The Bronte sisters were born in the 18th century in England and raised by their father after their mother and two older sisters died. They had to take care of their sick father and alcoholic brother. As unmarried women in their 30s, the sisters faced criticism from neighbors who said they were weird for reading novels. Two of the sisters worked as teachers while the third stayed home due to illness. All three wrote novels under male pseudonyms which became very successful. However, their brother and two sisters eventually died from illness, leaving Charlotte as the last surviving Bronte sibling.
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Bront? Sisters - M¨®nica
1. By M¨®nica
The Bronte sisterswere borninthe 18th century in the northof England.They livedwiththeir
father,whowassick and they had to take care of him, and theirbrotherBranwell.Theyhad
twooldersisters,buttheydied like theirmother. The three sisterswere raisedinapastoral
house,since theirfatherwasrural but he hadtaken a degree onCambridge University thanksa
scholarship,and hisdaughters were polite anddecentgirls.
Charlotte,Anne andEmilywere almost30yearsold,and
theywere single.The people saidthattheyweren?t
handsome andtheyhada bad characterand any man
wouldn?tlike tobe withthem. Theirneighborssaid thatthey
were veryweird.Theywere alwaysreadingnovels anddoing
strange things.Butin that times, the shepherd?sdaughters
onlycoulddevote fortwojobs:be marriedwithsomeone or
beinggirls?teacher;soas no man wasgoingto be married
withthemtheydecidedtogoaway to boardingschools for
One of the sisters,Emily,couldn?t goout of her house
because she wasbecomingbadof tuberculosiswhenever
she was goingto go out,so herjobwas to work at home
witha maidand takingcare of her father.
Theirbrother,forwhomthey hope that itwas goingto obtaina great careerand a good
future,fell downinthe alcohol andthe drugsand the othersistersreturned home totake care
of himandof theirfatherandto give a hand to their sister.
Since theywere children,theyhadbeen writingsmall poemsornovels,but womencouldn?t
publish them.Whenthey become adultstheycontinuedwritingand they decidedtopublisha
poemwithfalse pseudonyms.Butitwasn?t successful becausethey only soldone copy;so
theydecidedtostart writingnovelsand theycalledthemselves Bell?sbrothers.Theirnovels
were verysuccessful.
Suddenly, theirbrotherdiedof drugaddictionand afew months later,Emily,diedbecauseof
shame and tuberculosis.Onthe followingyear,Anne alsodied, aboutthe same disease that
Charlotte and her fatherwere the onlywholived,soshe decidedtocontinue withher novels
but she revealedthe identityof the Bell?sbrothers.Butfinally she getmarriedwithone of her
father?sfriends,butshe diedthree monthslater.
Her fatherlivedsix yearsmore until he finaly died.The familyBronte remainedextinguished.