This document provides information about creating and managing a budget. It discusses tracking expenses, distinguishing needs from wants, and understanding fixed versus variable costs. Key steps include identifying income sources, tracking spending for a month, deciding what is a need versus a want, creating a realistic spending plan within one's means, and living within one's income to achieve financial goals and avoid unnecessary debt. The overall message is that learning to live within one's budget through expense tracking and prioritization is the secret to financial success.
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More Related Content
1. Budgeting
Learning the importance of tracking where
your money goes
Association of Financial Educators
2. Objectives
Learn the facts about money.
Tracking where your money is spent.
Understanding your expenses.
Distinguish wants from needs.
Making a budget work for you.
3. The Facts about Money
Understand that every person and/ or household
has a limited amount of money, despite income.
Learn to prioritize: What to buy now, what to buy
later and what to do without.
4. Why take a look at your budget?
Your money is your future!
Managing your money is
possible and easier than
you may think.
Reaching your goals can
be a reality.
Avoiding unnecessary
debt is possible.
5. Where to Begin
Take a close look at your financial
obligations and current spending.
-Determine your overhead cost on fixed
8. The Choices we Face: Is it
Going out to eat
Concert tickets
New boots
New clothes
Cable TV
New car
9. Wants Versus Needs
Understanding the difference between a
necessity and a desire can help you
manage your spending.
Controlling your budget means making
decisions. There will never be enough
money for all your needs and wants.
10. Small Spending Can Add Up!
1 Starbucks速 drink@ $3.50
$3.50 x 7 days = $24.50
$3.50 x 365 days = $1,227.50
1 Sonic速 burger @ $4.25
$4.25 x 7 days = $29.75
$4.25 x 365 days = $1,551.25
1 carton of cigarettes @ $80.00
$32.00 x 12 months = $960
$32.00 x 52 weeks = $4,160.00
11. Alternative Options to Scale Back
Public transportation
Carpool group
Downgrading utility bills
-Cable package, phone
Attend free events
Grind your own coffee
Cook meals at home
Shop at discount stores
Use coupons
12. The Secret to Financial
Learning to live within your income and
13. Key Steps to Establishing and
Managing Your Budget
Identify all sources of income and
calculate the monthly take home
Track all spending for a month.
Decide what is a want and what is a need
and re-evaluate.
Create a spending plan that is realistic.
Live within your income.
14. Thank you!!
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