Οι εικ?νε? του βιβλ?ου "Το δ?ντρο βλ?πει" τη? Ιρ?ν Κο?ν Ζανκ? με εικονογρ?φηση του Maurizio Quarello, και μετ?φραση τη? Μαρ?ζα? Ντε Κ?στρο, απ? τι? εκδ?σει? Κ?κκινο (2012).
Setting Time of Hydraulic Cement By Vicat Needle | Jameel AcademyJameel Academy
This report details an experiment to determine the initial and final setting times of a hydraulic cement using the Vicat needle test method. The cement paste was prepared and tested according to ASTM standards. The initial setting time was found to be 2 hours and 45 minutes when the needle penetration was 6 mm. The final setting time was then calculated using an empirical equation to be 4 hours and 48 minutes. While only two penetration measurements were taken, the results indicate the cement would be suitable for construction uses and meet the Iraqi standard of a minimum 1 hour initial setting time.
Πρακτικ? Πανελλην?ου Συνεδρ?ου με θ?μα "Η Ποι?τητα στην Εκπα?δευση: Τ?σει? και Προοπτικ??" που διοργαν?θηκε 11-13 Μαρτ?ου 2012 απ? το Παιδαγωγικ? Τμ?μα Δημοτικ?? Εκπα?δευση? του Καποδιστριακο? Πανεπιστημ?ου, στην Αθ?να
El documento describe la construcción de una viga de madera con 5 vigas de 2" x 6" separadas cada 1.7 metros. Detalla la elevación frontal y la carga que soporta el dintel.
Design of pavement on subgrade soil by stabilizationAmeer Muhammed
The document summarizes a study on designing pavement on subgrade soil stabilized with waste paper sludge. The objectives were to study properties of waste paper sludge and soil, evaluate strength of soil blended with waste paper sludge, and design a flexible pavement. Tests were conducted to determine properties of soil and waste paper sludge. Compaction, UCC and CBR tests were performed on soil-waste paper sludge mixtures. Pavement thickness was designed using IRC 37 and Kenlayer software considering fatigue and rutting failure. The analysis showed waste paper sludge can be used for soil stabilization and pavement construction.
Bearing ratio capacity of compacted soilameresmail92
This document describes the standard test method for determining the California Bearing Ratio (CBR) of laboratory-compacted soils. The CBR test measures the bearing capacity of a soil by penetrating a piston into a compacted soil sample and measuring the resistance. There are two main compaction methods - static and dynamic - and the document outlines the detailed procedures for compacting soil samples using each method and then soaking and testing the samples to determine the CBR value. The CBR test is used to evaluate the strength of materials like subgrade, subbase and base course materials for roads and airfields.
Reinforced Concrete Structure and Detailing ModuleBahzad5
The document discusses different types of concrete slabs used in construction. It describes 16 types of slabs including flat slabs, conventional slabs, hollow core slabs, hardy slabs, waffle slabs, dome slabs, pitch roof slabs, slabs with arches, and post-tensioned slabs. For each type, it provides details on how they are constructed and where each type is best applied. The document also discusses advantages and disadvantages of some of the slab types.
Η μεγ?λη ?κταση που καλ?πτει η θ?λασσα στον πλαν?τη Γη, η καθοριστικ? τη? σημασ?α στη ζω? των ανθρ?πων καθ?? και το γεγον?? ?τι το σχολε?ο μα? βρ?σκεται σε νησ? οδ?γησαν στην επιλογ? του συγκεκριμ?νου θ?ματο?. Τα υποθ?ματα με τα οπο?α ασχοληθ?καμε ?ταν: α)η χλωρ?δα και η παν?δα, β) η σημασ?α τη? θ?λασσα?, γ)η ρ?πανση και η υπεραλ?ευση στη θ?λασσα. ?γινε προσ?γγιση των υποθεμ?των αυτ?ν σε δι?στημα 5 μην?ν μ?σα απ? δι?φορε? δραστηρι?τητε? προσαρμοσμ?νε? σε ?ναν ιδια?τερα ανομοιογεν? πληθυσμ?. Οι μ?θοδοι που χρησιμοποι?θηκαν ?ταν κυρ?ω? η ομαδοσυνεργατικ? διδασκαλ?α και η διερευνητικ? μ?θηση. Οι μαθητ?? ανταποκρ?θηκαν σε ?λε? τι? δραστηρι?τητε? και αποκ?μισαν σημαντικ?? γν?σει? επ? του θ?ματο?, ?πω? επ?ση? εξ?σκησαν ιδια?τερα και την κριτικ? του? σκ?ψη.
This document provides information on procedures to determine various properties of aggregates through laboratory experiments. It describes 12 experiments related to grain size distribution, bulk density, voids ratio, porosity, specific gravity, bulking, crushing value, impact value, and compressive strength of aggregates and cement. The summary focuses on Experiment 1 which involves determining the particle size distribution of fine and coarse aggregates through sieve analysis.
Design of pavement on subgrade soil by stabilizationAmeer Muhammed
The document summarizes a study on designing pavement on subgrade soil stabilized with waste paper sludge. The objectives were to study properties of waste paper sludge and soil, evaluate strength of soil blended with waste paper sludge, and design a flexible pavement. Tests were conducted to determine properties of soil and waste paper sludge. Compaction, UCC and CBR tests were performed on soil-waste paper sludge mixtures. Pavement thickness was designed using IRC 37 and Kenlayer software considering fatigue and rutting failure. The analysis showed waste paper sludge can be used for soil stabilization and pavement construction.
Bearing ratio capacity of compacted soilameresmail92
This document describes the standard test method for determining the California Bearing Ratio (CBR) of laboratory-compacted soils. The CBR test measures the bearing capacity of a soil by penetrating a piston into a compacted soil sample and measuring the resistance. There are two main compaction methods - static and dynamic - and the document outlines the detailed procedures for compacting soil samples using each method and then soaking and testing the samples to determine the CBR value. The CBR test is used to evaluate the strength of materials like subgrade, subbase and base course materials for roads and airfields.
Reinforced Concrete Structure and Detailing ModuleBahzad5
The document discusses different types of concrete slabs used in construction. It describes 16 types of slabs including flat slabs, conventional slabs, hollow core slabs, hardy slabs, waffle slabs, dome slabs, pitch roof slabs, slabs with arches, and post-tensioned slabs. For each type, it provides details on how they are constructed and where each type is best applied. The document also discusses advantages and disadvantages of some of the slab types.
Η μεγ?λη ?κταση που καλ?πτει η θ?λασσα στον πλαν?τη Γη, η καθοριστικ? τη? σημασ?α στη ζω? των ανθρ?πων καθ?? και το γεγον?? ?τι το σχολε?ο μα? βρ?σκεται σε νησ? οδ?γησαν στην επιλογ? του συγκεκριμ?νου θ?ματο?. Τα υποθ?ματα με τα οπο?α ασχοληθ?καμε ?ταν: α)η χλωρ?δα και η παν?δα, β) η σημασ?α τη? θ?λασσα?, γ)η ρ?πανση και η υπεραλ?ευση στη θ?λασσα. ?γινε προσ?γγιση των υποθεμ?των αυτ?ν σε δι?στημα 5 μην?ν μ?σα απ? δι?φορε? δραστηρι?τητε? προσαρμοσμ?νε? σε ?ναν ιδια?τερα ανομοιογεν? πληθυσμ?. Οι μ?θοδοι που χρησιμοποι?θηκαν ?ταν κυρ?ω? η ομαδοσυνεργατικ? διδασκαλ?α και η διερευνητικ? μ?θηση. Οι μαθητ?? ανταποκρ?θηκαν σε ?λε? τι? δραστηρι?τητε? και αποκ?μισαν σημαντικ?? γν?σει? επ? του θ?ματο?, ?πω? επ?ση? εξ?σκησαν ιδια?τερα και την κριτικ? του? σκ?ψη.
This document provides information on procedures to determine various properties of aggregates through laboratory experiments. It describes 12 experiments related to grain size distribution, bulk density, voids ratio, porosity, specific gravity, bulking, crushing value, impact value, and compressive strength of aggregates and cement. The summary focuses on Experiment 1 which involves determining the particle size distribution of fine and coarse aggregates through sieve analysis.