1. Amazon Music's approach to building products focuses on simplifying the user experience by reducing friction, inventing products that map to existing human behaviors, and working backwards from the customer perspective.
2. Some examples of how Amazon Music reduced friction included auto-downloading recommended music for offline listening and providing an "offline" home screen experience on mobile.
3. When inventing new products, Amazon looked for ways to map features to common requests like playing music, adding items to shopping lists, or setting timers directly through natural language requests to Alexa.
4. The working backwards approach involves starting with the customer viewpoint and intent, writing narratives from their perspective, and considering all stakeholders throughout the product lifecycle.
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4. 4
Agenda: Amazon Music’s approach to building products
1. Simplify: Seek out and reduce friction
2. Invent : Map your product to existing human behavior
3. Working Backwards: Amazon’s approach to building products
5. 5
20 years of Amazon Music
12. 1. Do we know what the customer’s real intent is?
2. How can you reduce the number of steps needed
to fulfill a customer’s intent?
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16. 16
What’s on my calendar?
Read my book
Order me an Uber
Play Song of the Day
What’s the latest album by Taylor Swift?
Wake me up to Jazz Music
Play what’s trending in Paris
Set a timer for 15 minutes
Add milk to my shopping list
Play something I haven’t heard in a while
Play Bruno Mars
30. 1. How does your product map to existing human
2. What counter intuitive patterns have you observed
in your usage metrics?
3. Where are users currently failing?
Thinking points:
44. 1. What high bar customer promise are you making?
2. Do you know your customer’s real intent?
3. Write down your ideas in a customer-centric tone
Thinking points:
45. 45
“When you reduce friction, make something simpler,
people do more of it.”