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The 3rd Co-founder model 
presented by eFounders
Hands-on VC 
Board members 
A new model has arrived: 
But wait
What the 
is a startup studio?
Startup Studios are structures that 
build startups, on the contrary to 
incubators and seed investors who focus on 
mentoring and financing startups. 
Thats what we do! 
 Managers build projects 
 Startup is internally financed 
 Easy to structure 
 Difficult to build independent 
 Entrepreneurs build startups 
 CEO, CTO and startup studio 
have equal shares 
 Startups have their own team and 
Ex: the (in)famous Rocket Internet
Just like a 
startup studio 
Production, film-makers and actors 
 CEO, CTO, eFounders 
 in the same studio 
are superstars 
Actors and actresses 
How does it 
Bring the essence 
of the idea 
We find an addressable market and a 
way to smartly address it. Then we test 
it over, and over, and over again. Until 
one idea sticks.
Find the perfect 
We recruit incredible talents, CEO- and 
CTO- material, have them meet the 
product, and let the magic happen. The 
studio acts as the 3rd co-founder.
We provide comfort to our founders but 
spend money very, very carefully and 
implement accounting tools from day 1.
eFounders gathers a team of experts in 
marketing, design and development that 
invest 100% of its work and experience 
in the startup development.
Pitfalls and great achievements are a 
daily matter. As a co-founder, we support 
our startups, no matter what.
Our experience, structure and processes 
help startups find the right pace. 
Building a startup both requires speed 
and stamina.
We build startups in the same vertical 
(SaaS products), which provides a true, 
strong and broad network.
Sum UP
Little invested, a 
lot of share taken 
Shares: equal 
to cofounders 
Breeds Internal 
Welcomes existing 
Focus Horizontal 
We recruit 
They recruit 
of doers 
of mentors 
presented by eFounders
Come visit 
the studio 
Building Startups: the "3rd co-founder model"

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Building Startups: the "3rd co-founder model"

  • 1. BUILDING STARTUPS The 3rd Co-founder model presented by eFounders
  • 2. Hands-on VC Mentors Accelerators SeedStage Incubators Investors VCs Board members STARTUP STUDIO Labs A new model has arrived: Post-accelerators But wait
  • 3. What the H3CK is a startup studio?
  • 4. Startup Studios are structures that build startups, on the contrary to incubators and seed investors who focus on mentoring and financing startups. BUILDING PROJECTS BUILDING COMPANIES Thats what we do! Managers build projects Startup is internally financed Easy to structure Difficult to build independent companies Entrepreneurs build startups CEO, CTO and startup studio have equal shares Startups have their own team and culture Ex: the (in)famous Rocket Internet
  • 5. Just like a hollywood ! studio!
  • 6. startup studio hollywood Production, film-makers and actors CEO, CTO, eFounders in the same studio IN THE SAME STUDIO Entrepreneurs are superstars Actors and actresses ARE SUPERSTARS
  • 7. How does it WORK ?
  • 8. #1 Bring the essence of the idea We find an addressable market and a way to smartly address it. Then we test it over, and over, and over again. Until one idea sticks.
  • 9. #2 Find the perfect co-founder We recruit incredible talents, CEO- and CTO- material, have them meet the product, and let the magic happen. The studio acts as the 3rd co-founder.
  • 10. #3 CONTROL THE BUDGET We provide comfort to our founders but spend money very, very carefully and implement accounting tools from day 1.
  • 11. #4 BRING THE THE BEST RESSOURCES eFounders gathers a team of experts in marketing, design and development that invest 100% of its work and experience in the startup development.
  • 12. #5 BE A PERMANENT suPPORT Pitfalls and great achievements are a daily matter. As a co-founder, we support our startups, no matter what.
  • 13. #6 MASTER TIME MANAGEMENT Our experience, structure and processes help startups find the right pace. Building a startup both requires speed and stamina.
  • 14. #7 PROVIDe A (REAL) DYNAMIC NETWORK We build startups in the same vertical (SaaS products), which provides a true, strong and broad network.
  • 16. Little invested, a lot of share taken Shares: equal to cofounders Breeds Internal innovation Welcomes existing projects Focus Horizontal We recruit Co-founders They recruit Managers Philosophy of doers Philosophy of mentors Building companies Building projects Focus Vertical presented by eFounders
  • 17. Come visit the studio efounders.co