The document discusses different communication styles, specifically discussing the difference between honesty and brutality. It suggests that while honesty is important, being brutally honest can hurt others and it is better to communicate with low brutality and high honesty. The document provides an example interview question where a candidate's response could be seen as too brutally honest rather than just honest. It also presents the idea of a communication style interface where users could select their preferred balance of honesty and brutality.
2. Interviewer: Please tell me about your
biggest weakness.
Candidate: I would say it’s my honesty.
Interviewer: I might not call that a weakness.
Candidate: You might not, but then,
you might be an idiot.
Here’s an example …
3. If there was a
communication style interface,
would it look like this?
Honest, Brutal
Dishonest, Kind
Select a Style
4. The truth can hurt, but
Honesty and brutality are not the same thing.
5. When you can, use this communication style
interface with these settings
Low High