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丱亳仍亳亶仆 亰仂亳仍亞仂:
亳亰仆亠亳亶仆 勵亞 仍仍亞亳亶亞 舒亢亳仍
仄亞亢亳仍亟 亰唏于 仂仆仂于仂亶 仂亶仍亞仂亢
亞仍亢 亞舒, 弍亳亰仆亠 舒亢亳仍 亞亳亶仆
仍亰舒仍, 亳仍仍舒亞舒亟 唏唏亳亶亞唏唏 亰唏于
亳仍亳亶仍亢 舒, 仂亟仂仂亶 亟于勵勵亟
舒亳仍舒仆 亳仍舒 舒亟于舒舒亶 弍仂仍亢,
舒舒亳亟 仄亞亢仍亳亶仆 仂仍弍仂亞亟仂仍仂亶
仄舒亠亳舒仍亞 弍亳亠 亟舒舒仆 亟仍舒 舒亟于舒
亳亰仆亠亳亶仆 舒仄舒亞亳亟,
弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞舒, 勵亶仍亟于仍仍,
仄舒从亠亳仆亞, 舒仆勵勵 弍仂仍仂仆
弍亳亰仆亠亳亶仆 仂仍弍仂亞亟仂仍仂亶
勵仆亟仆 亟于勵勵亟亳亶仆 亟舒亞
勵亞亳亶仆 舒仆舒亶 舒仆亳仍仍亢,
弍亳亞亳亶仆 舒亳仍舒舒仆亟 亟舒亞舒亢
仄唏亟亟唏亞 亟勵仄 亰亞亳亶亞
亟舒仍仆舒. 亞亢仍亳亶仆
仂仍弍仂亞亟仂仍仂亶 勵亞 1500
勵仍 亰仄亳仆.
丱仂仍弍仂亞亟仂 亟于勵勵亟亳亶仆 亟舒亞
仆亳 仂仆仂, 仄舒亠亳舒仍亟
仍亞仍舒仆 仂ム舒仆 仂仆仂,
弍亳亳 舒亟于舒舒舒 舒亳仍舒,
舒仆舒舒 弍仂亟仍仂仂 舒仄舒舒
舒亶仍弍舒仍舒仆 亳仍亳亶仍,
弍亳亰仆亠 舒亢亳仍 亞亳亶仆
仍亰舒仍舒仆亟 唏唏亳亶亞唏唏 亰唏于
亳仍亳亶仍亢 舒 仂亟仂仂亶,
亟于勵勵亟 舒亳仍舒仆
亳舒仆亟 仂仂仍仂, 舒舒
舒亢亳仍 亞亳亶仆 仍亰舒仍
仂于仍仂 弍亳亳亞 弍舒亳仄
弍仂仍仂于仍舒 舒亟于舒
New insights into business by Graham
Tullis and Tonya Trappe, Longman
Business opportunities by Vicki Hollett,
Oxford University Press
GDP distance learning program for
process business documents
Web sites
Online business English lessons
Most companies are made up of 3 groups of
people. They are 
1. The shareholders, who provide the capital
2. The management
3. The workforce or staff.
structure of company
Board of Directors, headed by the
Chairperson or President. The board is
responsible for policy decisions and strategy.
It will usually appoint a Managing Director or
Chief Executive Officer, who has overall
responsibility for the running of the business.
Senior managers or company officers head
the various departments or functions within
the company, which may include the
a. Marketing
b. Public relations
c. Information Technology or IT
d. Personnel or Human Resources
e. Finance
f. Production
g. Research and Development or R and D
Work the exercise and match the products
to the sectors (during the class)
Make new words list and learn them
Make structure diagram of the National
University of Culture and Arts and explain

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structure of company

  • 2. 丱亳仍亳亶仆 亰仂亳仍亞仂: 亳亰仆亠亳亶仆 勵亞 仍仍亞亳亶亞 舒亢亳仍 仄亞亢亳仍亟 亰唏于 仂仆仂于仂亶 仂亶仍亞仂亢 亞仍亢 亞舒, 弍亳亰仆亠 舒亢亳仍 亞亳亶仆 仍亰舒仍, 亳仍仍舒亞舒亟 唏唏亳亶亞唏唏 亰唏于 亳仍亳亶仍亢 舒, 仂亟仂仂亶 亟于勵勵亟 舒亳仍舒仆 亳仍舒 舒亟于舒舒亶 弍仂仍亢, 舒舒亳亟 仄亞亢仍亳亶仆 仂仍弍仂亞亟仂仍仂亶 仄舒亠亳舒仍亞 弍亳亠 亟舒舒仆 亟仍舒 舒亟于舒 亰仄勵勵仍
  • 3. 亟仍亞 亳亰仆亠亳亶仆 舒仄舒亞亳亟, 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞舒, 勵亶仍亟于仍仍, 仄舒从亠亳仆亞, 舒仆勵勵 弍仂仍仂仆 弍亳亰仆亠亳亶仆 仂仍弍仂亞亟仂仍仂亶 勵仆亟仆 亟于勵勵亟亳亶仆 亟舒亞 勵亞亳亶仆 舒仆舒亶 舒仆亳仍仍亢, 弍亳亞亳亶仆 舒亳仍舒舒仆亟 亟舒亞舒亢 仄唏亟亟唏亞 亟勵仄 亰亞亳亶亞 亟舒仍仆舒. 亞亢仍亳亶仆 仂仍弍仂亞亟仂仍仂亶 勵亞 1500 勵仍 亰仄亳仆. 丼舒亟于舒 丱仂仍弍仂亞亟仂 亟于勵勵亟亳亶仆 亟舒亞 仆亳 仂仆仂, 仄舒亠亳舒仍亟 仍亞仍舒仆 仂ム舒仆 仂仆仂, 弍亳亳 舒亟于舒舒舒 舒亳仍舒, 舒仆舒舒 弍仂亟仍仂仂 舒仄舒舒 舒亶仍弍舒仍舒仆 亳仍亳亶仍, 弍亳亰仆亠 舒亢亳仍 亞亳亶仆 仍亰舒仍舒仆亟 唏唏亳亶亞唏唏 亰唏于 亳仍亳亶仍亢 舒 仂亟仂仂亶, 亟于勵勵亟 舒亳仍舒仆 亳舒仆亟 仂仂仍仂, 舒舒 舒亢亳仍 亞亳亶仆 仍亰舒仍 仂于仍仂 弍亳亳亞 弍舒亳仄 弍仂仍仂于仍舒 舒亟于舒 亰仄亳仆.
  • 4. New insights into business by Graham Tullis and Tonya Trappe, Longman Business opportunities by Vicki Hollett, Oxford University Press GDP distance learning program for process business documents Web sites Online business English lessons
  • 5. Most companies are made up of 3 groups of people. They are 1. The shareholders, who provide the capital 2. The management 3. The workforce or staff.
  • 7. Board of Directors, headed by the Chairperson or President. The board is responsible for policy decisions and strategy. It will usually appoint a Managing Director or Chief Executive Officer, who has overall responsibility for the running of the business. Senior managers or company officers head the various departments or functions within the company, which may include the following.
  • 8. a. Marketing b. Public relations c. Information Technology or IT d. Personnel or Human Resources e. Finance f. Production g. Research and Development or R and D
  • 9. Work the exercise and match the products to the sectors (during the class) HOMEWORK Make new words list and learn them Make structure diagram of the National University of Culture and Arts and explain it.