1) The document discusses Indonesia's preparations for the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) in 2015, which will create a single market in Southeast Asia.
2) A key part of preparing for the AEC is shifting Indonesia's cultural thinking, including standardizing education, healthcare, public services, and creating institutions to support the new economic community.
3) For Indonesia to succeed in the AEC, it must focus on education, developing talented workers, supporting entrepreneurship tailored to local needs and resources, and building competitiveness of local products through certification and standardization.
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1. Presentation Title
Your company information
Shifting Cultural Thinking :
Key of Winning Indonesia on AEC
By Teguh F. Setiawan
P 054 150 135/MPI
Mata Kuliah : Dasar Management
Prof. Dr. Ir. M. Syamsul Maarif, M.Eng, Dipl.Ing, DEA
2. MPI22-IPB Copyright 2015
Persiapan Indonesia Menuju ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) Tahun 2015
Integrasi ekonomi merupakan langkah penting bagi pencapaian ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) yang
berdayasaing dan berperan aktif dalam ekonomi global. Sedangkan momentum menuju terwujudnya AEC
2015 tentunya tidak terlepas dari ASEAN sebagai organisasi regional sebagai kendaraan untuk mencapai
tujuan tersebut. Pertemuan Menteri Ekonomi ASEAN yang dilaksanakan pada bulan Agustus 2006 di Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia, sepakat untuk mengembangkan AEC Blueprint yang merupakan pedoman bagi negara-
negara anggota ASEAN untuk mencapai AEC 2015. AEC Blueprint memuat 4 (empat) kerangka utama atau
pilar (Departemen Perdagangan Republik Indonesia, Menuju ASEAN Economic Community 2015), yaitu :
1. ASEAN sebagai pasar tunggal dan basis produksi internasional dengan elemen aliran bebas barang,
jasa, investasi, tenaga kerja terdidik dan aliran modal yang lebih bebas;
2. ASEAN sebagai kawasan dengan daya saing ekonomi yang tinggi, dengan elemen peraturan kompetisi,
perlindungan konsumen, hak atas kekayaan intelektual, pengembangan infrastruktur, perpajakan dan e-
3. ASEAN sebagai kawasan dengan pengembangan ekonomi yang merata dengan elemen
pengembangan usaha kecil dan menengah, dan prakarsa integrasi ASEAN untuk negara-negara CMLV
(Cambodia, Myanmar, Laos, dan Vietnam); dan
4. ASEAN sebagai kawasan yang terintegrasi secara penuh dengan perekonomian global dengan elemen
pendekatan yang koheren dalam hubungan ekonomi di luar kawasan, dan meningkatkan peran serta dalam
jejaring produksi global.
3. MPI22-IPB Copyright 2015
Dari keempat pilar tersebut, saat ini pilar pertama yang masih menjadi perhatian utama ASEAN.Untuk
mewujudkan AEC pada tahun 2015, seluruh negara ASEAN harus melakukan liberalisasi perdagangan
barang, jasa, investasi, tenaga kerja terampil secara bebas dan arus modal yang lebih bebas. Menuju
AEC bukannya tanpa persiapan yang matang, tapi juga dibutuhkan kerjasama dari penduduk setiap
Negara anggota agar bisa mewujudkan AEC tahun 2015.
Bagaimana menurut pendapat anda, persiapan Indonesia menuju ASEAN Economic Community
akhir tahun 2015 ditinjau dari perubahan budaya?
5. MPI22-IPB Copyright 2015
AEC New Home
ASEAN Asias Economic
A huge market:
625 million+
USD 2.4
6. MPI22-IPB Copyright 2015
AEC New Home
If ASEAN were a single country, it would already be
the seventh-largest economy in the world, with a
combined GDP of $2.4 trillion in 2013.
It is projected to rank as the fourth-largest economy
by 2050.
McKinsey & Co May 2014
7. MPI22-IPB Copyright 2015
Cebu Declaration
Bali Concord II
ASEAN Vision 2020
Bangkok Declaration
12th ASEAN Summit
Cebu, Philippines
Accelerate the establishment of an
ASEAN Community by 2015
Bali Concord II
An ASEAN Community shall be established
comprising three pillars, namely political and
security cooperation, economic cooperation,
and socio-cultural cooperation
8. MPI22-IPB Copyright 2015
ASEAN as a concert of
Southeast Asian
nations, outward
looking, living in peace,
stability and prosperity,
bonded together in
partnership in dynamic
development and in a
community of caring
ASEAN Vision 2020
9. MPI22-IPB Copyright 2015
Mission Work to Do
ASEAN Political Security Community (APSC)
Ensures that the peoples and Member States of ASEAN live in peace with one another
and with the world at large in a just, democratic and harmonious environment.
ASEAN Economic Community (AEC)
Transforms ASEAN into a stable, prosperous, and highly competitive region with
equitable economic development, and reduced poverty and socio-economic disparities.
ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC)
Contributes to realising an ASEAN Community that is people-oriented and socially
responsible with a view to achieving enduring solidarity and unity among the peoples
and Member States of ASEAN.
Narrowing the Development Gap (NDG)
Progressing together through cooperation in development.
The AEC will establish ASEAN as a single market and production base making ASEAN more
dynamic and competitive with new mechanisms and measures to strengthen the implementation of its
existing economic initiatives
Free flow of goods, free flow of services, free flow of investments, free flow of capital, free flow of
skilled labor
10. MPI22-IPB Copyright 2015
Creating Vision = Creating Culture ?
What Changes ???
Now Then Impact
One Country Ten Country Borderless Country
Bahasa Indonesia English Fluent is a must
Less Competitive More Competitive Certified HR, Products etc
250 million Citizen 600+ million Citizen More People to Compete
Do we Ready to live in New Home ???
Do we ready to winning Indonesia itself ??
The Answer is about Shifting NEW CULTURE TO OUR CITIZEN
11. MPI22-IPB Copyright 2015
Creating New Home = Standardize Everything
A. Standarization on Education :
- Norm-Value Education
- Nationality Education
- Scientifical Education
- Vocational Education
B. Standardization on Healthcare
C. Standardization on Publlic Service (e-Government, Transparency, Social Media)
D. Build Awareness on AEC through Education (Kindergarten to University)
E. Create New Institution throughout Indonesia which will care this New AEC
- New Regulation
- New Public Relation
- New Services
- New Licensing
Through Standardization We Declare That We Ready For Global
12. MPI22-IPB Copyright 2015
Winning Indonesia Itself
Indonesia is about 60 % landscape of ASEAN
Indonesia is the biggest country in ASEAN
Indonesia is biggest population in ASEAN
Indonesia hold biggest Natural Resources in ASEAN
So Could be biggest Costumers or Biggest Producers
13. MPI22-IPB Copyright 2015
Winning Indonesia Itself
The Key for Winning Indonesia :
Education.Education and Education
Talent based education : Being entrepreneur or Professional Worker or
Create supporting Environment for Entrepreneurship : Based on Local Need
and Resources.
Build Awareness on Indonesia Product and Services through Promotion, Local
Content Awareness, Local Content Certification and Belilah Product Indonesia
Special Treatment and Protection and guidance for Local Indonesia Product
Build Competitiveness on Local Product Through Free Certification and
Government and BUMN shall involve on all aspect that not economically
14. MPI22-IPB Copyright 2015
AEC is a Chance also Challenge for Indonesia to Grow
Preparing Citizen for AEC is about shifting Cultural Matter
Create AEC as new Home is about Standardize Everything
Winning AEC is about Winning Indonesia