3. Install it on your local Mac
Philly ‘burbs WordPress Meetup: March 2013 @liamdempsey
4. Con?gure MAMP
Start by
jumping into
Philly ‘burbs WordPress Meetup: March 2013 @liamdempsey
5. Change ports to 80
Change Ports
from 8888 to
This allows for
instead of …
Philly ‘burbs WordPress Meetup: March 2013 @liamdempsey
6. Change the document root
Change to
somewhere you
can access …
Can either be on
a local network
or on local Mac
Philly ‘burbs WordPress Meetup: March 2013 @liamdempsey
7. Ignore the PHP
This setting can
be left as is …
Philly ‘burbs WordPress Meetup: March 2013 @liamdempsey
8. Start your servers!
Start the servers
to begin running
your local
Philly ‘burbs WordPress Meetup: March 2013 @liamdempsey