2. Apple iBeacon Technology Overview
Vladimir Petrov @VladPetro鍖
諮 諮 諮
Deploying beacons in a retail environment
Tim Woolford @tim_woolford
Introduction to Avnet and Bluegiga BLE121LR
Alastair Worth @wirelessworthy
Blueberry Bar, across the road
Building a BT 4.0 LE HID device
Nick Brook @nrbrook
Bluetooth foot pedal
Supports up to 4 pedals
Used primarily with music display Apps, turning pages
AirTurn BT-105
Bluetooth 2.1
HID device Bluetooth keyboard
Doesnt provide access to key events (directly, <7)
Hides the virtual keyboard
Requires hacks
AirTurn BT-105
Provides direct access to Bluetooth 4 LE devices
Introduced iOS 5
Good device support
AKA Bluetooth Smart
Entirely new protocol stack (vs Bluetooth Classic)
Peripheral (Server) advertises services
Central (Client) scans and connects to devices
Bluetooth 4 LE
31 byte advertising packet + scan response
GATT Database
Characteristics (key -> value store)
Up to 512 bytes
Read, write, notify
Bluetooth 4 LE
10. #LBTHD
Some services de鍖ned by Bluetooth SIG, e.g.
Human Interface Device
Device Information
You can de鍖ne your own services
Bluetooth 4 LE
11. #LBTHD
Quick to learn
Can achieve a lot
Some oddities
Bluetooth 4 LE
BLUETOOTH SPECIFICATION Version 4.0 [Vol 3] page 485 of 656
Attribute Protocol (ATT)
Unlikely Error 0x0E The attribute request that was
requested has encountered an error
that was unlikely, and therefore could
not be completed as requested.
Insufficient Encryption 0x0F The attribute requires encryption
before it can be read or written.
Unsupported Group Type 0x10 The attribute type is not a supported
Name Error Code Description
12. #LBTHD
Low cost (贈8)
Low power (CR2032)
Complete integrated package (radio, antenna, microcontroller,
鍖ash, GPIO, UART, I2C, PWM, ADC)
Easy, simple, quick to get started
Bluegiga BLE113
13. #LBTHD
Dont need much circuitry around the package
Power supply
Any sensors/IO
Bluegiga BLE113
16. #LBTHD
Custom GATT service
Provides pedal state change noti鍖cations
Also supports HID for keyboard / mouse commands
New AirTurn
17. #LBTHD
Scans for / connects to devices
UI provided
Sends out noti鍖cations on pedal events
Works in background
Di鍖erent AirTurns connected to di鍖erent Apps
Simple to implement
No Hacks!!
New framework
18. #LBTHD
Growing number of freelance projects
Get in touch
Speak to me!
Please give feedback! http://goo.gl/HgSrgu
LE + mobile projects