PSB Training Academy provides law learning materials in Kolkata, India. The document defines tort as a wrongful act under civil law, derived from the Latin word "tortum" meaning twisted or crooked. It distinguishes between three types of tortious acts: malfeasance refers to the actual commission of an unlawful act; misfeasance is the improper performance of a lawful act; and non-feasance is the non-performance of an act that one is legally obligated to perform, such as a doctor failing to treat patients.
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PSB Learning Material LAW
The term tort is derived from the latin word Tortum which
means wrong. Tortum means twisted or crooked and implies
conduct which is not straightforward or lawful.
Feasance means doing. Malfeasance and misfeasance results
from commission i.e positive acts. Non feasance refers to
omission i.e negative acts.
Tortuous act is
explained in terms
Malfeasance- Refers to
actual commission of
an unlawful act. Ex-
Driving a car without a
Misfeasance- Improper
performance of a
lawful act, ex- driving a
four-wheeler while
holding a license of
two wheeler
Non- Feasance- Non-
performance of an act,
when one is under legal
duty to perform it.Ex- A
doctor is not doing the
treatment of his patients
which he is bound to do.