#3: All of Browsium’s leadership team held key roles on the Internet Explorer team, including leading the business team from 2004-2007 as Microsoft left IE6 behind to move forward with web standards. Other members of the team were developers and program managers, making Browsium experts on the inner-workings of Internet Explorer.Browsium’s founder Matt Heller, a consultant to the IE team for more than 6 years, was responsible for evangelizing new IE platforms to IT professionals. After spending years pitching IE7, IE8, and even IE9, and hearing from customers that they were stuck on IE6 with no cost-effective way to extricate themselves, Matt decided to start a company to solve this problem. The vision for what is now Ion was created and ultimately Browsium was born.Browsium’s mission is to be the world leader in enterprise browser and web application management solutions. We create software products that extend the ROI of mission-critical web applications while enabling IT to deploy, manage and secure best-of-breed platforms and solutions.