and Megacode.
the course dates suitable to you or you can request a adequately demonstrates the required skills, then he ? Real Life Scenario based Teaching.
course at your organization. To register for a course is awarded a BCLS certificate from American Heart
you can take a print out of registration form, fill it and Association which is endorsed by all International
send it to below mentioned address. It is mandatory to have BLS certification to enroll for
Resuscitation Councils. All the candidates are given ACLS course as it entails knowing advanced skills
books and study material at the time of registration. for managing patients who have been initially
Any one interested in learning lifesaving skills can stabilized post initial attempts of resuscitation via
register for BLS course. For lay persons, it is BLS teaching. At the end of course candidates are
preferable to register in a similar group due to ease of evaluated on basis of multiple choice questions and
learning. We do conduct Lay person CPR on frequent skill stations and if the candidate demonstrates
basis. desired skill level they are given ACLS certificate
from American Heart Association.
Advanced Cardiac Life Support(ACLS):
All medical personnel, paramedics, nurses and
CLS is a 2 day workshop that teaches
medical personnel advanced resuscitation
techniques. This workshop includes:
Advance Airway Management techniques like
interested persons who have completed BCLS course
can enroll for ACLS course.
Instructor Course:
laryngeal mask airway, Combitube, Endotracheal
Largest Instructor Base Training Site
Use of Emergancy Drugs.
Use of Defibrillator & Transcutaneous pacing
ECG Recognition & Managing stable Vs unstable R egularly conduct AHA approved Instructor
training course for providers with inclination
to become teachers.