Bulut bili?im olarak isimlendirdi?imiz veri i?leme bi?iminin detaylar?na ge?meden ?nce neden bu ismin verildi?ini anlamaya ?al??al?m.
Bulut bili?ime bu ismi verenler onu bu teknolojiyi geli?tiren m¨¹hendisler midir yoksa pazarlamac?lar m? bilmiyoruz, ama tam yerine oturan bir metafor yap?ld??? kesin.
Bir d¨¹?¨¹n¨¹n ?bulut? bize ne ?a?r??t?r?yor? Bizden uzakta, ?eklini, ?emalini, b¨¹y¨¹kl¨¹?¨¹n¨¹ tam olarak kestiremedi?imiz, kendi i?inde farkl? bir sistemi ve dinami?i olan, zaman zaman bizimle y?ld?r?m, ya?mur gibi y?ntemlerle, kendi aralar?nda da ?im?eklerle ileti?im kuran olu?umlar. Bulut bili?im de buna ?ok benzer. ??lemler bizden uzakta olan devasa veri merkezlerinde y¨¹r¨¹r, veri burada depolan?r, internet arac?l??? ile de bizimle ileti?im kurar.
Bu sunumda bulut bili?im altyap?s?n?n nas?l ?al??t???n?, servis ve konumland?rma modellerini inceliyoruz. Son olarak Microsoft'un en pop¨¹ler bulut hizmetleri olan Office 365 ve Azure'a g?z ataca??z
Bulut Bili?im Nedir ? diye Merak edenler i?in ; Bulut Servis Sa?layac?lar? liderlerinden olan Microsoft Azure kurumunun tan?m?na g?re : Bulut Bili?im bilgi i?lem hizmetlerinin (sunucu, depolama, veritaban?, a?, yaz?l?m, analiz ve makine zekas? dahil) ?nternet (¡°bulut¡±) ¨¹zerinden sa?lanarak daha h?zl? inovasyon, esnek kaynaklar ve ekonomik ?l?eklendirme sunulmas? anlam?na gelir.
Bu e?itim s¨¹resince Bulut Bili?im kavram?yla alakal? detayl? bilgileri ba?tan sona birlikte ??renece?iz.
Peki bu e?itim kapsam?nda Bulut Bili?im Teknolojilerini hangi alanda kullanabilece?iz ?
?ok Lokasyonlu yap?larda kurumunuzu en ¨¹st teknoloji kullanarak zirveye ta??y?n ( Sa?l?k )
?retimin verimli , H?zl? ve Kesintisiz , Ba?tan sona y?netilebilir , ?zlenebilir hale d?n¨¹?t¨¹r¨¹n ( End¨¹stri )
Pandemi d?neminde ve Uzaktan e?timlerinizde kulland???n?z Sistemleri Bulut Bili?ime ta??yarak , ??rencilerinize ve ?al??anlar?n?za son teknolojiyle donat?n ( E?itim )
Kesintisizli?inin ve Y¨¹ksek Kullan?labilirli?inin ?nemli oldu?u ?nc¨¹ sekt?rlerden biri olan Finans sekt?r¨¹ i?in Ortam?n?z? H?zl? , Son Teknoloji , Y¨¹ksek Kullan?labilirlik , Her zaman Eri?ilebilir hale getirin. ( Finans )
U?tan uca Bulut Bili?im ile uygulama geli?tirme ( Startup Firmalar? )
These are slides from an introductory session for Microsoft Azure done at IIT Sri Lanka giving the students hands-on exposure to Microsoft Azure. Introducing them to Azure App Service and Azure Functions.
Cloud Migration, Application Modernization and Security for PartnersAmazon Web Services
As AWS continues to expand, enterprise customers are increasingly looking to our partner ecosystem to assist in migrating their workloads to the cloud. This session describes the challenges, lessons learned, and best practices for large-scale application migrations. We will use real examples from our consulting partners and AWS Professional Services to illustrate how to move workloads to the cloud while modernizing the associated applications to take advantage of the unique benefits of AWS. We will also dive into how to use an array of AWS services and features to improve customers' security posture as they migrate and once they are up and running in the cloud.
Microsoft Azure - Introduction to microsoft's public cloudAtanas Gergiminov
This document provides an overview of Microsoft Azure, Microsoft's public cloud platform. It discusses Azure's infrastructure as a service (IaaS) and platform as a service (PaaS) offerings, as well as other services like compute, storage, networking, databases, web apps, and identity and access management. Usage statistics show that Azure trails only Amazon Web Services (AWS) in market share of public cloud providers. The document outlines how to sign up for a free Azure trial account and lists additional Microsoft resources for learning about Azure.
You will learn the following
- Introduction to Azure Resource Manager Templates and its benefits.
- Provision applications to Azure using a declarative template.
- How to deploy multiple services along with their dependencies using a single template.
- Also, offer the option of splitting up your ARM templates into multiple templates that each describes individual resources.
David J. Rosenthal gave a presentation about Microsoft's Azure cloud platform. He discussed how Azure can help companies with digital transformation by engaging customers, empowering employees, and optimizing operations. He provided examples of how companies are using Azure services like AI, IoT, analytics and more to modernize applications, gain insights from data, and improve productivity. Rosenthal emphasized that Azure offers a secure, flexible cloud platform that businesses can use to innovate, grow and transform both today and in the future.
This slide deck provides the basics of Azure App Service. This presentation was presented by Harikharan Krishnaraju, Developer Support Escalation Engineer, Microsoft during the TechMeet360 event organized by BizTalk360, held on December 17, 2016 at Coimbatore.
Data protection is the highest priority for any organisation, so we answer common questions about GDPR, data residency, freedom of information, and privacy. We also address security-related compliance, risk management strategies, and best practices for securing data on AWS.
Advanced Load Balancer/Traffic Manager and App Gateway for Microsoft AzureKemp
While Azure provides native load balancing capabilities, our KEMP Virtual LoadMaster (VLM) significantly improves on these via advance features like application delivery and load balancing in Layer 7 of the network stack. Other features that KEMP VLM delivers for Azure based and hybrid infrastructure deployments are:
- Client authentication and single sign-on (SSO) High Performance Layer 4 & Layer 7 Application Load Balancing
- Intelligent Global Site Traffic Distribution
- Application Health Checking
- IP and Layer 7 Persistence
- Content Switching
- SSL Acceleration and Offload
- Compression
- Caching
- Advanced App Gateway Services
- Provide better Load Balancing over the Internal Load Balancer
- Sophisticated Traffic Manager
The document provides an overview of the main services available on the Azure cloud computing platform. It describes compute, networking, storage, mobile, database, web, Internet of Things (IoT), big data, artificial intelligence (AI), and DevOps services available and provides examples of specific services within each category. The services aim to provide scalable, secure, globally accessible options for hosting applications and data in the cloud.
AZ-900T01 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals-01.pptxsayyedghazali
The document discusses key cloud concepts including high availability, scalability, elasticity, agility, fault tolerance, and predictive cost considerations. It describes the public cloud model where resources are owned by cloud providers and accessed over the internet. It also mentions hybrid cloud and the three main service models: Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) which provides on-demand computing infrastructure; Platform as a Service (PaaS) which provides environments for building and testing software applications; and Software as a Service (SaaS) which provides centrally-hosted software for end users over the internet.
High Performance Computing (HPC) has been driving technology advancements for many decades. HPC enables performance-demanding applications and workloads to solve complex problems while dramatically reducing time to solution. With a history of requiring very large data centers, HPC is now on the edge of a paradigm shift. The AWS Cloud will allow customers to have access to near infinite compute and storage resources, without the overhead of running their own data centers. There are a vast number of HPC segments and verticals that are already seeing great success running their workloads on AWS. Life Sciences, Financial Services, Energy & Geo Sciences, as well as Manufacturing are successfully deploying their applications on AWS. In these two sessions we will discuss how AWS can help you run HPC workloads in the cloud. The first session will be a general introduction to HPC on AWS.
Cloud computing provides on-demand access to shared computing resources like networks, servers, storage, applications and services available over the internet. It has several advantages like lower costs, automatic software updates, unlimited storage and reliability. However, it also has disadvantages like requiring a constant internet connection and potential slowness. The document discusses key concepts of cloud computing including characteristics, service models, virtualization, opportunities and challenges of cloud sourcing, commercial offerings and the future of cloud computing.
Cloud Migration Cookbook: A Guide To Moving Your Apps To The CloudNew Relic
The process of building new apps or migrating existing apps to a cloud-based platform is complex. There are hundreds of paths you can take and only a few will make sense for you and your business. Get a step-by-step guide on how to plan for a successful app migration.
This document is a seminar report on cloud computing submitted by Binesh Kr. Singh in partial fulfillment of a master's degree. It defines cloud computing, discusses different cloud service models including SaaS, IaaS, PaaS, and deployment models. It covers advantages like reduced costs, accessibility, and flexibility. Disadvantages discussed include security, vendor lock-in, and downtime. Examples are provided for each cloud service model. The report concludes that cloud computing is transforming IT and businesses can realize value through proper planning and migration services.
This document provides an outline for a Microsoft Azure training module on Azure architecture and services. It describes key concepts that will be covered, including Azure architectural components like regions, availability zones, subscriptions, and resource groups. It also covers various Azure compute and networking services such as virtual machines, virtual machine scale sets, containers, virtual networks, and load balancing. Storage services and options are discussed as well as methods for migrating and transferring files. Identity, access, and security topics include directory services, authentication, and security models.
Microsoft Azure - Introduction to microsoft's public cloudAtanas Gergiminov
This document provides an overview of Microsoft Azure, Microsoft's public cloud platform. It discusses Azure's infrastructure as a service (IaaS) and platform as a service (PaaS) offerings, as well as other services like compute, storage, networking, databases, web apps, and identity and access management. Usage statistics show that Azure trails only Amazon Web Services (AWS) in market share of public cloud providers. The document outlines how to sign up for a free Azure trial account and lists additional Microsoft resources for learning about Azure.
You will learn the following
- Introduction to Azure Resource Manager Templates and its benefits.
- Provision applications to Azure using a declarative template.
- How to deploy multiple services along with their dependencies using a single template.
- Also, offer the option of splitting up your ARM templates into multiple templates that each describes individual resources.
David J. Rosenthal gave a presentation about Microsoft's Azure cloud platform. He discussed how Azure can help companies with digital transformation by engaging customers, empowering employees, and optimizing operations. He provided examples of how companies are using Azure services like AI, IoT, analytics and more to modernize applications, gain insights from data, and improve productivity. Rosenthal emphasized that Azure offers a secure, flexible cloud platform that businesses can use to innovate, grow and transform both today and in the future.
This slide deck provides the basics of Azure App Service. This presentation was presented by Harikharan Krishnaraju, Developer Support Escalation Engineer, Microsoft during the TechMeet360 event organized by BizTalk360, held on December 17, 2016 at Coimbatore.
Data protection is the highest priority for any organisation, so we answer common questions about GDPR, data residency, freedom of information, and privacy. We also address security-related compliance, risk management strategies, and best practices for securing data on AWS.
Advanced Load Balancer/Traffic Manager and App Gateway for Microsoft AzureKemp
While Azure provides native load balancing capabilities, our KEMP Virtual LoadMaster (VLM) significantly improves on these via advance features like application delivery and load balancing in Layer 7 of the network stack. Other features that KEMP VLM delivers for Azure based and hybrid infrastructure deployments are:
- Client authentication and single sign-on (SSO) High Performance Layer 4 & Layer 7 Application Load Balancing
- Intelligent Global Site Traffic Distribution
- Application Health Checking
- IP and Layer 7 Persistence
- Content Switching
- SSL Acceleration and Offload
- Compression
- Caching
- Advanced App Gateway Services
- Provide better Load Balancing over the Internal Load Balancer
- Sophisticated Traffic Manager
The document provides an overview of the main services available on the Azure cloud computing platform. It describes compute, networking, storage, mobile, database, web, Internet of Things (IoT), big data, artificial intelligence (AI), and DevOps services available and provides examples of specific services within each category. The services aim to provide scalable, secure, globally accessible options for hosting applications and data in the cloud.
AZ-900T01 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals-01.pptxsayyedghazali
The document discusses key cloud concepts including high availability, scalability, elasticity, agility, fault tolerance, and predictive cost considerations. It describes the public cloud model where resources are owned by cloud providers and accessed over the internet. It also mentions hybrid cloud and the three main service models: Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) which provides on-demand computing infrastructure; Platform as a Service (PaaS) which provides environments for building and testing software applications; and Software as a Service (SaaS) which provides centrally-hosted software for end users over the internet.
High Performance Computing (HPC) has been driving technology advancements for many decades. HPC enables performance-demanding applications and workloads to solve complex problems while dramatically reducing time to solution. With a history of requiring very large data centers, HPC is now on the edge of a paradigm shift. The AWS Cloud will allow customers to have access to near infinite compute and storage resources, without the overhead of running their own data centers. There are a vast number of HPC segments and verticals that are already seeing great success running their workloads on AWS. Life Sciences, Financial Services, Energy & Geo Sciences, as well as Manufacturing are successfully deploying their applications on AWS. In these two sessions we will discuss how AWS can help you run HPC workloads in the cloud. The first session will be a general introduction to HPC on AWS.
Cloud computing provides on-demand access to shared computing resources like networks, servers, storage, applications and services available over the internet. It has several advantages like lower costs, automatic software updates, unlimited storage and reliability. However, it also has disadvantages like requiring a constant internet connection and potential slowness. The document discusses key concepts of cloud computing including characteristics, service models, virtualization, opportunities and challenges of cloud sourcing, commercial offerings and the future of cloud computing.
Cloud Migration Cookbook: A Guide To Moving Your Apps To The CloudNew Relic
The process of building new apps or migrating existing apps to a cloud-based platform is complex. There are hundreds of paths you can take and only a few will make sense for you and your business. Get a step-by-step guide on how to plan for a successful app migration.
This document is a seminar report on cloud computing submitted by Binesh Kr. Singh in partial fulfillment of a master's degree. It defines cloud computing, discusses different cloud service models including SaaS, IaaS, PaaS, and deployment models. It covers advantages like reduced costs, accessibility, and flexibility. Disadvantages discussed include security, vendor lock-in, and downtime. Examples are provided for each cloud service model. The report concludes that cloud computing is transforming IT and businesses can realize value through proper planning and migration services.
This document provides an outline for a Microsoft Azure training module on Azure architecture and services. It describes key concepts that will be covered, including Azure architectural components like regions, availability zones, subscriptions, and resource groups. It also covers various Azure compute and networking services such as virtual machines, virtual machine scale sets, containers, virtual networks, and load balancing. Storage services and options are discussed as well as methods for migrating and transferring files. Identity, access, and security topics include directory services, authentication, and security models.
This certificate confirms that Hakan Yuksel achieved an ITIL Foundation Certificate in IT Service Management from EXIN, an independent certification institute for ICT professionals. The certificate is valid from November 18, 2015 and includes Hakan Yuksel's registration number. It was issued by EXIN's Chief Executive Officer.
This 3 sentence summary provides the high level information from the document:
The document certifies that the individual demonstrated knowledge of Scrum roles, events, artifacts and rules as described in the Scrum Guide. In recognition of passing this certification, Scrum.org provided the individual with a Professional Scrum Master I certification on July 24, 2014 for Hakan YUKSEL.
This document certifies that Hakan Y¨¹ksel has successfully completed the requirements for TOGAF 9 Certification at the Certified level on November 17, 2014. Hakan Y¨¹ksel was assigned registration number 90354 and the certification is signed by Allen Brown, President and CEO of The Open Group.
3 Boyutlu ?izimlerinizi, se?ti?iniz malzeme ?e?idine g?re katman katman y¨¹kselterek, 3 boyutlu ger?ek bir ¨¹r¨¹ne d?n¨¹?t¨¹ren makinalara verilen isimdir.
This document discusses DevOps, including what it is, why it is used, its history and practices. DevOps combines cultural philosophies and tools to increase an organization's ability to deliver applications and services faster. It involves development and operations teams working together throughout the entire service lifecycle. Key DevOps practices include continuous integration, delivery and deployment; use of microservices; infrastructure as code; monitoring and logging; and communication between teams. The DevOps lifecycle aims to continuously deliver products through automation and monitoring at each stage of development and deployment.
Uygulama ve servislerin
internetteki sunucular ¨¹zerinde
bulundurulmas?, internete ba?l?
herhangi bir cihaz ile uygulama ve
servislerin ?al??t?r?lmas?d?r. Bulut
Bili?im ile bilgisayar?n?zda bulunan
ofis, resim d¨¹zenleme ve
ar?ivleme, ajanda, ve ki?isel
dosyalar?n?z, internetteki bir
sunucuya ta??n?yor ve internete
ba?l? oldu?unuz her yerden bu
programlara ula?arak
?al??malar?n?z? yapabiliyorsunuz
? Google??n yapt??? ara?t?rmaya g?re Bulut Bili?im ile %10 i?letme giderlerinin
azalaca??, i?letme i?erisinde %35 oran?nda Bilgi Teknolojileri harcamalar?n?n
azalaca?? buna kar??l?k %10 oran?nda bir gelir ve %50 oran?nda bir verimlilik art???
sa?lanacakt?r. Bulut?un en temel ?zelliklerinin s?ralayacak olursak ;
? Her ?ey taray?c? ile sa?lan?yor : Hi?bir masa¨¹st¨¹ uygulamas?na veya ekstra taray?c?
plug-in'ine gerek yok
? ?l?eklendirilebilir, kuvvetli ve g¨¹venli :Farkl? co?rafyalarda sunucu
merkezleri, h?zl? hesaplama g¨¹c¨¹
? Abone modeli : Kulland???n kadar ?de
? ?nternete giren her cihazdan ula??m :Taray?c?s? olan her cihaz? kullan
? S¨¹rekli geli?im ve kesintisiz g¨¹ncelleme :Her zaman son s¨¹r¨¹m¨¹ kullan (s¨¹r¨¹mler
her haftada bir yenileniyor)
? Birden fazla dile ?eviri :Ger?ek zamanl? uluslararas? tak?m ?al??mas?
? 99.9% ?al??ma Garanti Anla?mas? :7/24 b¨¹t¨¹n zamanlar?n 99.9%'unda ?al??ma
4. Klasik BT Altyap?s?
??letmelerdeki klasik Bilgi Teknolojileri altyap?s?nda
kullan?c?lar?n ?al??t??? bilgisayarlar, printerlar gibi cihazlar ile
uygulama, bilgi ve servislerin ¨¹zerinde durdu?u
sunucular, storage ¨¹niteleri, bilgilerin yede?ini alan kartu?
¨¹niteleri, yedekleme sistemleri mevcuttur. Ve bu ortamlar?
besleyen altyap? olarak sistem odalar?, jeneratorler, UPS
cihazlar?, iklimlendirme, yang?n s?nd¨¹rme ve g¨¹venlik i?in
kamera ve eri?im cihazlar? gerekmektedir. Bu BT altyap?s?n?n
??kacak problemlere kar?? desteklenmesi, g¨¹venlik
?nlemlerinin firma taraf?ndan al?nmas?, ?al??an sistemin
sa?l???n?n izlenmesi, olu?abilecek hatalara kar?? ?nceden uyar?
sistemlerinin kurulmas? ve s¨¹rekli olarak yeni tehditlerini
?n¨¹ne ge?me ve yeni fonksiyonlar? kulland?rabilme ad?na
g¨¹ncellenmesi gerekmektedir.
5. Bulut BT Altyap?s?
Klasik BT alyap?sdan farkl? olarak Bulut Bili?im a?a??kida ?ekilde bir yap?
?Yedekli, h?zl? ve kesintisiz bir altyap?ya,
?D¨¹zg¨¹n bir datacenter ortam?nda ?al??an BT altyap?s?na,
?Bu datacenter i?inde konumland?r?lm??;
?Mail,Sunucu,Hat G¨¹venlik ?r¨¹nlerine,
?Ar?ivleme ve Yedekleme ??z¨¹mlarine,
?Elektrik, UPS,So?utma Sistemlerine,
Bireysel Kullan?m
? Bu senaryoda t¨¹ketici bireysel son kullan?c?d?r ve Bulut
servislerini kullan?r. T¨¹ketici arka planda servisin nas?l
olu?turuldu?u ya da nas?l ?al??t??? ile ilgilenmez. Kulland?k?a
?de en yayg?n kullan?lan i? modelidir. Bu t¨¹rden servislere
¡°Amazon S3¡± servisi iyi bir ?rnektir.
Kurumsal Kullan?m
? Bu senaryo i?erisinde birden ?ok alt senaryo
bar?nd?rmaktad?r:Bu senaryolar?n ilkinde, ??letme son
kullan?c?lara kulland?rmak ¨¹zere (?al??anlar, i? ortaklar?,
m¨¹?teriler, v.b.) Bulut servislerinden faydalan?r. Elektronik
posta ya da veri payla??m? servisleri ?rnek olarak
verilebilir.?kinci senaryoda, BT fonksiyonlar?n?n baz?lar?n?n
Bulut servislerine aktar?ld???n? g?r¨¹r¨¹z. Veri saklama,
yedekleme ve veri taban? servisleri ilk anda verebilen
Tekil Sa?lay?c?l? Bulut Servisi
? Bu senaryoda servis sa?lay?c? t¨¹m BT altyap?s?n?, yani
altyap?, uygulama platformu ve yaz?l?m servislerini tek elden
sunar. Google Apps ve Microsoft Office Live ?rnek olarak
?o?ul Sa?lay?c?l? Bulut Servisi
? Bulut Bili?im yakla??m?n?n ne kadar esnek oldu?unu
g?stermesi a??s?ndan son derece ilgin? olan bu senaryoda;
servis ald???m?z servis sa?lay?c? servisini bir ya da daha ?ok
servis sa?lay?c?n?n sundu?u servisler ¨¹zerine kurar. ?rne?in;
foto?raf payla??m servisi olan SmugMug veri saklama
hizmetini Amazon S3 den almaktad?r. Ama bu servisi kullanan
t¨¹ketici yaln?zca SmugMug ile muhattab olur, gerisinden haberi
Servis Geli?tirici
? Bu senaryoda servis geli?tirici (bu kurum ya da birey olabilir)
servis sa?lay?c? taraf?ndan sa?lanan geli?tirme ortam? ile belli
servis sa?lay?c? ?al??t?rma ortam? i?in uygulamas?n? ya da
servisi geli?tirir. Yaln?z bu uygulama/servis arka planda birden
?ok servis sa?lay?c?n?n sundu?u servis ya da altyap?y?
kullanabilir. ?rne?in; Google Apps Engine i?in geli?tirme
yapan bir geli?tiriciyi d¨¹?¨¹nelim. Bu geli?tiricinin b¨¹y¨¹k
miktarda saklama alan?na ve ili?kisel veritaban?na ihtiyac?
oldu?unu varsayal?m. Google Apps Engine bu gereksinimleri
kar??layamaz ama Amazon S3 ve EC2 kar??layabilir. Sonu?ta
Google Apps Engine ¨¹zerinde ?al??an uygulama/servis ayn?
zamanda Amazon servislerini de kullan?yor olur.
Servis Olarak Yaz?l?m (Software as a Services, SaaS)
Servis Olarak Platform (Platform as a Service, PaaS)
Servis Olarak Altyapi (Infrastructure as a Service, IaaS)
Servis Olarak Yaz?l?m (Software as a Services, SaaS)
Basit bir e-posta hizmetine ili?kin yaz?l?mdan tutun da muhasebe, finans ve ofis uygulamalar?n? da
i?erebilen, ihtiya? duyulan web tabanl? kurumsal veya son kullan?c?ya hitap eden t¨¹m yaz?l?mlar?n g¨¹ncel
s¨¹r¨¹mleriyle birlikte hizmet olarak sunulmas?d?r. Burada kurumlar?n ihtiya? duydu?u yaz?l?mlar bu hizmeti
veren kurumun sunucular?nda tutulmakta olup, yaz?l?m kendi bilgisayar?na kurulmadan bu sunuculardan
?al??t?r?larak i?in yap?lmas? sa?lanmaktad?r. ¡°Sunulan hizmetlerden baz?lar?; dok¨¹man payla??m?
(Google, Microsoft, Adobe), e-posta (Google, Yahoo), M¨¹?teriler alt yap?daki a?, sunucu, i?letim sistemi ve
depolama ayg?tlar? gibi bile?enleri y?netmez veya denetlemez. Ancak kullan?c?ya has uygulama ayarlar?
Servis Olarak Platform (Platform as a Service, PaaS)
Burada yeni uygulamalar?n geli?tirilmesine ili?kin ortam, hizmet olarak sunulmaktad?r. Yani, bulut (cloud)
hizmeti veren firman?n alt yap?s?nda ?al??an kendinize ait bir uygulama in?a edebilirsiniz ve firman?n
sunucular?ndan kullan?c?lar?n?za hizmet verebilirsiniz. Hizmet sa?lay?c?, uygulama geli?tirme, uygulaman?n
?al??aca?? ortam, tamamlay?c? servisleri ve altyap?lar? (oturum y?netimi, kimlik do?rulama, versiyon
y?netimi, ?l?eklenebilirlik, v.b) tasarlay?p kurar. Kullan?c? uygulamas?n? bu platforma g?re geli?tirir. Bu
servislere ?rnek olarak; Google Apps Engine, Microsoft ve Salesforce.com verilebilir
Servis Olarak Altyapi (Infrastructure as a Service, IaaS)
Altyap?n?n bir bulut servisi olarak sunulmas? modelinde m¨¹?teri ihtiyac? olan i?lemci, depolama, a? kayna??
ve di?er temel bili?im kaynaklar?n? kendisi yap?land?rabilmekte ve bunlar?n ¨¹zerine ihtiyac? olan i?letim
sistemi ve uygulamalar? kurabilmektedir. M¨¹?terinin alt yap? ¨¹zerinde y?netimi ve tam bir kontrol¨¹
olmamas?na ra?men, i?letim sistemi seviyesinde sisteme tam bir h?kimiyeti bulunmakta ve baz? a?
bile?enlerini (Firewall gibi) y?netebilmektedir.
Genel Bulut
? Genel bulutta, ?irketinizin t¨¹m bilgii?lem altyap?s?n? d??ar?
ta??rs?n?z. Yani t¨¹m bilgii?lem faaliyetinizi, ¨¹?¨¹nc¨¹ parti
?irketlerin kurduklar? altyap? ¨¹zerinde kiralayaca??n?z
kaynaklar ¨¹zerinde y¨¹r¨¹t¨¹rs¨¹n¨¹z.Bu ??z¨¹m ?zellikle ki?isel
kullan?m i?in uygun bir ??z¨¹md¨¹r. Gmail ?rne?in genel bulut
bilgii?lemi i?in en iyi ?rneklerden biridir. e.posta
hizmetlerinden faydalanmak i?in hi?bir yat?r?m yapman?za
gerek b?rakmadan, ?ok iyi y?netilen bir e.posta hizmetinden
yararlanman?z? sa?lamaktad?r
?zel Bulut
? Daha ?ok b¨¹y¨¹k ?irketler ve veri g¨¹venli?i ?nemli her boyuttan
?irkete hitap eder. ?irket kendi bulutunu kurar. D??ar?ya kapal?
bulut, ?irket i?inde ortak kullan?l?r. Genel bulut kadar b¨¹y¨¹k
tasarruflar sa?lamasa da, bilgii?lem yat?r?m ve giderlerinde ?ok
?nemli avantajlar sa?lar. Genel bulut ile ?zel buluta g¨¹nl¨¹k
hayattan ?rnek vermek gerekirse birincisini toplu ta??mac?l??a,
ikincisini ?zel otomobile benzetebiliriz. Genel bulutta da t?pk?
toplu ta??mac?l?kta oldu?u gibi kaynaklar?n ba?kalar?yla ayn?
anda payla??lmas? s?z konusudur
Karma (Hibrid) Bulut
? Karma bulutta ise ?zel bulut ile genel bulutun birlikte kullan?m?
s?z konusudur. Gizlilik ya da g¨¹venilirlik derecesinin ?ok
?nemli olmad??? baz? uygulamalar i?in genel bulutun, gizlilik
ve g¨¹venilirli?in ?nemli oldu?u alanlarda ?zel bulutun
kullan?ld??? sistemlerdir. ?rne?in veri depolama i?in ?zel
bulut, kelimei?lem i?in ise genel bulutun kullan?lmas?n?n tercih
edildi?i durumlard?r. Hangisini se?ece?inizi ihtiya?lar?n?z
belirler. Genel kural ki?isel kullan?mlar i?in genel
bulutun, kurumsal kullan?mlar i?in ?zel bulutun
Ortakl?k (Topluluk) Bulutlar?
? Ortak bir Bulut Bili?im ortam?ndan yararlanmak isteyen
birbirleriyle ba?lant?l? ?irket gruplar? tercih edilmektedir.
?rne?in bir ordunun farkl? birimleri belirli bir b?lgedeki t¨¹m
¨¹niversiteler veya b¨¹y¨¹k bir ¨¹reticinin t¨¹m tedarik?ileri b?yle
bir toplulu?u olu?turabiliyor
D¨¹?¨¹k Donan?m Maliyeti
Geli?mi? Performans
D¨¹?¨¹k Yaz?l?m Maliyeti
An?nda G¨¹ncelleme
S?n?rs?z Depolama Kapasitesi
Art?r?lm?? Veri G¨¹venli?i
??letim Sistemleri Aras?nda Geli?tirilmi? Uyum
Art?r?lm?? Dosya Format? Uyumu
Grup ?al??mas?
Sabit ?nternet Ba?lant?s? Gerektirmesi
D¨¹?¨¹k H?zlarda D¨¹zg¨¹n ?al??mamas?
Uygulaman?n Yava? ?al??mas?
G¨¹venlik A??klar?
Sistem G¨¹ncellemeleri
Deneyimsiz Bulut Operat?r¨¹
Kulland???n?z Program?n ?zellikleri
? Gelecek tahminleri;
? 2013 y?l?na gelindi?inde 150 milyar $ bulut bili?im
hizmet sekt?r¨¹ b¨¹y¨¹kl¨¹?¨¹ (Gartner)
? 2009 y?l? bulut hizmet b¨¹y¨¹kl¨¹?¨¹ 17.4 milyardan 2013
y?l?nda 44.2 milyar $¡¯a ula??lacak (IDC)
? 2012 y?l?nda, en b¨¹y¨¹k 1000 ?irketin %80¡¯i SoY kullan?yor
olacak (Gartner)
? 2012 y?l?nda, en b¨¹y¨¹k 1000 ?irketin %30¡¯u bulut altyap?s?
kullan?yor olacak (Gartner)
21. SONU?
? Bulut bili?im hizmetleri, d¨¹nyada giderek daha ?ok say?da ?zel
ve kamu kurumlar? taraf?ndan kullan?lmaktad?r.
? ?lkemiz kamu kurumlar? i?in bulut bili?ime ge?i?te; ba?ta
artt?r?lm?? g¨¹venlik olmak ¨¹zere, esneklik, maliyet tasarrufu,
performans art??? ve kaynaklar?n verimli kullan?lmas? gibi
?nemli f?rsatlar ve kazan?mlar bulunmaktad?r.