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Business Innovation Thoughts!
Dr. Russell Walker
 There are compelling (although often anecdotal) reasons to innovate and the
economics of successful innovation is clear although not specific.
 Innovation, like all other business processes, must be managed.
 Technology can always be acquired elsewhere (licensing, acquisition, fee-for-service,
 Product/process &/or technological innovation MUST always be combined with
business model innovation
Walkers Principles of Business Innovation! (1)
息 Russell Walker 2018
 The lower the technology component of the business the relatively higher the
importance of business model innovation
 The management of research is different from the management of innovation!!!!
 Creativity is a necessary (but not sufficient!) requirement for successful innovation 
innovation  and less important than many other components
 The key to success is the innovation management system and the most important part
most important part of this is a clear and concise Business Innovation Strategy
Strategy underpinned by a supportive organisational innovation culture
Walkers Principles of Business Innovation! (2)
息 Russell Walker 2018
 Continuous product/process improvement
 Improving product design
 Upgrading business model
 Using new technologies to add value to an existing product or
 Exploiting a new technology to create a new product, service or
 Amending value proposition to introduce existing product or service
to a new market
Examples of Business Innovation
息 Russell Walker 2018
 Value Proposition
 Target Customer (Market) and Target customer Interaction
(Marketing Channels)
 Distribution (Making the right quantities of the right products or
services available at the right place, at the right time to the right
 Brand Management
 Supply Chain
Business Model Innovation
~9 Degrees of Freedom
 Cost Structure
 Revenue Model
息 Russell Walker 2018
(1) Preface by CEO
 Innovation strategy and innovation process for organisation in the
context of its vision and strategy
(2) Introduction
 Background context, strategys significance, what it should govern,
how long valid, update schedule, responsible officer / department
(3) Executive Summary
 Short and punchy! Can be used in internal and outgoing
communications, esp. if strategy details are confidential
Writing a Business Innovation Strategy
息 Russell Walker 2018
(4) The Organisations Development
 Brief history, vision, strategy and objectives
(5) Current Innovation Processes
 Description of planning, implementation processes, management,
administration, responsibilities
(6) External Changes and Strategic Challenges
 Key trends and changes that are currently, or may, affect the future
of the organisation
息 Russell Walker 2018
Writing a BIS (Cont)
(7) Operational Challenges
(8) Resources (Internal and External) and Knowledge (I&E)
Required to meet Strategic Challenges
(9) Focus and Implementation
 Overall direction of innovation in the next 3  5 years; description of
the areas of innovation focus; priorities; programs, projects and
(10) Management and Administration
息 Russell Walker 2018
Writing a BIS (Cont)
Template Business Innovation Strategy
 Preface by CEO
 Executive Summary
 The Organisations
 Current Innovation
 External Changes & Strategic
 Operational Challenges
 Resources and Knowledge Required
to meet Strategic Challenges
 Focus and Implementation
 Management and Administration
息 Russell Walker 2018

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Business Innovation Thoughts

  • 1. Business Innovation Thoughts! Dr. Russell Walker rwalker@p-innovate.com
  • 2. There are compelling (although often anecdotal) reasons to innovate and the economics of successful innovation is clear although not specific. Innovation, like all other business processes, must be managed. Technology can always be acquired elsewhere (licensing, acquisition, fee-for-service, etc!) Product/process &/or technological innovation MUST always be combined with business model innovation Walkers Principles of Business Innovation! (1) 息 Russell Walker 2018
  • 3. The lower the technology component of the business the relatively higher the importance of business model innovation The management of research is different from the management of innovation!!!! innovation!!!! Creativity is a necessary (but not sufficient!) requirement for successful innovation innovation and less important than many other components The key to success is the innovation management system and the most important part most important part of this is a clear and concise Business Innovation Strategy Strategy underpinned by a supportive organisational innovation culture Walkers Principles of Business Innovation! (2) 息 Russell Walker 2018
  • 4. Continuous product/process improvement Improving product design Upgrading business model Using new technologies to add value to an existing product or service Exploiting a new technology to create a new product, service or business Amending value proposition to introduce existing product or service to a new market Examples of Business Innovation 息 Russell Walker 2018
  • 5. Value Proposition Target Customer (Market) and Target customer Interaction (Marketing Channels) Distribution (Making the right quantities of the right products or services available at the right place, at the right time to the right people) Brand Management Resources Supply Chain Business Model Innovation ~9 Degrees of Freedom Partnership(s) Cost Structure Revenue Model 息 Russell Walker 2018
  • 6. (1) Preface by CEO Innovation strategy and innovation process for organisation in the context of its vision and strategy (2) Introduction Background context, strategys significance, what it should govern, how long valid, update schedule, responsible officer / department (3) Executive Summary Short and punchy! Can be used in internal and outgoing communications, esp. if strategy details are confidential Writing a Business Innovation Strategy 息 Russell Walker 2018
  • 7. (4) The Organisations Development Brief history, vision, strategy and objectives (5) Current Innovation Processes Description of planning, implementation processes, management, administration, responsibilities (6) External Changes and Strategic Challenges Key trends and changes that are currently, or may, affect the future of the organisation 息 Russell Walker 2018 Writing a BIS (Cont)
  • 8. (7) Operational Challenges (8) Resources (Internal and External) and Knowledge (I&E) Required to meet Strategic Challenges (9) Focus and Implementation Overall direction of innovation in the next 3 5 years; description of the areas of innovation focus; priorities; programs, projects and activities (10) Management and Administration 息 Russell Walker 2018 Writing a BIS (Cont)
  • 9. Summary Template Business Innovation Strategy Preface by CEO Introduction Executive Summary The Organisations Development Current Innovation Processes External Changes & Strategic Challenges Operational Challenges Resources and Knowledge Required to meet Strategic Challenges Focus and Implementation Management and Administration 息 Russell Walker 2018