Today you know more than you did yesterday and far more than you did at this point last year. Think about the amount of new experiences encountered, challenges you've overcome and lessons learnt during the last 12 months. The experience you gain every day puts you ahead of the person you were yesterday and this will continue. You will become more awesome. You have a lot to look forward to.
This talk is designed to help you be more aware if this process and be more mindful of chance to positively affect your personal life your work life and the digital products that you craft.
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Building change into you, your business and your digital products
Year 1 the first changes
Every one of us came into the world naked and generally useless
That first year we change a lot, we learn to
Get what we want from the world
1st year you change more in a shorter timeframe than you ever do afterwards
Constant cycle of learning, changing and improving
Life goes on
Childhood is an amazing time - then we grow up
We can all remember the moment we thought we knew it all
I distinctly remember talking to a friend having booked a flight
I can now go anywhere
I can do anything
I know it all
I was 18
Learn, change improve
Throughout our lives we learn
We use that learning to change our behaviours
These changes leads to an improvement in ourselves
Think about the you this time 12 months ago
Or the you 6 months ago in September 2014
What challenges were you facing
What was a BIG DEAL in your life at that point?
If you had that challenge again to day would you deal with it better?
Would it be a BIG DEAL?
I like to think that I was a child 6 months in comparison to the man I am
The you in March 2014
Learn, change Improve
I hope we all agree this learn change improve mechanic benefits
all of us
I believe that this process should be replicated in:
Personal lives
Our business models
The digital products that we craft
You will become greater every day and will mature like
a fine human
We can all look forward to becoming more awesome
Mindfulness of change
The first challenge is to be more mindful that change
is happening
The second is to do something about it
Begin every day as if it was on purpose*
We believe the world will continue to change, that rate of change will increase.
Moores law presents opportunity
Removing barriers to entry
Augmented pace of change
Connecting society
Similar advances in bandwidth and storage
Exponential is really fast
We live in Exponential times
Metcalfe's law states that the value of a network is proportional to the
square of the number of connected users of the system
Internet population
3 Billion Today
5 billion 2020
Global, egalitarian and meritocratic
Metcalfs law
Mobile phones
Value of the network is user no.s
Connecting society
We live in Exponential times
The internet will create much more value
Founded 2010, sold April 2012
15 employees at sale @ $1bn+
to Facebook with 5,000
employees, 10 of whom more
wealthy than Eastman family
Founded 1880
145,300 employees
Invented digital photo 1975
Bankrupt same week as
Instagram sale
Small teams of designers or engineers can make products consumed
and paid for by billions, creating vast wealth for their originators
New business landscape
Evolving digital Landscape
There are no more iFarts
App goldrush hangover
Business model evolution
Approach every product with todays thinking
Evolving digital products for evolving digital people
The world and its perople change quickly
What we thought was amazing yesterday will not be so
great next year
We must bring this thinking into the way we create digital
Constantly evolve or fail fast
You dont want to have a market leading product on the
day of launch
You want to have a market leading digital product every
day thereafter
We live in very competitive world and you have to
continuously innovate and continue to change to
compete and win
Those who do
Keep their relevancy, your attention and business
Every 2 weeks
Every 3 weeks
Every month
lean UX
Idea validation
Talking to people to test relevancy
agile delivery
Weekly shows
Encourage change & improvement
Closing thoughts
What is your strategy to become more mindful to
change yourself, your business your digital products?
The future will bring change, wake up every day as if
its on purpose