How to re-imagine and rethink business in a post Covid-19 world. Leading through building resilience in self and business and shining light in a new world business environment.
4. Reflection: You
A desire to:
Follow your passion
Be your own boss
Find an alternate to employment
To make money/name/fame?
Other ?
5. Reflection: You
A desire to:
Follow your passion
Be your own boss
Find an alternate to employment
To make money/name/fame?
Other ?
Has this changed now... Post lockdown ?
7. At the start
Leading oneself
Business stocktake
Business rethink
Going ahead
To Trigger Thinking
7 7
8. Reflection: You
Relook at your life, a new future awaits
Accept there will be change, practice to exercise
acceptance of new reality, unknown and uncertain
This takes time to internalize, register and move
Take time make time to grieve, count blessings and
move on, a step at a time if required and sometimes
one step forward and two steps back, that is OK
9. Reflection: You
Some tools to accept change:
Counting blessings
Connecting with others, reaching out
Working on positives
Using opportunity to re imagine and rework on self
and business
Faith in a higher power can help in difficult times
10. Reflection: Going ahead..
Future is unclear
Difficult to predict how things will turn out
There are many things out of control
Think about what is in your control and try to
build an action plan to help you navigate the
chaos around you
11. At the start
Leading oneself
Business stocktake
Business rethink
Going ahead
To Trigger Thinking
11 11
12. Business Stocktake: At the start
What is your core business solution
What is the customer satisfaction level
How hard do you have to work to sell
13. Business Stocktake: At the start
How will the changes in the world impact your
Relook at your
Business Idea/product/solution
Business cycle
14. Business Stocktake
Illustrative business activities/cycle
Purchases supplies, solutions etc.
Manufacturing, in-house processing
Sales, marketing
Delivery of product/service/solution
Collection of money and payments
15. Business Stocktake
Unbundle key items in Business cycle and relook
at each item:
Example: Purchases, goods-in etc
Will service delivery partners and associates
continue to be a part of your extended team
How will this impact your product/solution
Additional warranties
16. Business Stocktake
Continued: Example: Purchases, goods-in etc
Relook at partners and associates in delivery
What other options do you have
Is this a crisis situation, which will impact your
COLOUR CODE: Red Orange Green
If uncertain: Use another colour
17. Business Stocktake
Example: Purchases, goods-in etc
What changes do you expect from suppliers of raw-
material and other goods
In terms of quantity
Delivery time
How will this impact your product/solution
Additional warranties
18. Business Stocktake
Do a step-by-step review as well as look at the
overall key impacted items due to the lockdown
and overall changes in business environment
It will help to look at both the details and overall
picture to help you put in place an action plan
19. At the start
Leading self
Business stocktake
Business rethink
Going ahead
To Trigger Thinking
19 19
20. Business Next
Summarise your stocktake; this is the first cut, a
start, maybe even a draft; it can be refined over
time, as you go along
In addition list any other key items or activities that
may be impacted, such as employee engagements,
some employee roles becoming redundant etc.
Some such areas may be difficult to deal with and
may cause emotional upheaval, be kind when you
can and show caring, that is what survives and
brings resilience to humankind
21. Business Next
Think of changes you may want to make overall
in either changing product offerings or adding
new ones in new business environment
Look at technology and how you can leverage
on online presence and the investments you
need to make, in terms of time, money etc.
List items that are critical to look into for survival
and growth and see how these can be
22. Business Rethink: Action plan
Build an action plan to address
Immediate survival
6 months plan
12 months plan
Put an activity plan, tasks to be completed on a
daily/weekly/monthly basis
Put out your time charts and build this into your
new daily routines, estimating times that may be
available to you post lock down.
23. Business Rethink: Action plan
As you plan timelines, block times for
Business activity
Review and monitor activities and changes
Think about strategy going ahead
List your finances, for self and business
24. Business Rethink: Financial rethink
Optimistic Normal Pessimistic
months 6 months 12 months 1-3 months 6 months 12 months 1-3 months 6 months 12 months
Total Revenue
25. Business Rethink: Finance rethink
Periodically revisit financials and change/update
these on need basis
This will help you to have a better grip and get
some control in these challenging times
26. At the start
Leading self
Business stocktake
Business rethink
Going ahead
To Trigger Thinking
26 26
27. Going Ahead
We face uncertain times where the future is more
unpredictable than ever before
Do not lose heart, count your blessings and focus on what
you can control rather than what you cannot
Take small steps at a time as you rethink and restate your
business, business model and action plans
Think through financials and set out an action plan for
survival, 6 months and 12 months
Address the emotional needs of yourself, family,
employees while re-engineering your life
Keep faith that you are not alone, this is one time when the
whole world is going through a reset
Be the light that brightens the path for others
Thank you