The document defines and describes different types of bullying, including physical, verbal, and cyber bullying. It notes that bullying involves someone using power over another person. The types of bullying are explained, along with examples. The document also discusses the potential consequences of bullying for victims, such as low self-esteem, fear, anxiety, depression, and in some cases suicide. It concludes by advising students to tell others like parents and teachers if they experience bullying.
2. Whats bulliyng?
Bullying is when someone doing or saying
things to have power over another person.
Lu鱈s Pacheco, Barbara Rosado,
2 17-11-2011 Joana Dias and Rui Silva
4. Physical bullying
Where a student uses physical force to hurt
another student by hitting, pushing, shoving,
kicking or holding them down. Physical
bullying also includes taking or breaking a
students belongings or stealing money.
Lu鱈s Pacheco, Barbara
4 17-11-2011 Rosado, Joana Dias e Rui Silva
5. Verbal Bullying
Is when a student uses words to hurt another
student. This includes threatening, taunting,
intimidating, insulting, sarcasm, name-
calling, teasing and ridicule.
Lu鱈s Pacheco, Barbara
5 17-11-2011 Rosado, Joana Dias e Rui Silva
6. Cyber bullying
The use of phones, text messages, e-mails, chats,
blogs and social sites to bully another student in any
of the ways described above. Examples of cyber
bullying are sending insulting texts or personal
pictures about another student on social sites.
Eg: MySpace or Facebook.
Lu鱈s Pacheco, Barbara Rosado,
6 17-11-2011 Joana Dias e Rui Silva
8. Consequences
The consequences of bullying for the victim are:
low self-esteem;
fear to go to school;
difficulty concentrating;
headaches, stomach aches;
lack of appetite;
Lu鱈s Pacheco, Barbara
8 17-11-2011 Rosado, Joana Dias e Rui Silva
9. Consequences - continuacion
afraid of the dark;
panic attacks for no reason;
increasing demands for money to parents and family;
disappearance of school supplies;
abuse of alcohol and drugs;
Lu鱈s Pacheco, Barbara Rosado,
9 17-11-2011 Joana Dias e Rui Silva