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PhDr. Hana Landov叩, Ph.D. ISK FF UK Informan鱈 vzdl叩v叩n鱈  vnov辿m h叩vu:  jak budeme uit na邸e u転ivatele vp鱈邸t鱈ch letech?
息 Hana Landov叩
Inspirace Pracovn鱈 pozice ve V knihovn P哲soben鱈 v Odborn辿 komisi IVIG AKV Pr 叩ce na projektech  Magistersk辿 i doktorsk辿 studium  V箪uka  Zahranin鱈 cesty  Konference  Diskuse s kolegy, v箪mna zku邸enost鱈   息 Hana Landov叩
Dne邸n鱈 setk叩n鱈 nad t辿matem V箪choz鱈 koncepty ir邸鱈 kontext informan鱈ho vzdl叩v叩n鱈 Prvky syst辿mu IV   mo転n叩 tro邸ku netradin  Zahranin鱈 zku邸enosti  Kde jsme a kam jdeme?  息 Hana Landov叩
Mluv o tom, co zn叩邸   Zamen鱈 na V knihovny  Zahranin鱈 zku邸enosti  (USA a Kanada) Paralely i odli邸nosti: jin箪 typ knihoven, jin辿 zem Prostor pro diskusi a vz叩jemnou inspiraci     息 Hana Landov叩
D哲le転it辿 v箪choz鱈 koncepty Informan鱈 gramotnost  Informan鱈 vzdl叩v叩n鱈  Referenn鱈 a re邸er邸n鱈 slu転by v kontextu IV  Vyuuj鱈c鱈 / u鱈c鱈 knihovn鱈k  (teaching librarian)  息 Hana Landov叩
息 Hana Landov叩 Z eho vych叩z鱈me?
息 Hana Landov叩 Jak辿 postaven鱈  M knihovna  v r叩mci univerzity / (akademick辿) komunity?
息 Hana Landov叩 Jak辿 postaven鱈  BY MOHLA MT?
Uva転ujme spolen  a v kontextu Z鱈sk叩v叩n鱈 student哲 Studium  V箪uka  V箪zkum, v箪voj a jeho podpora Budov叩n鱈 akademick辿 komunity  Rozvoj technologi鱈  Zkvalitnn鱈 v箪stup哲  息 Hana Landov叩
息 Hana Landov叩 Jak to v邸e souvis鱈  s informan鱈m vzdl叩v叩n鱈m?
息 Hana Landov叩 Jak postavit kvalitn鱈 program?
Prvky syst辿mu  informan鱈ho vzdl叩v叩n鱈  息 Hana Landov叩
K O N T E X T  息 Hana Landov叩 IV
息 Hana Landov叩 IV
Lid辿 v informan鱈m vzdl叩v叩n鱈  Studenti  velmi pestr叩 skupina (vk, forma studia, obor ) Pedagogov辿  - alfa a omega 炭spchu     Knihovn鱈ci  hybatel辿  Veden鱈 vysok辿 邸koly  bez nj nejde nic  Pozn.: Modifikace u jin箪ch typ哲 knihoven 息 Hana Landov叩
Mjme na pamti   Nov叩 generace student哲: jejich zvyky, schopnosti, poteby, n叩roky, probl辿my  Pedagogov辿: rostouc鱈 objem poznatk哲; tlak na zmnu stylu v箪uky; po転adavky na vdeck辿 v箪stupy Knihovn鱈ci: nov辿 pozice ( teaching libr., outreach libr., subject libr. ); poteba h叩jit svou pozici, hledat si nov箪 prostor   Veden鱈 V: ekonomick辿 aspekty, d哲raz na kvalitn鱈 v箪stupy  (v箪uka i v箪zkum) 息 Hana Landov叩
A co s t鱈m d叩l?  Snaha co nejl辿pe poznat sv辿 u転ivatele. D哲kladn箪 pr哲zkum poteb, c鱈l哲, dlouhodob箪ch z叩mr哲  a v哲bec z叩mr哲     Rozvoj knihovn鱈k哲  pedagogick辿 i mana転ersk辿 kompetence.    P鱈klad popisu pracovn鱈 n叩pln   !! Komunikovat, informovat, komunikovat, ..  A SPOLUPRACOVAT  息 Hana Landov叩
息 Hana Landov叩 IV
Mo転nosti spolupr叩ce Spojen鱈 sil  Tandem knihovn鱈k  pedagog  Pedagog: znalost pedmtu, student哲  Knihovn鱈k: znalost zdroj哲, re邸er邸n鱈ch strategi鱈 a zvyklost鱈 student哲 pi vyhled叩v叩n鱈 Metoda advok叩t哲, 邸ampion哲, spojenc哲   息 Hana Landov叩
Co se osvdilo?  Aktivn鱈 budov叩n鱈 vztah哲 v r叩mci komunity     Pozice  faculty liasion + subject librarian Spolen辿 vytv叩en鱈 kurz哲, zad叩n鱈 projekt哲 Spolupr叩ce i s dal邸鱈mi sou叩stmi univerzity Spolupr叩ce se stedn鱈mi 邸kolami  (K16 collaboration) Spolupr叩ce s jin箪mi typy knihoven  息 Hana Landov叩
Dr. Martin  Luther King, Jr. Library  Spolupr叩ce mezi mstem San Jos辿 (Cal., USA) a San Jos辿 University  Zdroj.:  http://www.sjlibrary.org 息 Hana Landov叩
Jak to pou転鱈t?  M鱈 je na na邸鱈 stran     Vypracovat si strategii navazov叩n鱈 partnerstv鱈  v r叩mci relevantn鱈 komunity  - v u転邸鱈m i 邸ir邸鱈m pojet鱈  Pipravit si informace, n叩vrhy, argumenty, p鱈klady dobr辿 praxe   Spojit s鱈ly, diskutovat s kolegy, sd鱈let zku邸enosti (NAKLIV, IVIG aj.)  A pustit se do pr叩ce!  息 Hana Landov叩
息 Hana Landov叩 IV
P鱈le転itost k uchopen鱈?  Nov辿 prvky ve v箪uce  na v邸ech 炭rovn鱈ch vzdl叩vac鱈ho syst辿mu  (inquiry-based learning, research based learning) N叩roky na pedagogy, studenty i knihovnu Obrovsk叩 p鱈le転itost pro informan鱈 vzdl叩v叩n鱈  Pestr叩 c鱈lov叩 skupina = >  邸irok叩 paleta t辿mat i forem Spolupr叩ce nab鱈dku t辿mat je邸t roz邸iuje     Formy: exkurze, 邸kolen鱈, semin叩e, kurzy 息 Hana Landov叩
Nezapomeme     hledat nov叩 t辿mata (邸ir邸鱈 kontext i naopak vysoce specializovan叩)    na t辿mata zd叩nliv ne p鱈mo souvisej鱈c鱈 se studiem (heslo: komunitn鱈 funkce V knihovny    )    邸鱈t t辿mata na m鱈ru p鱈slu邸n辿 c鱈lov辿 skupin (forma studia, f叩ze studia, obor)    zvolit formu odpov鱈daj鱈c鱈 obsahu    se zamit na okrajov辿 a rizikov辿 skupiny  (outreach librarian) 息 Hana Landov叩
Zvl叩邸tn鱈 v箪zva!  Zamit se na oborov zamen辿 aktivity v oblasti informan鱈ho vzdl叩v叩n鱈 Spolupr叩ci vy転aduje, ale z叩rove ulehuje  Bl鱈転 student哲m, bl鱈転 pedagog哲m  Pom哲転e n叩m integrovat IV do v箪uky  Roz邸鱈en鱈 palety t辿mat  !! P鱈padov叩 studie  ZF JU!!  息 Hana Landov叩
息 Hana Landov叩 IV
Technologie v IV funguj鱈 Knihovna jako p鱈skovi邸t ( sandbox )  technologie se opt 叩sten st叩vaj鱈 i pedmtem IV Respektov叩n鱈 charakteristik generace Y (asem i Z) Vyu転it鱈 nov箪ch hardwarov箪ch i softwarov箪ch e邸en鱈 pro zkvalitnn鱈 v箪uky; nov辿 form叩ty, astji videa  Smartboard, iPod, iPad a spol.  (!!P鱈klad: USC!!) Zapojen鱈 student哲, interakce  (clicker) Nov辿 komunikan鱈 kan叩ly a slu転by 24/7 Kombinace slu転eb, technologi鱈 a prostor knihovny 息 Hana Landov叩
息 Hana Landov叩 IV
Pro chodit do knihovny?  Od  Information commons k  Learning commons  Prostory knihoven jsou otevenj邸鱈, variabilnj邸鱈  R哲zn辿 typy studoven  Respektov叩n鱈 r哲zn箪ch styl哲 uen鱈  Snaha o poskytnut鱈 prostoru pro akademickou diskusi, upevnn鱈 pocitu komunity  Fondy ustupuj鱈 lidem  息 Hana Landov叩
Jak u n叩s?  Nov辿 budovy knihoven , p鱈p. rekonstrukce, jako p鱈le転itost  Konzervatismus x poteba zmny Znalost poteb a p叩n鱈 u転ivatelsk辿 obce  Obas i experimenty     息 Hana Landov叩
息 Hana Landov叩 IV
V鱈me, co u鱈me  ale v鱈me, co nau鱈me?  St転ejn鱈 a dlouho opom鱈jen叩 (odsouvan叩) ot叩zka   Ot叩zka dopadu informan鱈ho vzdl叩v叩n鱈  Zptn叩 vazba  Argumenty pro dal邸鱈 rozv鱈jen鱈 syst辿mu informan鱈ho vzdl叩v叩n鱈 Podklad pro grantov辿 pihl叩邸ky  Vliv na spr叩vnou volbu forem, n叩stroj哲, obsah哲 i c鱈lov辿 skupiny  息 Hana Landov叩
Co n叩s vlastn zaj鱈m叩?  Hodnocen鱈 na nkolika 炭rovn鱈ch:  v r叩mci knihovny  hodnocen鱈 v箪ukov箪ch aktivit knihovny mimo knihovnu  - hodnocen鱈 prvk哲 IV ve v箪uce jin箪ch pedmt哲 na 炭rovni cel辿 vysok辿 邸koly  hodnocen鱈 jednotliv箪ch studijn鱈ch program哲  za hranicemi V  hodnocen鱈 uplatnn辿 absolvent哲  Zdroj: Bosseau, Don L.; Martin, Susan K. (1999). We are Teaching, but are They Learning: Accountability, Productivity, and Assessment. Journal of the Academic Librarianship 25, July: pp. 304-305. 息 Hana Landov叩
U鱈me spr叩vn?  Zat鱈m moc nev鱈me  Spokojenost student哲 s v箪ukou x jejich znalosti V箪sledky student哲?  Testy ped a po skonen鱈 pedn叩邸ky/ semin叩e/  kurzu Ot叩zky p鱈pravy, komplexnosti, efektivity  Ot叩zka zapojen鱈 se do celouniverzitn鱈ch evaluac鱈 (u akreditovan箪ch kurz哲)  Prostor pro v箪zkum  nejen u n叩s   (pilotn鱈 pr哲zkumy ji転 byly  Komise IVIG) 息 Hana Landov叩
K O N T E X T  息 Hana Landov叩 IV
A kruh se uzavel   Je hodn mo転nost鱈 inspirace   tak se inspirujme     A泥 転ij鱈 komunitn鱈 a vzdl叩vac鱈 funkce knihovny! V邸e v鱈ce do hloubky, propracovanji Nov叩 t辿mata, nov叩 partnerstv鱈, nov辿 formy Knihovna by mla 転鱈t a v鱈t vzdl叩v叩n鱈m  A hlavn se neb叩t zkou邸et nov辿 vci  !  息 Hana Landov叩
Dkuji za pozornost!  E-mail:  hanalandova @ centrum.cz Odborn 叩 komise IVIG AKV: www.ivig.cz

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Budoucnost IV Landova

  • 1. PhDr. Hana Landov叩, Ph.D. ISK FF UK Informan鱈 vzdl叩v叩n鱈 vnov辿m h叩vu: jak budeme uit na邸e u転ivatele vp鱈邸t鱈ch letech?
  • 3. Inspirace Pracovn鱈 pozice ve V knihovn P哲soben鱈 v Odborn辿 komisi IVIG AKV Pr 叩ce na projektech Magistersk辿 i doktorsk辿 studium V箪uka Zahranin鱈 cesty Konference Diskuse s kolegy, v箪mna zku邸enost鱈 息 Hana Landov叩
  • 4. Dne邸n鱈 setk叩n鱈 nad t辿matem V箪choz鱈 koncepty ir邸鱈 kontext informan鱈ho vzdl叩v叩n鱈 Prvky syst辿mu IV mo転n叩 tro邸ku netradin Zahranin鱈 zku邸enosti Kde jsme a kam jdeme? 息 Hana Landov叩
  • 5. Mluv o tom, co zn叩邸 Zamen鱈 na V knihovny Zahranin鱈 zku邸enosti (USA a Kanada) Paralely i odli邸nosti: jin箪 typ knihoven, jin辿 zem Prostor pro diskusi a vz叩jemnou inspiraci 息 Hana Landov叩
  • 6. D哲le転it辿 v箪choz鱈 koncepty Informan鱈 gramotnost Informan鱈 vzdl叩v叩n鱈 Referenn鱈 a re邸er邸n鱈 slu転by v kontextu IV Vyuuj鱈c鱈 / u鱈c鱈 knihovn鱈k (teaching librarian) 息 Hana Landov叩
  • 7. 息 Hana Landov叩 Z eho vych叩z鱈me?
  • 8. 息 Hana Landov叩 Jak辿 postaven鱈 M knihovna v r叩mci univerzity / (akademick辿) komunity?
  • 9. 息 Hana Landov叩 Jak辿 postaven鱈 BY MOHLA MT?
  • 10. Uva転ujme spolen a v kontextu Z鱈sk叩v叩n鱈 student哲 Studium V箪uka V箪zkum, v箪voj a jeho podpora Budov叩n鱈 akademick辿 komunity Rozvoj technologi鱈 Zkvalitnn鱈 v箪stup哲 息 Hana Landov叩
  • 11. 息 Hana Landov叩 Jak to v邸e souvis鱈 s informan鱈m vzdl叩v叩n鱈m?
  • 12. 息 Hana Landov叩 Jak postavit kvalitn鱈 program?
  • 13. Prvky syst辿mu informan鱈ho vzdl叩v叩n鱈 息 Hana Landov叩
  • 14. K O N T E X T 息 Hana Landov叩 IV
  • 16. Lid辿 v informan鱈m vzdl叩v叩n鱈 Studenti velmi pestr叩 skupina (vk, forma studia, obor ) Pedagogov辿 - alfa a omega 炭spchu Knihovn鱈ci hybatel辿 Veden鱈 vysok辿 邸koly bez nj nejde nic Pozn.: Modifikace u jin箪ch typ哲 knihoven 息 Hana Landov叩
  • 17. Mjme na pamti Nov叩 generace student哲: jejich zvyky, schopnosti, poteby, n叩roky, probl辿my Pedagogov辿: rostouc鱈 objem poznatk哲; tlak na zmnu stylu v箪uky; po転adavky na vdeck辿 v箪stupy Knihovn鱈ci: nov辿 pozice ( teaching libr., outreach libr., subject libr. ); poteba h叩jit svou pozici, hledat si nov箪 prostor Veden鱈 V: ekonomick辿 aspekty, d哲raz na kvalitn鱈 v箪stupy (v箪uka i v箪zkum) 息 Hana Landov叩
  • 18. A co s t鱈m d叩l? Snaha co nejl辿pe poznat sv辿 u転ivatele. D哲kladn箪 pr哲zkum poteb, c鱈l哲, dlouhodob箪ch z叩mr哲 a v哲bec z叩mr哲 Rozvoj knihovn鱈k哲 pedagogick辿 i mana転ersk辿 kompetence. P鱈klad popisu pracovn鱈 n叩pln !! Komunikovat, informovat, komunikovat, .. A SPOLUPRACOVAT 息 Hana Landov叩
  • 20. Mo転nosti spolupr叩ce Spojen鱈 sil Tandem knihovn鱈k pedagog Pedagog: znalost pedmtu, student哲 Knihovn鱈k: znalost zdroj哲, re邸er邸n鱈ch strategi鱈 a zvyklost鱈 student哲 pi vyhled叩v叩n鱈 Metoda advok叩t哲, 邸ampion哲, spojenc哲 息 Hana Landov叩
  • 21. Co se osvdilo? Aktivn鱈 budov叩n鱈 vztah哲 v r叩mci komunity Pozice faculty liasion + subject librarian Spolen辿 vytv叩en鱈 kurz哲, zad叩n鱈 projekt哲 Spolupr叩ce i s dal邸鱈mi sou叩stmi univerzity Spolupr叩ce se stedn鱈mi 邸kolami (K16 collaboration) Spolupr叩ce s jin箪mi typy knihoven 息 Hana Landov叩
  • 22. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library Spolupr叩ce mezi mstem San Jos辿 (Cal., USA) a San Jos辿 University Zdroj.: http://www.sjlibrary.org 息 Hana Landov叩
  • 23. Jak to pou転鱈t? M鱈 je na na邸鱈 stran Vypracovat si strategii navazov叩n鱈 partnerstv鱈 v r叩mci relevantn鱈 komunity - v u転邸鱈m i 邸ir邸鱈m pojet鱈 Pipravit si informace, n叩vrhy, argumenty, p鱈klady dobr辿 praxe Spojit s鱈ly, diskutovat s kolegy, sd鱈let zku邸enosti (NAKLIV, IVIG aj.) A pustit se do pr叩ce! 息 Hana Landov叩
  • 25. P鱈le転itost k uchopen鱈? Nov辿 prvky ve v箪uce na v邸ech 炭rovn鱈ch vzdl叩vac鱈ho syst辿mu (inquiry-based learning, research based learning) N叩roky na pedagogy, studenty i knihovnu Obrovsk叩 p鱈le転itost pro informan鱈 vzdl叩v叩n鱈 Pestr叩 c鱈lov叩 skupina = > 邸irok叩 paleta t辿mat i forem Spolupr叩ce nab鱈dku t辿mat je邸t roz邸iuje Formy: exkurze, 邸kolen鱈, semin叩e, kurzy 息 Hana Landov叩
  • 26. Nezapomeme hledat nov叩 t辿mata (邸ir邸鱈 kontext i naopak vysoce specializovan叩) na t辿mata zd叩nliv ne p鱈mo souvisej鱈c鱈 se studiem (heslo: komunitn鱈 funkce V knihovny ) 邸鱈t t辿mata na m鱈ru p鱈slu邸n辿 c鱈lov辿 skupin (forma studia, f叩ze studia, obor) zvolit formu odpov鱈daj鱈c鱈 obsahu se zamit na okrajov辿 a rizikov辿 skupiny (outreach librarian) 息 Hana Landov叩
  • 27. Zvl叩邸tn鱈 v箪zva! Zamit se na oborov zamen辿 aktivity v oblasti informan鱈ho vzdl叩v叩n鱈 Spolupr叩ci vy転aduje, ale z叩rove ulehuje Bl鱈転 student哲m, bl鱈転 pedagog哲m Pom哲転e n叩m integrovat IV do v箪uky Roz邸鱈en鱈 palety t辿mat !! P鱈padov叩 studie ZF JU!! 息 Hana Landov叩
  • 29. Technologie v IV funguj鱈 Knihovna jako p鱈skovi邸t ( sandbox ) technologie se opt 叩sten st叩vaj鱈 i pedmtem IV Respektov叩n鱈 charakteristik generace Y (asem i Z) Vyu転it鱈 nov箪ch hardwarov箪ch i softwarov箪ch e邸en鱈 pro zkvalitnn鱈 v箪uky; nov辿 form叩ty, astji videa Smartboard, iPod, iPad a spol. (!!P鱈klad: USC!!) Zapojen鱈 student哲, interakce (clicker) Nov辿 komunikan鱈 kan叩ly a slu転by 24/7 Kombinace slu転eb, technologi鱈 a prostor knihovny 息 Hana Landov叩
  • 31. Pro chodit do knihovny? Od Information commons k Learning commons Prostory knihoven jsou otevenj邸鱈, variabilnj邸鱈 R哲zn辿 typy studoven Respektov叩n鱈 r哲zn箪ch styl哲 uen鱈 Snaha o poskytnut鱈 prostoru pro akademickou diskusi, upevnn鱈 pocitu komunity Fondy ustupuj鱈 lidem 息 Hana Landov叩
  • 32. Jak u n叩s? Nov辿 budovy knihoven , p鱈p. rekonstrukce, jako p鱈le転itost Konzervatismus x poteba zmny Znalost poteb a p叩n鱈 u転ivatelsk辿 obce Obas i experimenty 息 Hana Landov叩
  • 34. V鱈me, co u鱈me ale v鱈me, co nau鱈me? St転ejn鱈 a dlouho opom鱈jen叩 (odsouvan叩) ot叩zka Ot叩zka dopadu informan鱈ho vzdl叩v叩n鱈 Zptn叩 vazba Argumenty pro dal邸鱈 rozv鱈jen鱈 syst辿mu informan鱈ho vzdl叩v叩n鱈 Podklad pro grantov辿 pihl叩邸ky Vliv na spr叩vnou volbu forem, n叩stroj哲, obsah哲 i c鱈lov辿 skupiny 息 Hana Landov叩
  • 35. Co n叩s vlastn zaj鱈m叩? Hodnocen鱈 na nkolika 炭rovn鱈ch: v r叩mci knihovny hodnocen鱈 v箪ukov箪ch aktivit knihovny mimo knihovnu - hodnocen鱈 prvk哲 IV ve v箪uce jin箪ch pedmt哲 na 炭rovni cel辿 vysok辿 邸koly hodnocen鱈 jednotliv箪ch studijn鱈ch program哲 za hranicemi V hodnocen鱈 uplatnn辿 absolvent哲 Zdroj: Bosseau, Don L.; Martin, Susan K. (1999). We are Teaching, but are They Learning: Accountability, Productivity, and Assessment. Journal of the Academic Librarianship 25, July: pp. 304-305. 息 Hana Landov叩
  • 36. U鱈me spr叩vn? Zat鱈m moc nev鱈me Spokojenost student哲 s v箪ukou x jejich znalosti V箪sledky student哲? Testy ped a po skonen鱈 pedn叩邸ky/ semin叩e/ kurzu Ot叩zky p鱈pravy, komplexnosti, efektivity Ot叩zka zapojen鱈 se do celouniverzitn鱈ch evaluac鱈 (u akreditovan箪ch kurz哲) Prostor pro v箪zkum nejen u n叩s (pilotn鱈 pr哲zkumy ji転 byly Komise IVIG) 息 Hana Landov叩
  • 37. K O N T E X T 息 Hana Landov叩 IV
  • 38. A kruh se uzavel Je hodn mo転nost鱈 inspirace tak se inspirujme A泥 転ij鱈 komunitn鱈 a vzdl叩vac鱈 funkce knihovny! V邸e v鱈ce do hloubky, propracovanji Nov叩 t辿mata, nov叩 partnerstv鱈, nov辿 formy Knihovna by mla 転鱈t a v鱈t vzdl叩v叩n鱈m A hlavn se neb叩t zkou邸et nov辿 vci ! 息 Hana Landov叩
  • 39. Dkuji za pozornost! E-mail: hanalandova @ centrum.cz Odborn 叩 komise IVIG AKV: www.ivig.cz

Editor's Notes

  • #2: Podkov叩n鱈 organiz叩tor哲m za konferenci, za pozv叩n鱈, za vytvoen鱈 prostoru pro setk叩n鱈, diskusi a proch叩zky p鱈rodou i plav叩n鱈 ;-) Pedstaven鱈 pedn叩邸ej鱈c鱈 Dotazy, pros鱈m, klate kdykoliv bhem m辿ho pov鱈d叩n鱈 a nebo samozejm po skonen鱈 pedn叩邸ky ale uv鱈t叩m okam転it辿 reakce, prosby o zpesnn鱈, vysvtlen鱈 apod. Dne邸n鱈 t辿ma n叩zev mo転n叩 trochu odv叩転n箪, jeliko転 je t転k辿 odhadnout, jak v邸e bude za p叩r let vypadat ale c鱈lem tohoto pov鱈d叩n鱈 je upozornit na zaj鱈mav辿 trendy, mo転nosti, inspirace v 炭sp邸n箪ch projektech
  • #3: P叩r m鱈st, kter叩 pro m byla v uplynul箪ch cca 7 letech inspirac鱈 UNC CH Toronto Quebec City Chicago
  • #4: Inspirac鱈 pro mou pr叩ci a zkoum叩n鱈 problematiky informan鱈ho vzdl叩v叩n鱈 a v哲bec vzdl叩vac鱈 funkce knihoven obecn jsou mi Pr叩ce na ZU p哲soben鱈 v odborn辿 komisi IVIG magistersk辿 a doktorsk辿 studium
  • #5: Dnes se zam鱈m na:
  • #15: Jednotliv辿 d哲le転it辿 prvky v informan鱈m vzdl叩v叩n鱈 v kontextu, propojen辿, vz叩jemn se ovlivuj鱈c鱈 Kvalitn鱈 syst辿m informan鱈ho vzdl叩v叩n鱈 m叩 v邸echny prvky vyv叩転en辿, propracovan辿 Jednotliv辿 prvky si bl鱈転e pedstav鱈me, odkryjeme, co se za nimi skr箪v叩 a pedstav鱈me si nkter辿 vybran辿 nov辿 pohledy na danou oblast
  • #16: I kdy転 jsem ekla, 転e v邸echny prvky syst辿mu IG jsou vyv叩転en辿, stejn osobn c鱈t鱈m, 転e lid辿 jsou v転dy nejd哲le転itj邸鱈 Bez nich to nejde u nich v邸e za鱈n叩 i kon鱈
  • #18: Studenti: Generace X vx. Generace Y vs. Generace Z (net generartion digital natives) : A marked difference between Generation Y and Generation Z, is that older members of the former remember life before the takeoff of mass technology, while the latter have been born completely within it. Some can be described as impatient and instant minded, and tending to lack the ambition of previous generations. Psychologists are claiming an "acquired Attention Deficit Disorder" since their dependency on technology is high and attention span is much lower, as opposed to previous generations who read books and other printed material, along with watching live television. [16] They are also more consumer-oriented than the previous generation, which was focused on technology, retro, and indie culture. [17] Another difference between Generation Y and Generation Z, even though considered as "Millennials" by Howard and Strauss, that Generation Y, especially the oldest members of Generation Y, has significant memory of the Cold War in their childhood and remember its existence. Generation Z, on the other hand was not even born during the time of the Soviet Union . Generation Z are also more individualistic. [18] While members of Generation Y are group and team oriented, members of Generation Z are more self directed. Parents of Generation Z are working part time or are becoming stay-at-home parents so that children are raised by them and other family members instead of a day care facility, which forces children to be in groups. [ citation needed ] However, Soccer moms and helicopter parents are just as common with these members as with children of the previous generation. [19] Despite being in a day care facilities, many children have structured extracurricular activities, reducing free playtime. Parents are becoming more like advisers to this generation P鱈klad popisu pracovn鱈 pozice: Information Literacy Program Librarian JOB DESCRIPTION The librarian, in collaboration with library and departmental faculty, is responsible for designing, teaching and promoting the information literacy curriculum within an outcomes assessment and skills-based model. The librarian works in a team with other instruction librarians implementing a multi-faceted instruction program. Specific responsibilities include: Plan, implement, market, and evaluate the Library's instructional program; Coordinate and schedule all library instruction activities; Serve as the contact person and faculty liaison for all general inquiries for library instruction Collaborate with others and work individually to produce a variety of informational and instructional materials; Develop new instruction applications of technology; Maintain a file of all instructional materials developed by the team; Work collegially with classroom faculty to integrate information competencies into the curriculum by integrating resource-based learning experiences; Review curriculum and reach out to teaching faculty to expand the instruction program; Develop, coordinate and implement workshops and instructional opportunities for the University community; Develop and maintain collection of professional readings, suggested activities and other training materials for use by the team.
  • #19: Information Literacy Program Librarian JOB DESCRIPTION - The librarian, in collaboration with library and departmental faculty, is responsible for designing, teaching and promoting the information literacy curriculum within an outcomes assessment and skills-based model. The librarian works in a team with other instruction librarians implementing a multi-faceted instruction program. - Specific responsibilities include: - Plan, implement, market, and evaluate the Library's instructional program; - Coordinate and schedule all library instruction activities; - Serve as the contact person and faculty liaison for all general inquiries for library instruction - Collaborate with others and work individually to produce a variety of informational and instructional materials; - Develop new instruction applications of technology; - Maintain a file of all instructional materials developed by the team; - Work collegially with classroom faculty to integrate information competencies into the curriculum by integrating resource-based learning experiences; - Review curriculum and reach out to teaching faculty to expand the instruction program; - Develop, coordinate and implement workshops and instructional opportunities for the University community; - Develop and maintain collection of professional readings, suggested activities and other training materials for use by the team.
  • #21: Collaboration between teaching faculty and librarians is fundamental to information literacy. Collaboration is based on shared goals, a shared vision, and a climate of trust and respect. Each partner brings different strengths and perspectives to the relationship. The teacher brings an understanding of the strengths, weaknesses, attitudes and interests of the students, and of the content to be taught. The librarian adds a thorough knowledge of information skills and methods to integrate them into the course, pedagogical knowledge for teaching these skills and an understanding of students frustration with the research process. Successful collaboration requires carefully defined roles, comprehensive planning and shared leadership.
  • #22: oSelected examples: Portland State University Creating Faculty/Librarian Connections: Collaborating for Information Literacy Collaborating for Student Success A project of the Office of Academic Affairs and the Branford P. Millar Library. Funded through the "Enhancing Faculty Vitality while Increasing Student Learning" campus-wide initiative. California State University, Fullerton The faculty in numerous departments and librarians at this campus are collaborating to integrate IL into specific core courses in their majors. Florida International University The information literacy program is very developed. It includes mission statement, goals, outcomes and includes seven sequenced library class sessions linked to courses in the core curriculum. More Resources Bibliography on Collaboration Advocating for Information Literacy K-16 Collaboration K16 collaboration is an initiative that has been growing throughout all levels of education since the 1990s . Various educational sectors, including libraries, are creating partnerships to ensure that students have the preparation they need to succeed in college. Examples of K-16 Collaboration: The AASL/ACRL Joint Committee on Information Literacy nationally fosters discussion on shared information literacy issues and initiatives for K-12 and academic librarians. The Rochester Regional Library Consortium (RRLC) has developed K-16 programmatic materials, includingthe Core Library Skills, 9-14+ outline--the sequential information literacy skills to be used as a guideline for library instruction. ILILE, the Institute for Library and Information Literacy Education is an IMLS-funded project focusing on local, state and national advocacy for fostering K-16 partnerships between school, academic and public librarians. ILILE provides grant funding for K-16 projects, academic content standards checklists, a toolkit to assist parents in advocating for information literacy and school libraries, and TRAILS, an information literacy assessment tool, based on sixth and ninth grade information literacy standards. LILi: LifeLong Information Literacy is a California collaborative (initiated by UCLA) focused on investigating state-wide information literacy standards and practices throughout public, school, academic and special libraries. CLOC , an Athens, Georgia-based collective of school, academic and public librarians provides periodic workshops and resources to area librarians. Founded in 2004, the Central Pennsylvania K-16 Information Literacy Network connects area librarians in support of information literacy collaboration and discussion. In addition to yearly workshops, the Network features a comprehensive web site and email discussion list, which serves as a forum for
  • #26: U貼 NELZE UIT FAKTA, STUDENTI MUSEJ ODCHZET ZE KOLY S KOMPETENCEMI, KTER ODPOVDAJ NAEMU CHPN INFORMAN GRAMOTNOSTI Reform of undergraduate education has included discussion of inquiry-based learning, research-based learning, problem-based learning, evidence-based learning, service learning, or undergraduate research on campus. As Patricia Breivik notes, "they all rest on the foundation of resource-based learning, which is the basis for student achievement of information literacy." (Breivik, P.S. Student Learning in the Information Age (Phoenix, AZ: American Council on Education and Oryx Press, 1998), p.25. Even a cursory review of the Information Literacy Competency Standards will show that there is much more to information literacy competence than library-related research. Students must demonstrate competencies in formulating research questions and in their ability to use information as well as an understanding of ethical and legal issues surrounding information. In fact, it may be difficult to separate information literacy from the goals of a good undergraduate education.
  • #27: R哲zn辿 skupiny student哲: prv叩ci, distann鱈 studenti, zahranin鱈 studenti, studenti pich叩zej鱈c鱈 z jin箪ch univerzit ( transferring students)
  • #30: P鱈padov叩 studie: University of South Carolina iPod (MP3) prohl鱈dka knihovny s detektivn鱈m 炭kolem
  • #32: ide叩ln鱈 je knihovna bez zvt邸uj鱈c鱈ho se fondu ;-)
  • #36: On any campus there are numerous individuals involved in assessment including classroom faculty, administrators, program directors, librarians, student services offices and institutional research staff. The results of assessment are also of interest to a broad audience including those who participated in the assessment as well as accreditation agencies and the broader community. Assessment is essential for the following reasons: Monitor effectiveness for accountability Better identify instructional practices Evaluate the effectiveness of instructional practices Measure student achievement: how much they know Evaluate students' mastery of skills: What they can do. Assessment is an ongoing process aimed at understanding and improving student learning. It involves making our expectations explicit and public; setting appropriate criteria and high standards for learning quality; systematically gathering, analyzing, and interpreting evidence to determine how well performance matches those expectations and standards; and using the resulting information to document, explain, and improve performance. When it is embedded effectively within larger institutional systems, assessment can help us focus our collective attention, examine our assumptions, and create a shared academic culture dedicated to assuring and improving the quality of higher education (Thomas A. Angelo, AAHE Bulletin, November 1995, p.7). Assessment can be on four different yet interrelated levels. Within the library Librarians are involved not just in teaching but also in assessment of student learning and evaluation of program effectiveness. Generally librarians have very little background in assessment and therefore are interested in forming partnerships with others on campus to learn about various aspects that are not specific to the job as librarians. Assessments can include in-class assignments or activities, print or web-based tutorials , and competency tests or self-assessments administered as pre- or post tests . In the classroom Assessment in the classroom focuses on the course syllabus, course assignments and activities, and the process by which students create those products. Assessment includes evaluation of bibliographies, reviews of assignments that underscore the research process, and the use of portfolios or journals. Campuswide Assessment at the campus level includes a review of academic programs for integration of information literacy components and evaluation of syllabi for core courses for incorporation of assignments that promote information literacy. Beyond the campus Assessment can extend beyond the campus by looking at our graduates as they join the workforce. Are students prepared to function as professionals in their chosen careers? Have they learned how to learn and can they remain informed within the constantly changing information venues of their chosen profession? (from article: Bosseau, Don L.; Martin, Susan K. (1999). We are Teaching, but are They Learning: Accountability, Productivity, and Assessment. Journal of the Academic Librarianship 25, July: pp. 304-305.)
  • #38: Jednotliv辿 d哲le転it辿 prvky v informan鱈m vzdl叩v叩n鱈 v kontextu, propojen辿, vz叩jemn se ovlivuj鱈c鱈 Kvalitn鱈 syst辿m informan鱈ho vzdl叩v叩n鱈 m叩 v邸echny prvky vyv叩転en辿, propracovan辿 Jednotliv辿 prvky si bl鱈転e pedstav鱈me, odkryjeme, co se za nimi skr箪v叩 a pedstav鱈me si nkter辿 vybran辿 nov辿 pohledy na danou oblast