
際際滷Share a Scribd company logo
In the old days, someone might have a bad
 customer experience and tell 10 people. But now,
with the rise of blogs, MySpace and Facebook, that
    person might be able to tell 10,000 people. This
   totally changes the dynamic, and importance, of
                              customer experience.

                                                                                  Bruce Temkin, vp/principal analyst at Forrester Research

Source: Forrester The Customer Experience Index 2007, http://www.forrester.com/Research/Document/Excerpt/0,7211,43877,00.html,
Brandweek, http://www.brandweek.com/bw/news/recent_display.jsp?vnu_content_id=1003677228
Todays markets require new ways of
online communication
Magnus Thell, Managing Director, Cision Scandinavia
Copenhagen, October 5, 2009
Source: CBS News
http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2009/05/04/business/main4988309.shtml ws
Source: http://www.websitemagazine.com
Source: Resume: http://www.google.com
How much chatter is going on out there?
242,982 blog posts on about 148,000 unique blogs mentioned Fortune 25
companies in the 30 day period

                 Mentions of the Fortune 10 in the Blogosphere

                        Feb. 16 to Mar. 17, 2009   Source: Cision Social Media Dashboard
Change The new arenas
K辰lla: Brian Solis, PR 2.0, The Conversation Prism, Creative Commons
Change New behavior
Source: Google, www.google.se

 Source: http://globalviking.net
9 140 000
                                                Searches for Lego per month

Source: Google AdWords Keyword Tool,
Source: Electrolux Newsroom, http://newsroom.electrolux.com/

 Source: My Starbucks Idea, http://mystarbucksidea.com
The CEO of Eniro comments directly on Facebook
by Fredrik Stenbeck on September 11, 2009

Source: http://sixx.se/nextgen

Source: Dagens Media http://www.dagensmedia.se

 Source: http://www.facebook.com/hm
Source: Tripadvisor http://www.tripadvisor.com
                                                 Consumer - Conversation
Company blog

Source: http://fastlane.gmblogs.com
Customer service

Source: Cision,
Source: www.krisinformation.se
K辰lla: Public Service of New Hampshire, http://psnhnews.com/index.cfm

Source: CNN, http://edition.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/europe/02/25/twitter.amsterdam.plane.crash/index.html
News feed

Source: http://twitter.com/cisionwire
Change Content
Source: JetBlue, http://www.youtube.com/user/JetBlueCorpComm
Source: Ford, http://media.ford.com/products/focus08/index.html
BT Event In Copenhagen Magnus Thell 2009 10 05
Source: http://www.southwest.com/about_swa/press/prindex.html,
Next step Web 3.0
Will the hype of Web 3.0 Technology
                  help us cope?
Open Calais

   Home | OpenCalais

Source: www.opencalais.com
Another view of Web 3.0, and how it will affect PR

Cision Labs: already building this technology into CisionPoint!
Web 3.0

    Source: www.silobreaker.com
Keyword Bible
Key Words
Not just for press releases:
     White Papers
     Product spec sheets
     Web Page Copy
Organizational silos will break down
Sales, customer service, PR, advertising, product management, etc.
Change A few hints to get going
 Start acting on                               How will we
   own initiative                                 handle this
  Act on                                         arena?
   prioritized                                   Who is
   arenas                 ACT        STRATEGY     responsible?
                                                 Which arenas
                                                  should we act

 Begin to             PARTICIPATE    LISTEN     Begin to listen at
  participate in the                              the conversation
  discussions                                    Learn how the
 Learn the                                       arena interacts
  language and the
  tone of the arena
Contakt Information

Magnus Thell, Cision
Managing Director Cision Scandinavia
E-mail: magnus.thell@cision.com
Mobile: +46 (708) 950 822
IM (Google Talk): magnusthell
Twitter: @magnus_thell
(www.twitter.com/magnus thell)

Useful sites:

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BT Event In Copenhagen Magnus Thell 2009 10 05