This document discusses the WordPress plugin BuddyPress, which turns WordPress into a social network. It provides features like activity streams, user groups, profiles, forums and private messaging. The document outlines some of BuddyPress' core features under "Ins" and potential downsides under "Outs". It also notes that while the installation wizard helps, setting up BuddyPress can still be complicated, and extending it requires understanding its many hooks and filters as documentation is limited.
12. Ins
Private Messaging
â– Send messages to other users
â– send to multiple recipients
13. Ins
User Settings
â– Control Notifications
â– Adjust user settings
without visiting the
14. Ins
â– 405 Plugins in repository
15. Outs
â– Too much of a good
â– Takes a lot of prep
16. Installation
â– They've got a wizard
â– Not so fast, it's still a
bit complicated
17. Extend
â– Actions and Filters galore
â– Poor documentation
â– Have a good IDE or
know how to grep your
â– bp-custom.php
â– $bp object is your friend
18. Thank You
Name: Tom Jenkins
Company: adcuda
twitter: @techguytom