While many associate brand marketing with only large businesses, any business can build a brand over time within its own niche or location. Small businesses can create branding through consistent social media profiles featuring smart graphic montages and descriptions across platforms. Videos are also useful for social media branding as they showcase a business's personality and expertise more than pictures alone. A sequence of videos can help improve small business brands on social media by highlighting products, services, and areas of specialization.
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Buiidyourbrandonline with erummahfooz
2.  Many people associate the
terms Brand Marketing
and Brand with big
businesses. According to
them, only large
businesses with bigger
wallets can create and
invest in a brand.
 However, that is not
accurate. It is true that
you cannot build a brand
in a day but any business,
over time, can have a
brand status in its own
location or/and niche.
4.  We create a smart, photo
montage or branded graphic,
re-size for every social media
and upload. On each profile, we
use consistent description.
 Social media marketing is
among the strategies used with
experience by Erum Mahfooz.
For making your brand popular
and well-known by potential
customers, we also use video
since it enables the personality
of your business to shine more
than pictures.
 In order to improve your brand
through social media
marketing, we create a
sequence of videos around the
expertise, services, and
products of your business.