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Bullying And Our Children
           My Big Idea
          Kaplan University
           Casey Williams
What is bullying?
Stopbullying.gov states that bullying
 is unwanted aggressive behavior
 such as threats, spreading rumors,
 attacking someone physically or
 verbally and excluding someone from
 a group on purpose.
What are the types of bullying?
 Cyber bullying- is bullying that takes place using electronic
  technology. Examples are mean text messages, or emails, posting
  embarrassing pictures, videos and other rumors.
 Social bullying- is leaving someone out on purpose, telling others
  not to be friends with someone, embarrassing someone in public
  and spreading rumors.
 Verbal bullying- teasing, name calling, taunting, threatening to cause
  harm and inappropriate sexual comments.
 Physical bullying- hitting, kicking, pinching, tripping, pushing,
  spitting, making rude hand gestures and breaking someone's
   1 in 7 students grades k-12 are the bully or the victim of bullying
   56% of students witness bullying every day
   15% of students absences from school are bullying related
   1 out of 20 students has seen a student with a GUN at school
   71% of students has reported incidents at their schools regarding
   282,000 are attacked in secondary schools each month
   87% of students state that shootings are related to getting revenge
    from being bullied
   Bullying has been linked to 75% of schools shootings
   1 out 10 students drop out of school from being bullied
The amount of
children being
bullied on a daily
basis is increasing
more and more
each year.
What are the effects from bullying can be
Short term & long term
     Lower academic grades
     Greater influence of illness
     Suicidal thoughts and feelings
     Difficulty trusting others
     Self esteem issues
     Interpersonal difficulties
     Reduced occupational opportunities
     Haunting feelings of anger, bitterness and desire for revenge
Signs that your child is being
   Comes home with torn clothing
   Has bruises or scratches
   Has few or no friends they hang out with
   Fearful of going to school
   Acts sad or moody
   Complains of health issues such as, headaches, stomach aches or other physical
   Trouble sleeping and nightmares
   Loss of appetite
    Anxious or has low self esteem
   Grades at school start suffering
What you should do if your child is being
 Try talking to your child.
 Talk to the staff at your son or daughters school
 Ask teachers that interact with your child if they
  have seen anything out of the ordinary with them
 Make an appointment with their guidance counselor
 If you find out that he or she is being bullied take
  immediate action
What can parents, teachers and students do to
prevent bullying?
   Be knowledgeable and observant, bullying happens in areas such as
    hallways, bathrooms recess, school buses and through media.
   Involved students and the parents, everyone needs to be a part of the
    solution. Students can inform adults if they see or hear bullying, teachers
    should engage all students in positive behavior and teach the children the
    skills to know the difference.
   Set positive expectations about behavior for the students. The children need
    to be aware that bullying is wrong and also know the consequences.
   Teach your children how to handle being bullied. Try practicing scenarios at
    home so that they can learn to be assertive and cope with it if and when it
   Set boundaries with all technologies. Teach your children not to respond to
    any threatening emails or messages. Start by making the family computer
    the only one the child may use so that you can monitor they activity.
   Teachers need to report any and all incidents they see to the school
    principle so issues can be resolved quickly.
Ideas to prevent bullying in your community and
   Schools could hold pep rallies, dances, and other activities to show support.
   All schools should have a strict anti bullying policies in effect.
   Have professional resources to turn to
   Implement education programs for students to be able to recognize,
    understand, and prevent bullying]
   Programs for teachers and school officials that train how to handle different
   Have children engage in making posters for the hallways about bullying
   Have a victim of bullying speak to everyone about bullying and what it can do
    to a person
   Stand up for others and always treat people kindly
   Bullying Statistics (2010) Retrieved fromhttp://www.bullyingstatistics.org/
   Different Types of bullying Retrieved from
   Espelage, D. L.(2012). Bullying prevention Retrieved from http://
   Long term effects from bullying Dombeck M, Ph.D (2007). Retrieved from
   Signs of Bullying Retrieved from
   What can you do (n.d). Retrieved from
   What is Bullying (n.d). Retrieved fromhttp://www.stopbullying.gov/what-is-

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Bullying and our children

  • 1. Bullying And Our Children My Big Idea CM220 Kaplan University Casey Williams
  • 2. What is bullying? Stopbullying.gov states that bullying is unwanted aggressive behavior such as threats, spreading rumors, attacking someone physically or verbally and excluding someone from a group on purpose.
  • 3. What are the types of bullying? Cyber bullying- is bullying that takes place using electronic technology. Examples are mean text messages, or emails, posting embarrassing pictures, videos and other rumors. Social bullying- is leaving someone out on purpose, telling others not to be friends with someone, embarrassing someone in public and spreading rumors. Verbal bullying- teasing, name calling, taunting, threatening to cause harm and inappropriate sexual comments. Physical bullying- hitting, kicking, pinching, tripping, pushing, spitting, making rude hand gestures and breaking someone's property.
  • 4. Statistics 1 in 7 students grades k-12 are the bully or the victim of bullying 56% of students witness bullying every day 15% of students absences from school are bullying related 1 out of 20 students has seen a student with a GUN at school 71% of students has reported incidents at their schools regarding bullying 282,000 are attacked in secondary schools each month 87% of students state that shootings are related to getting revenge from being bullied Bullying has been linked to 75% of schools shootings 1 out 10 students drop out of school from being bullied
  • 5. The amount of children being bullied on a daily basis is increasing more and more each year.
  • 6. What are the effects from bullying can be tragic Short term & long term Anger Depression Lower academic grades Greater influence of illness Suicidal thoughts and feelings Difficulty trusting others Self esteem issues Interpersonal difficulties Reduced occupational opportunities Haunting feelings of anger, bitterness and desire for revenge
  • 7. Signs that your child is being bullied Comes home with torn clothing Has bruises or scratches Has few or no friends they hang out with Fearful of going to school Acts sad or moody Complains of health issues such as, headaches, stomach aches or other physical issues Trouble sleeping and nightmares Loss of appetite Anxious or has low self esteem Grades at school start suffering
  • 8. What you should do if your child is being bullied Try talking to your child. Talk to the staff at your son or daughters school Ask teachers that interact with your child if they have seen anything out of the ordinary with them Make an appointment with their guidance counselor If you find out that he or she is being bullied take immediate action
  • 9. What can parents, teachers and students do to prevent bullying? Be knowledgeable and observant, bullying happens in areas such as hallways, bathrooms recess, school buses and through media. Involved students and the parents, everyone needs to be a part of the solution. Students can inform adults if they see or hear bullying, teachers should engage all students in positive behavior and teach the children the skills to know the difference. Set positive expectations about behavior for the students. The children need to be aware that bullying is wrong and also know the consequences. Teach your children how to handle being bullied. Try practicing scenarios at home so that they can learn to be assertive and cope with it if and when it happens. Set boundaries with all technologies. Teach your children not to respond to any threatening emails or messages. Start by making the family computer the only one the child may use so that you can monitor they activity. Teachers need to report any and all incidents they see to the school principle so issues can be resolved quickly.
  • 10. Ideas to prevent bullying in your community and schools Schools could hold pep rallies, dances, and other activities to show support. All schools should have a strict anti bullying policies in effect. Have professional resources to turn to Implement education programs for students to be able to recognize, understand, and prevent bullying] Programs for teachers and school officials that train how to handle different situations Have children engage in making posters for the hallways about bullying Have a victim of bullying speak to everyone about bullying and what it can do to a person Stand up for others and always treat people kindly
  • 11. References Bullying Statistics (2010) Retrieved fromhttp://www.bullyingstatistics.org/ Different Types of bullying Retrieved from http://www.stampoutbullying.co.uk/types Espelage, D. L.(2012). Bullying prevention Retrieved from http:// ehis.ebscohost.com.lib.kaplan.edu/eds/detail?vid =4&sid=9d719ec0-f9ee-4702-a2e3-0dfea7c586bd%40sessionmgr110&hid=109&b rzh&AN=2011763289 Long term effects from bullying Dombeck M, Ph.D (2007). Retrieved from http://www.mentalhelp.net/poc/view_doc.php?type=doc&id=13057 Signs of Bullying Retrieved from http://www.education.com/magazine/article/Warning_Signs_that_Your_Child/ What can you do (n.d). Retrieved from http://www.stopbullying.gov/kids/what-you-can-do/index.html What is Bullying (n.d). Retrieved fromhttp://www.stopbullying.gov/what-is- bullying/index.html