The document discusses how corporate social responsibility involves businesses conducting their operations in an environmentally and socially responsible way, such as by avoiding pollution and resource depletion. It argues that CSR can benefit companies in the long run through improved public image and avoiding pressure from activists. Addressing serious social issues like poverty through CSR strategies could help reduce economic and social risks while allowing for more harmonious living on the planet.
This document describes the Prevention Institute's work on violence prevention and lists resources and tools that can support violence prevention strategies.
Preventing HIV/AIDS through Microeconomic Developmentkatejongbloed
The document discusses a project that aimed to reduce the environment of HIV risk among orphaned youth in Ethiopia and Uganda through microeconomic development. The project provided life skills training, business support, and trades training to 300 adolescent orphans. It helped give participants independence, stability, and control over their labor through opportunities like hairdressing, carpentry, and leatherwork. Both male and female participants reported economic gains like increased and more stable income. They also experienced social impacts like decreased stigma, increased confidence and agency, and expanded social networks. The project showed potential for microeconomic development to help fight HIV/AIDS by addressing factors in the environment that put people at risk.
The document summarizes the launch event of the Vitality Institute, which aims to promote evidence-based health promotion and disease prevention focused on chronic diseases. Speakers at the event included CEOs, health officials, researchers, and others who discussed strategies and programs for improving population health, such as incentivizing healthy behaviors, public-private partnerships, addressing social determinants of health, and using data and technology to enable healthier choices. The Vitality Institute was established to be a leader in developing and implementing effective health promotion interventions.
This document discusses corruption, including its definition, causes, and impacts. It defines corruption as the abuse of entrusted power for private gain. It identifies several causes of corruption, including weaknesses in government administration, social problems like poverty, and shortcomings in education that fail to adequately teach about corruption. The impacts discussed include harm to economic growth and foreign investment, as well as increased poverty and distortions of ethical standards in society. Potential solutions proposed include improving education about corruption, strengthening legal frameworks and penalties, fostering international cooperation, and leveraging technology.
The document discusses using baby boomer volunteers to help address the challenges of caring for an aging population given a shortage of caregivers. It identifies 3 needs: 1) A rapidly growing elderly population needing care at home; 2) A shrinking caregiver base; and 3) An underutilized group of baby boomer volunteers who want to remain engaged. The goal is to effectively recruit, train and retain baby boomer volunteers to provide services to the elderly. Key factors for successful programs include understanding volunteer motivations, designing roles that appeal to both altruistic and egoistic motivations, providing feedback, and ensuring volunteer experiences remain satisfying over time.
The document discusses looking at corruption through a virtue ethics perspective. It defines corruption as an act of dishonesty involving an illegal transfer of benefits. It states that fighting corruption requires adopting virtue ethics at a grassroots level, as many people currently lack virtues like integrity, honesty, and respect. It concludes that corruption can only be stopped individually by acquiring the four cardinal virtues of prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance.
Health Psychology of Urbanicity: Does it Increase Violent Behavior within Ado...Joseph White MPA CPM
This document provides background information for a research study examining whether factors related to urban living increase the likelihood of violent criminal behavior in adolescents. The study aims to identify scientific risk factors and create an equation to assess the probability of violence. Some potential risk factors discussed include access to quality education, race, and gender. The researcher hopes to determine practical crime reduction methods and increase safety in urban communities. The literature review discusses topics like the relationship between education and crime rates, impacts of unemployment, and how racial injustices can fuel conflicts. The goal is to better understand adolescent development and behavior within urban environments.
This document discusses the tension between individual rights and societal rights in public health. It provides examples of primary prevention strategies used in public health, such as vaccinations, anti-smoking campaigns, and motor vehicle safety laws, which aim to prevent disease and injury but can impact individual choice. The document asks how public health can implement prevention strategies to improve community health while respecting individuals' rights.
Self Compassion Paper
Best Buy Co. Inc. Essay
Conflict Theory Paper
Elastic Paper
Product Pricing Essay
Chevy Volt Research Paper
The Future Of Best Buy
Bitcoin Essay
The field of prevention is undergoing significant changes due to factors like new technologies, political climates, and decreased funding. Access to the field is expanding as universities offer new prevention-focused programs. There is increased collaboration between prevention specialists and other professionals, but also potential duplication of efforts. The language of prevention is also changing as specialists are asked to quantify outcomes and participate more in behavioral research. The scope of issues addressed by prevention is expanding beyond substances to include other social problems. Through it all, prevention specialists must continue sharing their knowledge and advocating for families and communities.
The document discusses ethics trends that have changed business expectations and developments in response. It covers stakeholders, factors affecting expectations like environmental concerns, and issues like environmental ethics, pesticides, air pollution, and climate change. It also discusses moral sensitivity, fairness, discrimination, activist stakeholders, economic pressures, financial scandals, and governance failures. The high-level purpose is to explore how ethics trends have shaped business expectations and the responses that have emerged.
Future of Healthcare Provision Jan 2017Future Agenda
Building on insights from our 2015 future of health discussions, this is a new initial view on how healthcare provision may change, especially given emerging opportunities for improved patient engagement. As well as insights from discussions in India, UK, Canada, Singapore and the US it also includes other additional perspectives shared in interviews and workshops over the past 12 months.
We recognise that given the multi-factored nature of this topic and the rapid emergence of new options, what we have summarised in this document is itself in flux. As such, over the next few months we will be sharing this more widely for additional feedback ahead of publication of an updated paper over the summer. So, if you have any comments on changes and additions or issues that you think need more detail, please let us know and we will include.
As with all Future Agenda output, this is being published under creative commons (share alike non commercial) so you are free to share and quote as suits.
The document discusses the impact of financial development on society's inequality. It notes that while financial development can benefit individuals who have higher abilities to invest and become entrepreneurs, it may widen inequality overall. This is because common individuals may not be able to make human investments and become workers instead, increasing the gap between high and low ability individuals. Some argue financial liberalization can both increase and decrease inequality depending on how its benefits are distributed.
Sustainability Knowledge Group is an advisory firm that provides CSR and sustainability solutions such as training, coaching, and consulting. The document discusses how businesses and organizations can support employee well-being and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic through their CSR strategies. It emphasizes focusing on health, providing psychological support, and choosing solidarity over profits to build resilience and be viewed as winners after the crisis.
The document provides instructions for requesting an assignment writing service from in 5 steps:
1. Create an account with a password and email.
2. Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline. Attach a sample if imitating writing style.
3. Review bids from writers and choose one based on qualifications, history, and feedback, then pay a deposit.
4. Review the completed paper and authorize full payment if pleased, or request revisions for free.
5. Request multiple revisions to ensure satisfaction, with a full refund option for plagiarized content.
A Career in Public Health Essay examples
Public Health Principles
Public Health Assessment Essay
Public Vs. Public Health Essay
Public Health Research Paper
Master In Public Health
Public Health Entrance Paper
The Ethics Of Public Health Essay
Global Public Health Essay
Public Health Nursing Essay
65 Creative And Fun 7Th Grade Writing Prompts - Kids N CliLynn Holkesvik
The document provides instructions for requesting writing assistance from It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email. 2) Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and choose one based on qualifications. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment if satisfied. 5) Request revisions until fully satisfied, with the option of a full refund for plagiarized work. The service aims to provide original, high-quality content through this process.
The document discusses how the customer experience should evolve for a world in lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It describes 8 ways that the human experience has fundamentally changed, including a loss of control, renewed health and safety concerns, physical distance from others, shifting priorities, disrupted habits, uncertainty, lack of variation in daily life. It provides examples of how people are responding to these changes and opportunities for brands to understand and address customers' new needs and behaviors during this period.
Obesity Essay Essay on Obesity for Students and Children in English .... What Causes Obesity? - The Main Factors - Obesity BMI Formula. PDF The causes of obesity: an in-depth review. Cause And Effect Of Obesity Essay. Essay About Obesity - Prevention of Overweight and Obesity: How .... Essay on obesity NRSG258 - Acute Care Nursing 1 - ACU Thinkswap. obesity-cause-and-effect-essay.jpg - Obesity Cause And Effect Essay .... Causes and Effect of Obesity Essay.docx Obesity Cardiovascular Diseases. 011 Causes Of Obesity And There Effects Essay Example Thatsnotus. Causes of Obesity among American Children Free Essay Sample on .... 005 Cause And Effect Essay On Obesity Udgereport843webfc2com L Example .... Childhood obesity effects essay. Obesity essay. essay examples: childhood obesity essay. The Causes of Obesity Essay Example Topics and Well Written Essays .... Critical Essay: Cause of obesity essay. Childhood Obesity Essay Essay on Childhood Obesity for Students and .... Is Obesity a Problem? - Free Essay Example PDF Essays on the Economics of Obesity.. Write a short essay on Obesity Essay English - YouTube. Cause of obesity essay - Get Help From Custom College Essay Writing and .... Essay on obesity. Obesity Essay Help; obesity essay writing. Obesity and Overweight Can Affect Health Problems Mayflax. Obesity Essay Causes Of Obesity Essay Childhood Obesity Essay 鏝. Major Causes and Effects of the Obesity Epidemic Essay Example Topics .... Definition essay: Causes and effects of obesity essay. Obesity Essay final - Discuss how obesity affects the brain. There are .... Essay websites: Causes of obesity essay. Childhood obesity essay sample. Childhood Obesity: Causes and Effects .... Obesity: Causes and Effects Stock Photo - Alamy. Causes of obesity short essay about nature. Causes and solutions of obesity essay free homework. Causes and effects of obesity Essay Example Topics and Well Written ... Cause Of Obesity Essay Cause Of Obesity Essay
This document contains an outline for a project on business ethics focusing on the ethical impacts of globalization. It includes sections on introduction, social responsibility, the greening of management, values-based management, managerial ethics, and conclusions. The introduction discusses how economics has moved away from normative issues and the need for a behavioral business ethics approach. It also addresses challenges with public policy lectures on trade topics.
EY_Progressions_2012_ LS Report_LowRes_FINALGautam Jaggi
The document discusses the rise of behavioral change as the third major opportunity to improve health outcomes. It notes that aging populations, chronic diseases, and prosperity are threatening to overwhelm healthcare budgets. Changing behaviors around diet, exercise, and medication adherence represents the largest opportunity to improve health outcomes and lower costs. However, effecting behavioral change has been difficult. New technologies like mobile health, social media, and electronic health records combined with changing financial incentives are catalyzing a shift toward prioritizing interventions that improve outcomes and realigning stakeholder behaviors around these interventions. This transformation marks the beginning of the "behavioral change business" for life sciences companies.
This edition of the newsletter covers topics related to the ongoing COVID pandemic. I would like to thank all healthcare workers who are at the front lines. The newsletter covers 10 types of innovation based on the Doblin model, supply chain lessons from Amazon and Alibaba, and regulatory leniency during the pandemic.
This document discusses the concept of "risk society" and how it has impacted social work. Some key points:
- Modern society is increasingly preoccupied with managing and avoiding risk. Governments and institutions try to develop sophisticated risk management systems to control social risks.
- Social work has embraced risk management frameworks like risk assessment, risk governance strategies, and performance targets to avoid blame. This has shifted social work's focus from social need to handling "high risk" clients and cases.
- The predominance of risk reconfigures social work according to an economic, instrumental rationality focused on managing and averting risk. This alters relationships within social work and reframes it as an executant role accountable in legal
The document provides an overview of the process undertaken by four students to envision potential futures of personalized healthcare. It begins with an introduction explaining the goals of describing a future personalized healthcare system for 2045 and explaining how strategic innovation could be applied to a personalized healthcare company in 2019. It then provides brief biographies of the four student authors.
The document outlines the process undertaken, which included horizon scanning to identify signals and trends in healthcare, choosing 23andMe as a case study, generating scenarios using a 2x2 matrix, and creating an immersive prototype of one scenario ("The Benevolent State") set in 2045 through artifacts and spatial design. Sixteen trends in areas like access to health data, human engineering,
This study was conducted in order to explore alternatives to the catastrophization of the future that freezes people and to identify in other disciplines (medicine, road safety, positive psychology, etc.) new positive levers that could be activated to effect mass-scale sustainable change in lifestyles, consumption, etc. The study was conducted in partnership with IKEA France, ADEME (the national Environmental Protection Agency) and ILEC/Prodimarques (an organization gathering brand manufacturers in food, drink, home and personal care) by the French Observatory specialised in responsible consumption "Mes Courses pour la Plan竪te" (litterally "Shopping for a Better World").
Many experts were interviewed in the frame of this study including : Tal Ben-Shahar, Sally Uren (Forum for the Future), Solitaire Townsend (Futerra).
This document discusses long term care for the elderly population. It summarizes the key findings from interviews with 46 experts on aging issues from 14 countries. The main challenges identified are the rising number of elderly individuals placing strain on healthcare systems and families, and shortages in funding and healthcare workers. The document argues that to address this, countries need to reimagine long term care by focusing on person-centered care, integrating medical care across settings, investing in both formal and informal care workers, embracing technology, and changing attitudes towards aging.
Thinking about developing business leadership for the post covid worldYing wei (Joe) Chou
The document discusses the need to develop business leadership skills for the post-COVID world. It describes a model developed at Sacred Heart University's Center for Nonprofits that may provide students with the skills, attitudes and values required for successful social entrepreneurship. Over 15 years, 925 MBA students have completed 260 consulting projects for 125 nonprofit clients, totaling 65,000 volunteer hours and $60,000 in consulting services to help nonprofits. The model emphasizes developing students' "knowing," "doing," and "being" to prepare them for leadership in a world that demands both business acumen and social purpose.
Self Compassion Paper
Best Buy Co. Inc. Essay
Conflict Theory Paper
Elastic Paper
Product Pricing Essay
Chevy Volt Research Paper
The Future Of Best Buy
Bitcoin Essay
The field of prevention is undergoing significant changes due to factors like new technologies, political climates, and decreased funding. Access to the field is expanding as universities offer new prevention-focused programs. There is increased collaboration between prevention specialists and other professionals, but also potential duplication of efforts. The language of prevention is also changing as specialists are asked to quantify outcomes and participate more in behavioral research. The scope of issues addressed by prevention is expanding beyond substances to include other social problems. Through it all, prevention specialists must continue sharing their knowledge and advocating for families and communities.
The document discusses ethics trends that have changed business expectations and developments in response. It covers stakeholders, factors affecting expectations like environmental concerns, and issues like environmental ethics, pesticides, air pollution, and climate change. It also discusses moral sensitivity, fairness, discrimination, activist stakeholders, economic pressures, financial scandals, and governance failures. The high-level purpose is to explore how ethics trends have shaped business expectations and the responses that have emerged.
Future of Healthcare Provision Jan 2017Future Agenda
Building on insights from our 2015 future of health discussions, this is a new initial view on how healthcare provision may change, especially given emerging opportunities for improved patient engagement. As well as insights from discussions in India, UK, Canada, Singapore and the US it also includes other additional perspectives shared in interviews and workshops over the past 12 months.
We recognise that given the multi-factored nature of this topic and the rapid emergence of new options, what we have summarised in this document is itself in flux. As such, over the next few months we will be sharing this more widely for additional feedback ahead of publication of an updated paper over the summer. So, if you have any comments on changes and additions or issues that you think need more detail, please let us know and we will include.
As with all Future Agenda output, this is being published under creative commons (share alike non commercial) so you are free to share and quote as suits.
The document discusses the impact of financial development on society's inequality. It notes that while financial development can benefit individuals who have higher abilities to invest and become entrepreneurs, it may widen inequality overall. This is because common individuals may not be able to make human investments and become workers instead, increasing the gap between high and low ability individuals. Some argue financial liberalization can both increase and decrease inequality depending on how its benefits are distributed.
Sustainability Knowledge Group is an advisory firm that provides CSR and sustainability solutions such as training, coaching, and consulting. The document discusses how businesses and organizations can support employee well-being and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic through their CSR strategies. It emphasizes focusing on health, providing psychological support, and choosing solidarity over profits to build resilience and be viewed as winners after the crisis.
The document provides instructions for requesting an assignment writing service from in 5 steps:
1. Create an account with a password and email.
2. Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline. Attach a sample if imitating writing style.
3. Review bids from writers and choose one based on qualifications, history, and feedback, then pay a deposit.
4. Review the completed paper and authorize full payment if pleased, or request revisions for free.
5. Request multiple revisions to ensure satisfaction, with a full refund option for plagiarized content.
A Career in Public Health Essay examples
Public Health Principles
Public Health Assessment Essay
Public Vs. Public Health Essay
Public Health Research Paper
Master In Public Health
Public Health Entrance Paper
The Ethics Of Public Health Essay
Global Public Health Essay
Public Health Nursing Essay
65 Creative And Fun 7Th Grade Writing Prompts - Kids N CliLynn Holkesvik
The document provides instructions for requesting writing assistance from It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email. 2) Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and choose one based on qualifications. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment if satisfied. 5) Request revisions until fully satisfied, with the option of a full refund for plagiarized work. The service aims to provide original, high-quality content through this process.
The document discusses how the customer experience should evolve for a world in lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It describes 8 ways that the human experience has fundamentally changed, including a loss of control, renewed health and safety concerns, physical distance from others, shifting priorities, disrupted habits, uncertainty, lack of variation in daily life. It provides examples of how people are responding to these changes and opportunities for brands to understand and address customers' new needs and behaviors during this period.
Obesity Essay Essay on Obesity for Students and Children in English .... What Causes Obesity? - The Main Factors - Obesity BMI Formula. PDF The causes of obesity: an in-depth review. Cause And Effect Of Obesity Essay. Essay About Obesity - Prevention of Overweight and Obesity: How .... Essay on obesity NRSG258 - Acute Care Nursing 1 - ACU Thinkswap. obesity-cause-and-effect-essay.jpg - Obesity Cause And Effect Essay .... Causes and Effect of Obesity Essay.docx Obesity Cardiovascular Diseases. 011 Causes Of Obesity And There Effects Essay Example Thatsnotus. Causes of Obesity among American Children Free Essay Sample on .... 005 Cause And Effect Essay On Obesity Udgereport843webfc2com L Example .... Childhood obesity effects essay. Obesity essay. essay examples: childhood obesity essay. The Causes of Obesity Essay Example Topics and Well Written Essays .... Critical Essay: Cause of obesity essay. Childhood Obesity Essay Essay on Childhood Obesity for Students and .... Is Obesity a Problem? - Free Essay Example PDF Essays on the Economics of Obesity.. Write a short essay on Obesity Essay English - YouTube. Cause of obesity essay - Get Help From Custom College Essay Writing and .... Essay on obesity. Obesity Essay Help; obesity essay writing. Obesity and Overweight Can Affect Health Problems Mayflax. Obesity Essay Causes Of Obesity Essay Childhood Obesity Essay 鏝. Major Causes and Effects of the Obesity Epidemic Essay Example Topics .... Definition essay: Causes and effects of obesity essay. Obesity Essay final - Discuss how obesity affects the brain. There are .... Essay websites: Causes of obesity essay. Childhood obesity essay sample. Childhood Obesity: Causes and Effects .... Obesity: Causes and Effects Stock Photo - Alamy. Causes of obesity short essay about nature. Causes and solutions of obesity essay free homework. Causes and effects of obesity Essay Example Topics and Well Written ... Cause Of Obesity Essay Cause Of Obesity Essay
This document contains an outline for a project on business ethics focusing on the ethical impacts of globalization. It includes sections on introduction, social responsibility, the greening of management, values-based management, managerial ethics, and conclusions. The introduction discusses how economics has moved away from normative issues and the need for a behavioral business ethics approach. It also addresses challenges with public policy lectures on trade topics.
EY_Progressions_2012_ LS Report_LowRes_FINALGautam Jaggi
The document discusses the rise of behavioral change as the third major opportunity to improve health outcomes. It notes that aging populations, chronic diseases, and prosperity are threatening to overwhelm healthcare budgets. Changing behaviors around diet, exercise, and medication adherence represents the largest opportunity to improve health outcomes and lower costs. However, effecting behavioral change has been difficult. New technologies like mobile health, social media, and electronic health records combined with changing financial incentives are catalyzing a shift toward prioritizing interventions that improve outcomes and realigning stakeholder behaviors around these interventions. This transformation marks the beginning of the "behavioral change business" for life sciences companies.
This edition of the newsletter covers topics related to the ongoing COVID pandemic. I would like to thank all healthcare workers who are at the front lines. The newsletter covers 10 types of innovation based on the Doblin model, supply chain lessons from Amazon and Alibaba, and regulatory leniency during the pandemic.
This document discusses the concept of "risk society" and how it has impacted social work. Some key points:
- Modern society is increasingly preoccupied with managing and avoiding risk. Governments and institutions try to develop sophisticated risk management systems to control social risks.
- Social work has embraced risk management frameworks like risk assessment, risk governance strategies, and performance targets to avoid blame. This has shifted social work's focus from social need to handling "high risk" clients and cases.
- The predominance of risk reconfigures social work according to an economic, instrumental rationality focused on managing and averting risk. This alters relationships within social work and reframes it as an executant role accountable in legal
The document provides an overview of the process undertaken by four students to envision potential futures of personalized healthcare. It begins with an introduction explaining the goals of describing a future personalized healthcare system for 2045 and explaining how strategic innovation could be applied to a personalized healthcare company in 2019. It then provides brief biographies of the four student authors.
The document outlines the process undertaken, which included horizon scanning to identify signals and trends in healthcare, choosing 23andMe as a case study, generating scenarios using a 2x2 matrix, and creating an immersive prototype of one scenario ("The Benevolent State") set in 2045 through artifacts and spatial design. Sixteen trends in areas like access to health data, human engineering,
This study was conducted in order to explore alternatives to the catastrophization of the future that freezes people and to identify in other disciplines (medicine, road safety, positive psychology, etc.) new positive levers that could be activated to effect mass-scale sustainable change in lifestyles, consumption, etc. The study was conducted in partnership with IKEA France, ADEME (the national Environmental Protection Agency) and ILEC/Prodimarques (an organization gathering brand manufacturers in food, drink, home and personal care) by the French Observatory specialised in responsible consumption "Mes Courses pour la Plan竪te" (litterally "Shopping for a Better World").
Many experts were interviewed in the frame of this study including : Tal Ben-Shahar, Sally Uren (Forum for the Future), Solitaire Townsend (Futerra).
This document discusses long term care for the elderly population. It summarizes the key findings from interviews with 46 experts on aging issues from 14 countries. The main challenges identified are the rising number of elderly individuals placing strain on healthcare systems and families, and shortages in funding and healthcare workers. The document argues that to address this, countries need to reimagine long term care by focusing on person-centered care, integrating medical care across settings, investing in both formal and informal care workers, embracing technology, and changing attitudes towards aging.
Thinking about developing business leadership for the post covid worldYing wei (Joe) Chou
The document discusses the need to develop business leadership skills for the post-COVID world. It describes a model developed at Sacred Heart University's Center for Nonprofits that may provide students with the skills, attitudes and values required for successful social entrepreneurship. Over 15 years, 925 MBA students have completed 260 consulting projects for 125 nonprofit clients, totaling 65,000 volunteer hours and $60,000 in consulting services to help nonprofits. The model emphasizes developing students' "knowing," "doing," and "being" to prepare them for leadership in a world that demands both business acumen and social purpose.
Mastering Soft Tissue Therapy & Sports Taping: Pathway to Sports Medicine Excellence
This presentation was delivered in Colombo, Sri Lanka, at the Institute of Sports Medicine to an audience of sports physiotherapists, exercise scientists, athletic trainers, and healthcare professionals. Led by Kusal Goonewardena (PhD Candidate - Muscle Fatigue, APA Titled Sports & Exercise Physiotherapist) and Gayath Jayasinghe (Sports Scientist), the session provided comprehensive training on soft tissue assessment, treatment techniques, and essential sports taping methods.
Key topics covered:
Soft Tissue Therapy The science behind muscle, fascia, and joint assessment for optimal treatment outcomes.
Sports Taping Techniques Practical applications for injury prevention and rehabilitation, including ankle, knee, shoulder, thoracic, and cervical spine taping.
Sports Trainer Level 1 Course by Sports Medicine Australia A gateway to professional development, career opportunities, and working in Australia.
This training mirrors the Elite Akademy Sports Medicine standards, ensuring evidence-based approaches to injury management and athlete care.
If you are a sports professional looking to enhance your clinical skills and open doors to global opportunities, this presentation is for you.
How to create security group category in Odoo 17Celine George
This slide will represent the creation of security group category in odoo 17. Security groups are essential for managing user access and permissions across different modules. Creating a security group category helps to organize related user groups and streamline permission settings within a specific module or functionality.
Research Publication & Ethics contains a chapter on Intellectual Honesty and Research Integrity.
Different case studies of intellectual dishonesty and integrity were discussed.
Hannah Borhan and Pietro Gagliardi OECD present 'From classroom to community ...EduSkills OECD
Hannah Borhan, Research Assistant, OECD Education and Skills Directorate and Pietro Gagliardi, Policy Analyst, OECD Public Governance Directorate present at the OECD webinar 'From classroom to community engagement: Promoting active citizenship among young people" on 25 February 2025. You can find the recording of the webinar on the website
How to Configure Deliver Content by Email in Odoo 18 SalesCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to configure proforma invoice in Odoo 18 Sales module. A proforma invoice is a preliminary invoice that serves as a commercial document issued by a seller to a buyer.
Effective Product Variant Management in Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide well discuss on the effective product variant management in Odoo 18. Odoo concentrates on managing product variations and offers a distinct area for doing so. Product variants provide unique characteristics like size and color to single products, which can be managed at the product template level for all attributes and variants or at the variant level for individual variants.
How to Configure Recurring Revenue in Odoo 17 CRMCeline George
This slide will represent how to configure Recurring revenue. Recurring revenue are the income generated at a particular interval. Typically, the interval can be monthly, yearly, or we can customize the intervals for a product or service based on its subscription or contract.
How to Configure Recurring Revenue in Odoo 17 CRMCeline George
Business ethics
1. Question 1
Condoms, when used, consistently and correctly, are highly effective at reducing
the risk of infection from HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases. Therefore,
efforts focused on improving condom quality, availability and use represent a
critical aspect of public health strategies to contain these diseases.
Ethical questions are raised in connection with the effects on behaviour of
the use and promotion of condoms. Some would argue that the promotion of
condom use might increase promiscuous sexual behaviour; while others
contend that sexual behaviour is largely determined by other factors, and
that what condoms affect is not the frequency of sexual intercourse but the
unwanted consequences of this behaviour, that is, the sexual transmission of
So far, no conclusive studies have shown that the promotion and use of
condoms influence promiscuous sexual behaviour. But the implications of the
conflicting arguments here will be influenced by the ethical principles
applied. For example, there might be a conflict between the desire to protect
people's moral integrity by reducing incentives for sexual promiscuity and
the desire to protect human life by averting a potentially lethal infection.
The principle of respect for persons favours self-determination, which would
require promoting access both to information about protection from infection
and to the protective device itself. On this view, even if condoms also have
negative effects, it would be paternalistic to withhold from people the
information they need in order to decide for themselves whether to use
If the promotion of condoms could reduce the risk of HIV transmission, the
principles of beneficence and of non-maleficence would imply a moral
obligation to save lives by enabling people to protect themselves. The
principle of justice would demand that all those who need a protective
method have access to it - and not only those who live in societies where
these methods are freely available or who have the ability to pay.
Because of these arguments many Christian health professionals and
counsellors have decided, on the grounds of pastoral responsibility and after
2. careful consideration, to provide their clients with condoms when specifically
requested. This is done without claiming that condom use is or should be the
only answer to the question of HIV prevention. Condoms are only one of a
range of methods to prevent HIV transmission. The primary aim must be to
change behaviour and social conditions in a way which puts people at a
lower risk of coming into contact with the virus. All choices have to be
presented to the people concerned, and every effort must be made to
empower them to make responsible decisions for their own lives, based on
the options available according to current knowledge and experience.
After careful consideration of the ethical questions and of the technical
details, the following conclusion was drawn: Without blessing or encouraging
promiscuity, we recognize the reality of human sexual relationships and
practice and of the existence of HIV in the world. Scientific evidence has
demonstrated that education on positive measures of prevention and the
provision and use of condoms help to prevent transmission of the virus and
the consequent suffering and death for many of those infected. Should not
the churches, in the light of these facts, recognize the use of condoms as a
method of prevention of HIV?
Actionisethical if netbenefitsexceednetcosts
But difficulttomeasure some humanandsocial costs. Majoritymaydisregardrightsof minority
Corporate Social Responsibility: a business philosophy which stresses the need for firms
to behave as good corporate citizens, not merely obeying the law but conducting their
production and marketing activities in a manner which avoids causing environmental
pollution or exhausting finite world resources. Some businesses have begun to behave in a
more socially responsible manner, partly because their managers want to do so, and partly
because of fear of environmentalist and consumer pressure groups and the media, and
concern for their public image. It is argued that socially responsible behaviour can pay off in
the long run, even where it involves some short-term sacrifice of profit.
3. How powerful is corporate social responsibility? Does it have the power to improve
serious social issues? Issues such as poverty that threaten economic success and our
ability to live in harmony on this planet? Could CSR be a poverty-reduction strategy?
The short answer is, yes.
How? Well, thats a longer answer.
In the next several posts I will examine the proactive, concrete role companies can play
to address poverty and other serious social issues.
The World Economic Forum (WEF) 2013 Global Risks Report reveals a host of social
mega-trends: labour market imbalances, mismanaged urbanization, global governance
failure, corruption, food shortages, population aging and chronic disease among others.
But what risk tops all others as the most likely global risk to manifest itself over the next
10 years?
If you said the growing gap between rich and poor youre right.
The WEF report calls it severe income disparity. The Organization for Economic Co-
operation and Development (OECD) 2011 report substantiates the finding with data on
the widening gap between the richest and poorest citizens in OECD countries.
Inequality was higher in OECD nations in 2011 than at any point in the last 30 years.
Even in our democratic, well-resourced country the average income of the top 10 per
cent of Canadians in 2008 was 10 times higher than that of the bottom 10 per cent, up
from a ratio of eight to one in the early 1990s.
The gap is expected to increase, having unimaginable consequences for social
Whats driving this trend and how can business respond? Theories abound. The single
most important driver, not surprisingly, has been greater inequality in wages and
My blog post on excessive CEO pay talks about the growing wage gap between CEOs
and workers. It notes that socially responsible companies such as Vancity are
implementing living wages. As well, Vancity tracks and reports the ratio of its CEO salary
to entry-level employee salary. Its CEO salary was 25 times that of its entry-level worker
in 2011. (In Canada in 2010, the average CEO pay was 149 times that of the average
Canadian worker!). These measures are important but not enough to address growing
In this series of posts I will identify tools that companies can employ to make their
operations more socially sustainable and positively affect the world around them.
If you are ready to roll up your sleeves now, here are examples of proactive tools.
Recently, with Canadian Business for Social Responsibility (CBSR), I researched and
developed a list of 19 Qualities of a Transformational Company. The qualities are designed
to be aspirational and inspirational to act as a roadmap. By embracing these qualities,
4. companies will be prepared to respond to global environmental and social mega-trends
and to contribute to a sustainable world.
For companies that want to make a difference in the social sphere, I have developed a
social sustainability framework. And for small- and medium-sized businesses (SMEs), I
co-authored with Amy Robinson for Industry Canada an SME social sustainability roadmap.
I realize each of these tools has a number of steps and built-in complexities after all
we are changing the world!
So in the next series of posts, Ill walk you through the steps of the SME sustainability
roadmap to help answer the How? And along the way, I will demonstrate how
CSR/sustainability can be both a poverty reduction strategy and a social innovation tool.