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Business Impact Analysis - a way to justify

                           Konstantin Smirnov CISA, CBCP
Purpose  why bother?
 Often cheapest strategy of doing nothing proved
  to be costly
 More often companies waste their time and
  money on technology/other things they do not
  need and will never use while ignoring simple
  helpful advice
 I want to share my thoughts, so they will act as a
  germ of idea for others. Absolute perfection is a
  myth. But we can change (what we can) to the
  better  one little step at a time.
What is Business Impact Analysis?
First of all, for those who cant remember what it is.
Business Impact Analysis is:
 This is a way to understand what kind of resources
  your business relies upon and how soon it needs
  them if something bad happens
 Business Impact Analysis is a part of Business
  Continuity Planning  an effort to help your
  company to get through interruptions caused by
  disasters, infrastructure failures, pandemics and so
What affects your business
How it usually goes
 Customers can wait a bit, theyll understand
 So how long can we stand still? Is it going to be
  expensive for us?
 I do not need any analysis! Let protect everything.
  That will make a recovery quick!
 Sorry, I did not know it is going to be so expensive.
  Maybe we do not need such a quick recovery?
So, are we doomed to lose? No!
                       We can protect
                        pretty much
                       anything! And
                       we can recover

                                     Hmm so
         How much                  expensive! Do
        downtime can                we need this
         we afford?                 much and so
                                     fast at all?
Is there any way to make sense?
 You cant afford to overspend, unless you print
 The cost of doing nothing can be high  business
  may go bust
 The remedy: spend a bit upfront**, so you will not
  spend or lose too much in the future

* Not a joke. Heard it from a man from Central Bank of <>
** Not necessarily money. It could be your time  still a valuable resource.
Way to make sense!
Monetary losses, USD

                                                                                                                                                         IS downtime
                       $10 000 000.0                           Risk reduction
                                                            when RTO or RPO                                                                              IS data loss
                                                           is reduced to the
                                                                 target level
                                                                                                                                                  RPO and RTO to
                                                                                                                                                  comply with.
                        $1 000 000.0
                                                弌                                                                                                Were taken from MTS
                       Potential losses are
                                   reduced                                                                                                        internal document
                            (risk reduction                                                                                                       RP354-1 MTS data
                              money-wise)                                                                                                         backup and recovery

                          $100 000.0                                                                          Unsafe                            Curremnt state is
                                                                                                                                                  compliant (losses
                                                                         Target                                                                 are below the
                                                                                                                                                  target level)

                           $10 000.0                                                                                                              Curremnt state is
                                                                                                                                                  (losses are above the
                                                                  RTO or RPO is reduced                                                           target level)
                                                                  to the target level

                            $1 000.0
                                           亟仂 2
                                          Up to 2    from 2 to4
                                                     仂 2 亟仂 4    from 亟仂 88
                                                                  仂 4 4 to    from 8 to 16
                                                                                仂 8 亟仂       from 16 to 32
                                                                                               仂 16 亟仂 32    仂 3232 to64
                                                                                                              from 亟仂 64     于亠 64
                                                                                                                              beyond 64   Hours
Do the homework!
                    Prepare well  interview
                     sheets, questionnaires
                    Agree on what the losses
                     are  legal, finance,
                     reputation, etc.
                    Make sure the losses
                     evaluation framework is
                     communicated to the
                     personnel (whom you
                     will be interviewing)
Run a series of interviews

                         See where the
                          dependencies are
                         Use common sense
                         Use a common
                         Do not make it too
                          remember, other
                          people will have to
                          understand it too!
Analyse the results
                       See where critical
                        dependencies are (and
                        what are specific risks)
                       See, how quickly losses
                        grow if a particular risk
                        scenario happens
Make sure you do not overspend*
                                             Plan the risk
                                              mitigation controls
                                             Calculate two or
                                              three business cases
                                             Compare the costs of
                                              implementing each
                                              case (strategy)
                                              against risk reduction
                                             Pick the best one!*
* To be continued in a separate presentation
** Sounds simple. In reality it is a bit more complicated
Some things to consider
 All the losses are calculated for a single event
 In a business case make sure you plan for 3-5 years
 Calculate Capex AND Opex
 Consider transformation costs  how much it will
  cost to go from AS IS to WILL BE
Buisness Impact Analysis - way to justify IT spending

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Buisness Impact Analysis - way to justify IT spending

  • 1. Business Impact Analysis - a way to justify budgets Konstantin Smirnov CISA, CBCP Konstantin.Smirnov@ex-oracle.org
  • 2. Purpose why bother? Often cheapest strategy of doing nothing proved to be costly More often companies waste their time and money on technology/other things they do not need and will never use while ignoring simple helpful advice I want to share my thoughts, so they will act as a germ of idea for others. Absolute perfection is a myth. But we can change (what we can) to the better one little step at a time.
  • 3. What is Business Impact Analysis? First of all, for those who cant remember what it is. Business Impact Analysis is: This is a way to understand what kind of resources your business relies upon and how soon it needs them if something bad happens Business Impact Analysis is a part of Business Continuity Planning an effort to help your company to get through interruptions caused by disasters, infrastructure failures, pandemics and so on.
  • 4. What affects your business
  • 5. How it usually goes Customers can wait a bit, theyll understand So how long can we stand still? Is it going to be expensive for us? I do not need any analysis! Let protect everything. That will make a recovery quick! Sorry, I did not know it is going to be so expensive. Maybe we do not need such a quick recovery?
  • 6. So, are we doomed to lose? No! We can protect pretty much against anything! And we can recover fast! Hmm so How much expensive! Do downtime can we need this we afford? much and so fast at all?
  • 7. Is there any way to make sense? You cant afford to overspend, unless you print money* The cost of doing nothing can be high business may go bust The remedy: spend a bit upfront**, so you will not spend or lose too much in the future * Not a joke. Heard it from a man from Central Bank of <> ** Not necessarily money. It could be your time still a valuable resource.
  • 8. Way to make sense! Monetary losses, USD IS downtime $10 000 000.0 Risk reduction (money-wise) when RTO or RPO IS data loss is reduced to the target level RPO and RTO to comply with. $1 000 000.0 弌 Were taken from MTS Potential losses are reduced internal document 弌弌 (risk reduction RP354-1 MTS data money-wise) backup and recovery 弌 $100 000.0 Unsafe Curremnt state is compliant (losses Target are below the Safe target level) $10 000.0 Curremnt state is non-compliant (losses are above the RTO or RPO is reduced target level) to the target level $1 000.0 亟仂 2 Up to 2 from 2 to4 仂 2 亟仂 4 from 亟仂 88 仂 4 4 to from 8 to 16 仂 8 亟仂 from 16 to 32 仂 16 亟仂 32 仂 3232 to64 from 亟仂 64 于亠 64 beyond 64 Hours
  • 9. Do the homework! Prepare well interview sheets, questionnaires Agree on what the losses are legal, finance, reputation, etc. Make sure the losses evaluation framework is communicated to the personnel (whom you will be interviewing)
  • 10. Run a series of interviews See where the dependencies are Use common sense Use a common framework Do not make it too complicated remember, other people will have to understand it too!
  • 11. Analyse the results See where critical dependencies are (and what are specific risks) See, how quickly losses grow if a particular risk scenario happens
  • 12. Make sure you do not overspend* Plan the risk mitigation controls (counter-measures) Calculate two or three business cases Compare the costs of implementing each case (strategy) against risk reduction Pick the best one!* * To be continued in a separate presentation ** Sounds simple. In reality it is a bit more complicated
  • 13. Some things to consider All the losses are calculated for a single event In a business case make sure you plan for 3-5 years Calculate Capex AND Opex Consider transformation costs how much it will cost to go from AS IS to WILL BE