Some thoughts on structuring a successful Business Innovation Strategy. I include a simple template - too often I encounter businesses being to to "innovate!!" without any clear indication of what this might actually look like.
This document discusses innovation projects and management. It defines innovation as new ideas that create value through new or improved systems or practices. Innovation projects are often more complex than usual projects and require more flexible tools, communication, and leadership. The goals of innovation include positive change, developing new competencies, and identifying savings and market opportunities. Drivers include competition, regulations, and customer expectations. Innovation can involve new processes, products, marketing, or organizations. Common innovation tools and approaches include benchmarking, brainstorming, and process reengineering. The document outlines incremental and radical strategic approaches to innovation and barriers such as risk aversion. It provides references on creativity, project management, and innovation strategies.
Top 5 Mistakes during ITIL implementations by CTE SolutionsCTE Solutions Inc.
The document discusses the 5 most common mistakes in implementing ITIL's service lifecycle. The first mistake is ignoring the business objectives and needs. The second is taking a "cookie cutter" approach and not customizing the implementation to the specific organization. The third mistake is not using proper project management practices. The fourth mistake is not establishing proper governance models. And the fifth mistake is not identifying and considering critical success factors like people, processes, products, and partners.
Enterprise Europe Network | Introduction to the Innovation Health Check Tool ...Invest Northern Ireland
This document introduces the Innovation Health Check tool developed by Enterprise Ireland to assess innovation management capabilities in small and medium enterprises. It describes the tool's development process, which involved benchmarking and business experts, and aimed to create a simple, uncomplicated questionnaire. The tool is intended to facilitate a self-assessment by companies rather than an external evaluation. It incorporates both formal questionnaire responses and informal insights gained from facilitating discussions across different levels of a company. The document provides guidance on appropriately using the tool with both established companies and startups.
Operations management (OM) involves managing processes and systems involved in producing goods and services. Key OM activities include forecasting demand, capacity planning, scheduling, supply chain management, quality assurance, facility location planning, and project management. OM is critical for all organizations as it is involved in at least 50% of all jobs. An operations strategy outlines decisions around products, processes, resources, quality standards, costs, schedules, and delivery times. It involves positioning production systems and setting product/service and production process/technology plans. Productivity and improving it is an important focus of OM.
Chapter 9 sales and operations planning in a supply chainsajidsharif2022
This document provides an overview of Sales & Operations Planning (S&OP). It describes S&OP as an integrated business process that drives collaboration across divisions to balance supply and demand. The key benefits of S&OP include aligning teams around a common plan, improving forecast accuracy, and reducing excess inventory. The document also outlines the typical S&OP process, including developing annual financial plans and conducting monthly executive meetings to agree on consensus demand and supply plans. Finally, it discusses achieving different levels of S&OP maturity over time to improve decision making and strategic collaboration.
Francisco N Jimenez is a mechanical engineer and materials scientist with over 25 years of experience in operations leadership positions. He has a passion for lean and continuous improvement strategies, having led numerous kaizen events that achieved productivity increases of 50%, lead time decreases of 50%, and space reductions of 40%. His career has focused on operational excellence, sustainable growth, and driving sales from $50M to $215M through lean culture.
The document discusses the S&OP (Sales and Operations Planning) process. S&OP is a formal process consisting of meetings where data from various business areas is discussed to agree on the best course of action to balance supply and demand and meet profitability goals. The document outlines traditional S&OP challenges, benefits of S&OP including improved forecasting, capacity utilization and customer service, and how S&OP relates to other business plans.
BSBMGT517 Manage Operational Plan Week 2Louishill102
Are you looking for BSBMGT517 Manage Operational Plan?
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An Operational Plan should provide a clear picture on how to achieve organizational goals. It focuses on the steps that should be taken to ensure the company's overall vision and mission are achieved.
Operational plans break down larger objectives into smaller objectives, and allocates responsibilities / resources required to achieve each step.
Loras College 2014 Business Analytics Symposium | Steve Whinnery and Scott St...Cartegraph
This presentation will walk you through an explanation of planning, industry leading practices for planning, executive leading practices for planning and finally analytics and planning.
For more information on the Loras College 2014 Business Analytics Symposium, the Loras College MBA in Business Analytics or the Loras College Business Analytics Certificate visit or
The presentation covers innovation strategies that have been implemented by different companies in different industries to disrupt the market and become leaders in their industries.
Is your S&OP Process Solving Problems?Peter Murray
The document discusses how to improve S&OP/IBP processes so they can effectively solve business problems. It recommends frequently asking stakeholders if S&OP is solving problems and, if not, determining why. Common reasons for S&OP failure include inability to agree, reliance on other processes, and stakeholders changing roles. The document provides strategies for making S&OP a sustainable problem-solving method, such as determining key problems to solve, identifying where problems are currently addressed, and ensuring S&OP meetings include open discussions. Evaluating meeting flows and decision support can also reveal areas for improving S&OP's focus on problem solving.
This document outlines an integrated business planning process presented by Charles P. Sitkin. It discusses the evolution of management concerns and strategic planning. The key components of the planning process include developing a mission statement, strategic excellence positions, goals, objectives, action plans, operational plans, budgets, and results management. The process aims to integrate strategic planning with operational planning and performance management to ensure the organization achieves its strategic goals.
Susan Middleditch, Deputy Director-General, System Support Services, Queensla...Digital Queensland
On 12 June 2013, Susan Middleditch provided an update on the recently announced Queensland Health transformation program that will lead corporate services into the future across the Hospital and Health Services while delivering on recommendations from the from the Government's Blueprint for better healthcare in Queensland and the recent Commission of Audit.
Connect with us:
Service Integrated Planning - "Service S&OP - SIPPatrick Bower
This document outlines a Service Integrated Planning (SIP) process modeled after Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP). SIP involves monthly meetings to discuss projections for client demand over an 18-24 month horizon and determine how to align capabilities and talent to meet that demand. Key elements include typing client demand and available capabilities, integrating those into a plan with metrics and scenarios, and obtaining executive approval and feedback to ensure organizational alignment. While similar to S&OP, SIP must account for less standardized demand and supply factors in services industries.
This document discusses the importance of business strategy and planning. It defines strategy as setting long-term goals and direction for an organization. Strategic planning is important because it provides direction, encourages new ideas, and helps develop sustainable competitive advantages. Specifically, strategic planning avoids being blindsided by new threats or competitors, focuses on critical problems and opportunities, stresses innovation, and requires staying ahead in customer responsiveness, innovation, quality, and effectiveness. The document argues that strategic planning is needed for a manufacturing company to stay competitive globally and transition from mid-size to large-scale for increased profits. It recommends strategic, tactical, and operational planning that involves all management and is updated yearly using various strategic analysis techniques.
The Past, Present, and the Future World of teh Project Manager by Amos HaniffAgile ME
Current literature suggests that project management has evolved over two streams of research. The first focuses on systems thinking and the quantitative approach to planning and control techniques developed during the 1950s and 60s. The second stream, developed during the 1970s, focuses on the human resource aspects of project management, in particular, organisational theory and project leadership. It is these two streams of project management research that has shaped project management practice for almost half a century. However, since the late 1990s there has been a gradual shift towards a strategic stream of project management research. No longer are projects perceived as endeavours to provide tangible products or results. Rather projects are now viewed as vehicles for business transformation, continuous improvement, organisational change, and implementation of organisational strategy. This presentation considers the evolution of project management and the implication for current and future practice. The presentation demonstrates how changes in the global competitive environment, where the project is now viewed as component of the organisations long-term strategic objectives, has led to a change in the way projects are managed. With this, comes the demand for a new breed of project manager that not only has the necessary analytical skills and knowledge of new project developments, but is also able to provide transformational leadership, collaborations and strategic thinking, in the current and future world of project management.
Sales and operations planning (S&OP) is a process that achieves alignment between various functions of an organization including sales, production, inventory and finance. It develops a coordinated operating plan that balances supply and demand at a volume level in support of customer demand and business strategy. The S&OP process results in monthly planning activities based on an annual operations plan and provides benefits such as enhanced teamwork, better decision making and financial planning, and increased accountability.
2. ICV Kongres controllera, Bjarte Bogsnes, Vice President Performance Manage...Menad転ment Centar Beograd
Bjarte je glavni controller norve邸ke naftne kompanije STATOIL, koja je 30 puta vea od NIS a.d. Bjarte je priao o konceptu Beyond Budgeting. Koncept Beyond Budgeting podrazumeva da kompanija nema proces bud転etiranja. To znai da oni nemaju fiksne planove i da ne postoji proces izrade bud転eta koji obino poinje u septembru i zavr邸ava se u decembru
This document describes an open innovation health check service offered by innovation-3. The service analyzes a firm's open innovation strategies, processes, culture and alignment to identify drivers and barriers to further advancement. Using surveys and interviews, it generates innovation profiles for different business units and functions. Results are discussed in workshops to develop action plans and improvement goals approved by top management. The 5-step process aims to provide an efficient but productive assessment of where a firm can best leverage open innovation approaches.
Integrated Planning & Reporting Solution for GovernmentTridant
Tridant's integrated planning and reporting solution for government simplifies funding management, allows finance managers to focus on analysis over data preparation, and replaces outdated technology. It enables involvement across planning, estimating, budgeting, and reporting. Key benefits include self-service reporting, alignment of internal and external processes, tracking fund flows, and automated integration to reduce routine work. The solution is designed specifically for compliant government use and delivers efficiency, effectiveness, and sustainable resource management.
David Boyce is an analytical leader with over 12 years of experience in supply chain management. He currently works as an Operations Supervisor at PetSmart in Phoenix, Arizona, where he has successfully overseen multiple departments and led process improvements that have benefited both the distribution center and retailer networks. Prior to his current role, Boyce worked as a Certified Warehouse Associate at Hannaford Bros in New York. He enjoys hiking, reading, off-roading, and spending time with his dogs Murphy and Boddington.
This document provides examples of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that can be used to measure performance across different departments in an organization. It lists sample KPIs for executive management, sales, operations & IT, marketing, finance, product development, customer service, and human resources. Departments should select relevant KPIs to track and assign responsibility for each metric. Additional KPIs can be added if needed.
Companies / Organizations today are facing many challenges to transform , these slides try to determine the key factors or capabilities which help companies to be ready and able to manage the transformation in effective and efficient way.
This document summarizes a presentation given at the Twin Cities Business Architecture Forum about architecting core business operations. It describes how a mid-sized retail/supply chain company used business architecture to gain insights into its business processes, improve processes, and prepare to replace old systems. The presentation outlines the goals, results, governance structure, and lessons learned from using a business architecture approach, including developing business models, value maps, capability maps, and a strategic roadmap. It also discusses how the business architecture work helped surface opportunities and challenges to drive innovation.
Delivering Value with Financial Performance: Leading FP&A Practices of High-G...Proformative, Inc.
The FP&A organization along with the rest of finance is undergoing a transformation, with increasing responsibilities and their accompanying challenges, all of which have to be undertaken with limited resources. FP&A leaders, like their peers in other finance groups, are being asked to elevate their focus and extend their reach across the organization, while still delivering on traditional blocking and tackling activities. Hear from FP&A leaders who have created significant company value while navigating high growth business environments. Learn how best practices on KPIs, planning cycles, rolling forecasts, and other techniques have enabled high performance, both for their functions and for their overall business.
Speakers: Eileen Tobias, Sr. Director of FP&A, NetSuite
Eric Zimmerman, Manager of Financial Planning and Analysis, Infusionsoft
Presentation delivered at ProformaTECH 2014 -
Track: Operational Advantage | Session: 4
CSCMP 2014: Bayer: Putting the S Back in S&OPAlyssaVallie
Balancing production efficiency and responsiveness to demand has never been more important or more challenging for companies with manufacturing-dominant cultures. Bayer Health Care shares their journey to S&OP excellence and how emphasizing the S in S&OP led to the successful redesign of its processes, overcoming ERP shortcomings to align market priorities with manufacturing capacity and extract the maximum competitive advantage from its supply chain.
The document outlines a methodology for formulating an operating model for an organization. It discusses key value drivers that must be identified, such as business capabilities, governance, organization model, processes and technology, and talent strategy. It then presents different organization models - country-driven, functional-driven, and product-driven - analyzing their advantages and disadvantages. The methodology involves diagnosing the current model, designing new options, selecting a preferred model, and implementing it. An IT roadmap is also recommended with steps to review current IT, develop alternatives, and implement changes. The framework allows analyzing an organization's needs to create an operating model that supports its future goals.
This Toolkit was created by ex-McKinsey, Deloitte and BCG Management Consultants after more than 4,000 hours of work. It summarizes our combined 100+ years of experience advising executive teams around the world. And it includes all the Frameworks, Best Practices & Templates required to successfully implement an operating model and organization design initiative, and make your strategy happen.
This Powerpoint presentation is only a small preview of our Toolkit. You can download the entire Toolkit in Powerpoint and Excel at
The Operating Model and Organization Design Toolkit includes frameworks, tools, templates, tutorials, real-life examples, video training, and best practices to help you:
-Make your strategy happen and boost your companys performance
Successfully implement an operating model and organization design initiative with our simple and comprehensive 7-phase approach
-(I) Carry out your business case for change: (1) Situation, key challenge and proposed solution, (2) Project objectives and key performance indicators (KPIs), (3) Project scope, approach and team, (4) Key activities and deliverables, (5) Strategic alignment, (6) Value: project initial investment, project costs, additional revenue generated, cost savings, cash flows and net present value, (7) Ease of implementation
-(II) Define your operating model and organization design: (1) Capability management, (2) Structure and governance, (3) Culture, (4) Talent management, (5) Processes, (6) Technology, (6) Culture
-(III) List your potential initiatives for each pillar
-(IV) Create your business cases and financial models to assess potential initiatives
-(V) Prioritize, plan and implement your projects: (1) Project prioritization, (2) Business roadmap, (3) Governance, (4) Dashboards, (5) Project implementation: agile methodology, design thinking and traditional methodology, (6) Continuous improvement (7) Post projects evaluation and lessons learnt, (8) Post program evaluation and lessons learnt
-(VI) Define and implement your change management strategy and internal communication strategy: (1) Change management strategy, (2) Change management plans, (3) Implementation, tracking and progress management, (4) Effective communication
-(VII) Engage your stakeholders effectively: (1) Stakeholder analysis, (2) Stakeholder engagement strategy, (3) Stakeholder engagement detailed plan
BSBMGT517 Manage Operational Plan Week 2Louishill102
Are you looking for BSBMGT517 Manage Operational Plan?
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An Operational Plan should provide a clear picture on how to achieve organizational goals. It focuses on the steps that should be taken to ensure the company's overall vision and mission are achieved.
Operational plans break down larger objectives into smaller objectives, and allocates responsibilities / resources required to achieve each step.
Loras College 2014 Business Analytics Symposium | Steve Whinnery and Scott St...Cartegraph
This presentation will walk you through an explanation of planning, industry leading practices for planning, executive leading practices for planning and finally analytics and planning.
For more information on the Loras College 2014 Business Analytics Symposium, the Loras College MBA in Business Analytics or the Loras College Business Analytics Certificate visit or
The presentation covers innovation strategies that have been implemented by different companies in different industries to disrupt the market and become leaders in their industries.
Is your S&OP Process Solving Problems?Peter Murray
The document discusses how to improve S&OP/IBP processes so they can effectively solve business problems. It recommends frequently asking stakeholders if S&OP is solving problems and, if not, determining why. Common reasons for S&OP failure include inability to agree, reliance on other processes, and stakeholders changing roles. The document provides strategies for making S&OP a sustainable problem-solving method, such as determining key problems to solve, identifying where problems are currently addressed, and ensuring S&OP meetings include open discussions. Evaluating meeting flows and decision support can also reveal areas for improving S&OP's focus on problem solving.
This document outlines an integrated business planning process presented by Charles P. Sitkin. It discusses the evolution of management concerns and strategic planning. The key components of the planning process include developing a mission statement, strategic excellence positions, goals, objectives, action plans, operational plans, budgets, and results management. The process aims to integrate strategic planning with operational planning and performance management to ensure the organization achieves its strategic goals.
Susan Middleditch, Deputy Director-General, System Support Services, Queensla...Digital Queensland
On 12 June 2013, Susan Middleditch provided an update on the recently announced Queensland Health transformation program that will lead corporate services into the future across the Hospital and Health Services while delivering on recommendations from the from the Government's Blueprint for better healthcare in Queensland and the recent Commission of Audit.
Connect with us:
Service Integrated Planning - "Service S&OP - SIPPatrick Bower
This document outlines a Service Integrated Planning (SIP) process modeled after Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP). SIP involves monthly meetings to discuss projections for client demand over an 18-24 month horizon and determine how to align capabilities and talent to meet that demand. Key elements include typing client demand and available capabilities, integrating those into a plan with metrics and scenarios, and obtaining executive approval and feedback to ensure organizational alignment. While similar to S&OP, SIP must account for less standardized demand and supply factors in services industries.
This document discusses the importance of business strategy and planning. It defines strategy as setting long-term goals and direction for an organization. Strategic planning is important because it provides direction, encourages new ideas, and helps develop sustainable competitive advantages. Specifically, strategic planning avoids being blindsided by new threats or competitors, focuses on critical problems and opportunities, stresses innovation, and requires staying ahead in customer responsiveness, innovation, quality, and effectiveness. The document argues that strategic planning is needed for a manufacturing company to stay competitive globally and transition from mid-size to large-scale for increased profits. It recommends strategic, tactical, and operational planning that involves all management and is updated yearly using various strategic analysis techniques.
The Past, Present, and the Future World of teh Project Manager by Amos HaniffAgile ME
Current literature suggests that project management has evolved over two streams of research. The first focuses on systems thinking and the quantitative approach to planning and control techniques developed during the 1950s and 60s. The second stream, developed during the 1970s, focuses on the human resource aspects of project management, in particular, organisational theory and project leadership. It is these two streams of project management research that has shaped project management practice for almost half a century. However, since the late 1990s there has been a gradual shift towards a strategic stream of project management research. No longer are projects perceived as endeavours to provide tangible products or results. Rather projects are now viewed as vehicles for business transformation, continuous improvement, organisational change, and implementation of organisational strategy. This presentation considers the evolution of project management and the implication for current and future practice. The presentation demonstrates how changes in the global competitive environment, where the project is now viewed as component of the organisations long-term strategic objectives, has led to a change in the way projects are managed. With this, comes the demand for a new breed of project manager that not only has the necessary analytical skills and knowledge of new project developments, but is also able to provide transformational leadership, collaborations and strategic thinking, in the current and future world of project management.
Sales and operations planning (S&OP) is a process that achieves alignment between various functions of an organization including sales, production, inventory and finance. It develops a coordinated operating plan that balances supply and demand at a volume level in support of customer demand and business strategy. The S&OP process results in monthly planning activities based on an annual operations plan and provides benefits such as enhanced teamwork, better decision making and financial planning, and increased accountability.
2. ICV Kongres controllera, Bjarte Bogsnes, Vice President Performance Manage...Menad転ment Centar Beograd
Bjarte je glavni controller norve邸ke naftne kompanije STATOIL, koja je 30 puta vea od NIS a.d. Bjarte je priao o konceptu Beyond Budgeting. Koncept Beyond Budgeting podrazumeva da kompanija nema proces bud転etiranja. To znai da oni nemaju fiksne planove i da ne postoji proces izrade bud転eta koji obino poinje u septembru i zavr邸ava se u decembru
This document describes an open innovation health check service offered by innovation-3. The service analyzes a firm's open innovation strategies, processes, culture and alignment to identify drivers and barriers to further advancement. Using surveys and interviews, it generates innovation profiles for different business units and functions. Results are discussed in workshops to develop action plans and improvement goals approved by top management. The 5-step process aims to provide an efficient but productive assessment of where a firm can best leverage open innovation approaches.
Integrated Planning & Reporting Solution for GovernmentTridant
Tridant's integrated planning and reporting solution for government simplifies funding management, allows finance managers to focus on analysis over data preparation, and replaces outdated technology. It enables involvement across planning, estimating, budgeting, and reporting. Key benefits include self-service reporting, alignment of internal and external processes, tracking fund flows, and automated integration to reduce routine work. The solution is designed specifically for compliant government use and delivers efficiency, effectiveness, and sustainable resource management.
David Boyce is an analytical leader with over 12 years of experience in supply chain management. He currently works as an Operations Supervisor at PetSmart in Phoenix, Arizona, where he has successfully overseen multiple departments and led process improvements that have benefited both the distribution center and retailer networks. Prior to his current role, Boyce worked as a Certified Warehouse Associate at Hannaford Bros in New York. He enjoys hiking, reading, off-roading, and spending time with his dogs Murphy and Boddington.
This document provides examples of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that can be used to measure performance across different departments in an organization. It lists sample KPIs for executive management, sales, operations & IT, marketing, finance, product development, customer service, and human resources. Departments should select relevant KPIs to track and assign responsibility for each metric. Additional KPIs can be added if needed.
Companies / Organizations today are facing many challenges to transform , these slides try to determine the key factors or capabilities which help companies to be ready and able to manage the transformation in effective and efficient way.
This document summarizes a presentation given at the Twin Cities Business Architecture Forum about architecting core business operations. It describes how a mid-sized retail/supply chain company used business architecture to gain insights into its business processes, improve processes, and prepare to replace old systems. The presentation outlines the goals, results, governance structure, and lessons learned from using a business architecture approach, including developing business models, value maps, capability maps, and a strategic roadmap. It also discusses how the business architecture work helped surface opportunities and challenges to drive innovation.
Delivering Value with Financial Performance: Leading FP&A Practices of High-G...Proformative, Inc.
The FP&A organization along with the rest of finance is undergoing a transformation, with increasing responsibilities and their accompanying challenges, all of which have to be undertaken with limited resources. FP&A leaders, like their peers in other finance groups, are being asked to elevate their focus and extend their reach across the organization, while still delivering on traditional blocking and tackling activities. Hear from FP&A leaders who have created significant company value while navigating high growth business environments. Learn how best practices on KPIs, planning cycles, rolling forecasts, and other techniques have enabled high performance, both for their functions and for their overall business.
Speakers: Eileen Tobias, Sr. Director of FP&A, NetSuite
Eric Zimmerman, Manager of Financial Planning and Analysis, Infusionsoft
Presentation delivered at ProformaTECH 2014 -
Track: Operational Advantage | Session: 4
CSCMP 2014: Bayer: Putting the S Back in S&OPAlyssaVallie
Balancing production efficiency and responsiveness to demand has never been more important or more challenging for companies with manufacturing-dominant cultures. Bayer Health Care shares their journey to S&OP excellence and how emphasizing the S in S&OP led to the successful redesign of its processes, overcoming ERP shortcomings to align market priorities with manufacturing capacity and extract the maximum competitive advantage from its supply chain.
The document outlines a methodology for formulating an operating model for an organization. It discusses key value drivers that must be identified, such as business capabilities, governance, organization model, processes and technology, and talent strategy. It then presents different organization models - country-driven, functional-driven, and product-driven - analyzing their advantages and disadvantages. The methodology involves diagnosing the current model, designing new options, selecting a preferred model, and implementing it. An IT roadmap is also recommended with steps to review current IT, develop alternatives, and implement changes. The framework allows analyzing an organization's needs to create an operating model that supports its future goals.
This Toolkit was created by ex-McKinsey, Deloitte and BCG Management Consultants after more than 4,000 hours of work. It summarizes our combined 100+ years of experience advising executive teams around the world. And it includes all the Frameworks, Best Practices & Templates required to successfully implement an operating model and organization design initiative, and make your strategy happen.
This Powerpoint presentation is only a small preview of our Toolkit. You can download the entire Toolkit in Powerpoint and Excel at
The Operating Model and Organization Design Toolkit includes frameworks, tools, templates, tutorials, real-life examples, video training, and best practices to help you:
-Make your strategy happen and boost your companys performance
Successfully implement an operating model and organization design initiative with our simple and comprehensive 7-phase approach
-(I) Carry out your business case for change: (1) Situation, key challenge and proposed solution, (2) Project objectives and key performance indicators (KPIs), (3) Project scope, approach and team, (4) Key activities and deliverables, (5) Strategic alignment, (6) Value: project initial investment, project costs, additional revenue generated, cost savings, cash flows and net present value, (7) Ease of implementation
-(II) Define your operating model and organization design: (1) Capability management, (2) Structure and governance, (3) Culture, (4) Talent management, (5) Processes, (6) Technology, (6) Culture
-(III) List your potential initiatives for each pillar
-(IV) Create your business cases and financial models to assess potential initiatives
-(V) Prioritize, plan and implement your projects: (1) Project prioritization, (2) Business roadmap, (3) Governance, (4) Dashboards, (5) Project implementation: agile methodology, design thinking and traditional methodology, (6) Continuous improvement (7) Post projects evaluation and lessons learnt, (8) Post program evaluation and lessons learnt
-(VI) Define and implement your change management strategy and internal communication strategy: (1) Change management strategy, (2) Change management plans, (3) Implementation, tracking and progress management, (4) Effective communication
-(VII) Engage your stakeholders effectively: (1) Stakeholder analysis, (2) Stakeholder engagement strategy, (3) Stakeholder engagement detailed plan
Outline of PPM, Project and Portfolio Management and it's use in Project Management disciplines
If you would like a copy of the slides, please email me
The document discusses talent acquisition's role in workforce planning. It outlines several strategic HR pillars including smart growth, developing a full talent pipeline, employee mobilization, and building a purpose-driven culture. It then presents a case study on addressing key capability gaps through operating model changes and tailored hiring and assessment processes to strengthen regions impacted by attrition. Hiring ahead of losses and customizing models by region are emphasized as strategic workforce planning tactics for the talent acquisition team to address needs.
This document discusses aligning ITIL Service Design with TOGAF Enterprise Architecture. ITIL Service Design provides guidance for designing IT services and capabilities, while TOGAF provides a framework for developing enterprise architecture. The document outlines the key processes and principles of ITIL Service Design and TOGAF, including the Architecture Development Method. It emphasizes that organizations should ensure IT Design is aligned with and supports the overall Enterprise Architecture.
EA for Business Strategy Execution - London - June 16 - v1.0Andrew Swindell
- The document discusses using enterprise architecture to align business and technology strategies and establish "line of sight" between them. It presents an architecture method for doing this using strategy frameworks, architecture frameworks, and change management.
- Case studies are provided on using this line of sight approach in the healthcare, mining, and financial services industries. The method involves developing architecture models to map business strategies, capabilities, initiatives, and technology strategies to provide insight and alignment.
- Establishing a clear business orientation based on value disciplines is important to prioritize the focus of the alignment effort. Overall the document advocates an enterprise architecture approach for generating alignment between an organization's strategy and execution capabilities.
This document discusses Shell's efforts to link service-oriented architecture (SOA) concepts with process standardization across its finance functions. It provides an overview of Shell's finance operations and processes, and describes how SOA can help drive process standardization by establishing governance, design, organization, skills/tools, data management and change management. The document also presents models for evolving IT and business models to support standardized processes delivered through shared services and standardized IT systems and services.
Industrial Transformation (IX) is happening all around us. And COVID-19 is accelerating it. Companies are asking, What is the new normal and how do we operate in it? This has led companies to revisit what it means to be Operationally Excellent. And how does this fit in with the increasing trends toward Remote Operations, the Connected Workforce, the use of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI/ML) and the possibility of Autonomous Operations (AO). Is AO achievable or still a Bridge Too Far? What has to happen to make it a reality? This presentation will explore what is OE 4.0, a new definition, drivers and challenges, the need for an integrated OE Execution system and characteristics of the Autonomous Plant.
Andrew Buck has over 20 years of experience leading technology programs and portfolios in financial services, insurance, and healthcare. He specializes in program/portfolio management, PMO leadership, and strategic technology alignment. Currently he is Vice President of the PMO at Morgan Stanley, where he manages a $200M technology portfolio and led improvements to project delivery practices. Previously he held similar leadership roles at Thomson Reuters, Standard & Poor's, and AXA Financial.
Software Development Model for StartupsMartin Verrev
This document presents a software development model tailored for startups. It analyzes key constraints and success factors for startups. The model formalizes a development process from initial idea to successful company. It incorporates agile practices, validated learning to reduce uncertainty, and archetype patterns to provide architectural stability. The result is a SPEM-compliant process model that supports a startup lifecycle through formalized business processes and repeatable components to minimize various uncertainties.
This document discusses business process re-engineering (BPR). BPR is defined as fundamentally rethinking and radically redesigning business processes to achieve dramatic improvements in critical areas like cost, quality, and speed. It involves reinventing processes rather than automating existing ones. The goals of BPR include improving customer friendliness, effectiveness, and efficiency. BPR follows four steps: understanding the current process, inventing a new process, automation, and change management. It results in changes to work units, jobs, roles, and organizational structure. Critical success factors include top management commitment and a clear transformation vision, while failure can result from trying to fix rather than change processes.
Practical Enterprise Architecture in Medium-size Corporation using TOGAFMichael Sukachev
This document discusses establishing an enterprise architecture practice at a medium-sized corporation using the TOGAF framework. It outlines current challenges like rapidly changing business needs and a lack of architecture governance. It then defines what enterprise architecture is and why it is important to establish an EA practice to gain benefits like increased agility and reuse. The document recommends practical steps to get started, including selecting an EA framework and tool, customizing them to the organization, and implementing the practice incrementally. It emphasizes establishing principles, governance and stakeholder collaboration.
Leveraging Atlassian to Craft the Best Products Cprime
This document discusses leveraging Atlassian tools to support product management processes like strategy, planning, discovery and delivery. It provides an overview of the product development lifecycle including strategy, planning, discovery and delivery. It then discusses specific strategy activities like defining a product vision and personas, and mapping the competitive landscape. It reviews planning activities like roadmapping and setting objectives and key results (OKRs). Finally, it examines how Atlassian tools like Confluence, Jira and Aha! can be used to support activities at each stage of the product lifecycle. The overall message is that the right tools can help facilitate the product management process and improve the likelihood of success.
The document discusses the importance of IT strategic planning for businesses. It explains that technology must provide a stable foundation for businesses to operate on and facilitate innovation to remain competitive. Strategic planning helps ensure business and IT are aligned, resources are focused on key priorities, and short-term solutions are avoided. The planning process involves aligning IT capabilities with business strategies, managing the IT portfolio, driving stability, and measuring performance. Factors like a company's industry, structure, and market volatility determine how often and in-depth strategic planning should occur.
This document discusses strategies for promoting innovation in organizations. It argues that companies focus too much on efficiency innovations and not enough on market-creating innovations. It recommends that companies rationalize their portfolios to focus more on capabilities that enable all three types of innovation, especially market-creating innovations. Technologists can help by influencing strategies to prioritize growth and shifting IT thinking from efficiency to innovation and value creation. Measurement of innovation impact and processes also needs to be improved.
This document discusses key concepts around setting KRAs (Key Result Areas) and goals for individuals and teams. It provides an overview of the objective and process for setting KRAs, as well as examples of potential KRAs like business strategies, growth, profitability, customer and employee relations. It also discusses ensuring KRAs are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) and aligned across different levels from corporate objectives down to individual manager objectives. The document aims to help participants appreciate the need for KRA and goal setting to drive individual and team excellence.
The document discusses product planning, research and development, and new product development. It covers several key points:
1. Research and development involves both pure research to discover new scientific laws as well as applied research to solve specific problems. Development works to translate research findings into new products and processes.
2. Planning R&D requires determining a total budget and selecting specific projects. Budgeting helps coordinate activities and allows projects to be formally reviewed.
3. Controlling R&D involves budget versus actual cost comparisons to evaluate programs and efficiency. Reports should be prepared frequently to identify issues.
4. A product typically goes through development, growth, maturity, and decline stages in its life cycle. Preplanning is
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Course content for BBA 5th Semester Students in Purbanchal University of Nepal in Subject "Entrepreneurship". Very Elaborative and descriptive for the convenience of students.
Tim Gibson | The Financial Maestro and Wealth SpecialistsTimothy Gibson
Tim Gibson | The Financial Maestro.pdf: Orchestrating your financial success through expert strategies for wealth building, risk mitigation, and long-term security.
Unit 4 of Purbanchal University BBA 5th Semester students as per their syllabus of "CO-353 Entrepreneurship". Helpful for Students of Nepal studying in Purbanchal University for their subject. Actual lectures and examples given by the lecturer himself. Very elaborative and easy to understand for students.
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The rose was always considered the epitome of romance: deep love, passion, and strong feelings that we send to those we cherish. Such velvety petals, such an enthralling perfume, such beauty! A means of declaring affection for the last but some thousand years, the rose is a perennial symbol. The passionate love is represented by red, admiration by pink, and purity by white. Romantic gifts: bouquets, poetic mentions, permanence in keepsakesa rose is the last word in romance! It conveys warmth, devotion, and love everlasting.
Timothy Gibson | Security of Financial WealthTimothy Gibson
Protecting and growing wealth through strategic investment, tax optimization, and risk management, Timothy Gibson ensures long-term financial security and multi-generational prosperity for entrepreneurs and investors.
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2. There are compelling (although often anecdotal) reasons to innovate and the
economics of successful innovation is clear although not specific.
Innovation, like all other business processes, must be managed.
Technology can always be acquired elsewhere (licensing, acquisition, fee-for-service,
Product/process &/or technological innovation MUST always be combined with
business model innovation
Walkers Principles of Business Innovation! (1)
息 Russell Walker 2018
3. The lower the technology component of the business the relatively higher the
importance of business model innovation
The management of research is different from the management of innovation!!!!
Creativity is a necessary (but not sufficient!) requirement for successful innovation
innovation and less important than many other components
The key to success is the innovation management system and the most important part
most important part of this is a clear and concise Business Innovation Strategy
Strategy underpinned by a supportive organisational innovation culture
Walkers Principles of Business Innovation! (2)
息 Russell Walker 2018
4. Continuous product/process improvement
Improving product design
Upgrading business model
Using new technologies to add value to an existing product or
Exploiting a new technology to create a new product, service or
Amending value proposition to introduce existing product or service
to a new market
Examples of Business Innovation
息 Russell Walker 2018
5. Value Proposition
Target Customer (Market) and Target customer Interaction
(Marketing Channels)
Distribution (Making the right quantities of the right products or
services available at the right place, at the right time to the right
Brand Management
Supply Chain
Business Model Innovation
~9 Degrees of Freedom
Cost Structure
Revenue Model
息 Russell Walker 2018
6. (1) Preface by CEO
Innovation strategy and innovation process for organisation in the
context of its vision and strategy
(2) Introduction
Background context, strategys significance, what it should govern,
how long valid, update schedule, responsible officer / department
(3) Executive Summary
Short and punchy! Can be used in internal and outgoing
communications, esp. if strategy details are confidential
Writing a Business Innovation Strategy
息 Russell Walker 2018
7. (4) The Organisations Development
Brief history, vision, strategy and objectives
(5) Current Innovation Processes
Description of planning, implementation processes, management,
administration, responsibilities
(6) External Changes and Strategic Challenges
Key trends and changes that are currently, or may, affect the future
of the organisation
息 Russell Walker 2018
Writing a BIS (Cont)
8. (7) Operational Challenges
(8) Resources (Internal and External) and Knowledge (I&E)
Required to meet Strategic Challenges
(9) Focus and Implementation
Overall direction of innovation in the next 3 5 years; description of
the areas of innovation focus; priorities; programs, projects and
(10) Management and Administration
息 Russell Walker 2018
Writing a BIS (Cont)
9. Summary
Template Business Innovation Strategy
Preface by CEO
Executive Summary
The Organisations
Current Innovation
External Changes & Strategic
Operational Challenges
Resources and Knowledge Required
to meet Strategic Challenges
Focus and Implementation
Management and Administration
息 Russell Walker 2018