Umme Salma Akhtar has over 10 years of experience in air quality monitoring, modelling, and policy studies. She has a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering and background in Environmental Engineering. Her experience includes field work, research projects, and developing health and safety policies. Currently she is a project manager studying occupational exposures for firefighters to improve safety policies.
The document provides a summary of Md Ismail's career objective, experience, qualifications, and personal details. Md Ismail has over 5 years of experience in supply chain management and warehouse operations. He currently works as an Executive at The Bangla Trac Ltd, where his responsibilities include inventory management, ensuring on-time deliveries, and use of an ERP software system. He holds a Higher Diploma in Islamic Studies and has experience with Microsoft Office programs.
This document provides information about Opuntia Garden, a business that aims to incentivize people to buy cacti native to the Andean dry forest to use in their home gardens or decorations by offering an easy care plant option. It seeks to help everyone find the cactus they are looking for and is located in Hacienda Verde, Puellaro.
This document provides a conceptual design for a Motorization Museum consisting of 3 paragraphs and floor plans for 3 levels:
The first paragraph introduces the concept of the building as a new type of production and exhibition facility with a modern yet traditional character.
The second paragraph describes the main building which houses exhibition spaces, a conference hall, social areas, and a two-story pavilion for museum exhibitions with visual presentation of traditional productions.
The third paragraph and floor plans present the parameters and layouts of the 3 levels, which include areas for exhibitions, restoration, storage, technical rooms, and social functions.
Business Prosperity Management Inc. provides training seminars to improve customer interactions for Limited Brands stores like Victoria's Secret. They offer two seminar packages covering topics like dressing for success, etiquette, team building, and problem solving. Seminars are held over two days at a hotel and include venue, equipment, meals, and training. BPM helped improve customer satisfaction for Victoria's Secret stores in the US and UK. Their seminars have led to increased sales and share prices for Limited Brands.
China Asset Management Co. Ltd has launched a strategic partnership with PanAgora Asset Management, Inc. to introduce risk parity investment strategies to the Chinese market. As part of this partnership, China Asset Management will initially launch a Chinese Risk Parity multi-asset strategy and plans to develop additional strategies in the future by combining the research from both firms. The risk parity approach aims to generate attractive risk-adjusted returns through diversification across asset classes while allocating equal risk to each.
The first meeting of Enigma Studios was held on June 13th from 9:30-10:30am in room F10. The group discussed ideas for a short film and company name and logo. They agreed on a drama/thriller genre and began casting roles. Tasks were assigned to each member to be completed by the next weekly meeting, including creating a contents page, production schedule, assignment brief, logo design, script writing, and research on the chosen genre and film ideas.
The employees are the backbones of a company and thus it is essential that the company motivates them to work harder and succeed. Their success will indirectly be beneficial for the company. Therefore the HR of a company must be well acquainted with the pros and cones of motivation (Watt, 2010). Considering this case Mr. Simons had really worked hard and is also well qualified, however by some twist of faith he had been missed out on his promotion all the three times. Naturally this has left him in
This document contains a list of 18 items labeled TRP1 through TRP18, grouped into sections separated by line breaks. It concludes with a thank you message.
The document discusses color and color theory. It explains that color comes from light and the visible spectrum. The primary colors are red, yellow, and blue, and mixing two primary colors makes a secondary color. It describes how complementary colors, like red and green, reinforce each other when placed next to each other. It also discusses saturated versus unsaturated colors and different color contrasts like hot-cold contrast and color-to-color contrast that can influence moods and create vibrancy in artwork.
Stephany Cuevas, EdM Presentation at 2016 Science of HOPE
In this session, participants will be introduced to family and community engagement research in order to begin to interrogate why we need to partner with families and communities in service work.
Participants will be exposed to different narratives and perspectives about families and communities and will be engaged in conversations about how to push beyond deficit thinking and stereotypes, which often deter partnership opportunities. Additionally, participants will be introduced to frameworks, including research-based best practices, which allow us to understand how to do partnership work in a mutually benefiting and respectful matter.
El documento describe un plan de tres partes para ense?ar diferentes tipos de jaque mate en ajedrez, comenzando con los m¨¢s b¨¢sicos y terminando con los m¨¢s complejos. La primera parte incluye una clase te¨®rica y pr¨¢ctica sobre jaque mate b¨¢sicos. La segunda parte se enfoca en el jaque mate de torre y rey a trav¨¦s de videos y ejercicios. La tercera parte cubre el complejo jaque mate de alfil y caballo contra el rey a trav¨¦s de materiales de estudio, ejercicios pr¨¢cticos y el an¨¢
Dr. Chan Hellman's Keynote Address from the 2016 Science of HOPE conference.
Positive psychology is an emerging field focused on the scientific study of human strengths and the capacity for individuals, groups, and communities to thrive. Within this field, Hope has emerged as one of the top strengths contributing to well-being. This seminar will present the science of Hope as a meaningful resource in our ability to cope with traumatic experiences and flourish toward future goals, and will also present ¡°hands-on¡± tools to assess hope and develop strategies to attain established desirable goals. Finally, this seminar will present scientific studies conducted by the University of Oklahoma¡¯s Center of Applied Research for Nonprofit Organizations that demonstrate the power of hope among children and adults who have experienced trauma.
Charlie Alfero, MA presents on financing for community health work.
This workshop will report on the development of ¡°CHISPAS¡± a Medicaid Community Health Worker service and payment model that is being piloted in New Mexico.?CHISPAS provides PMPM (per member per month) for Basic Patient Support, Intensive Care Coordination and support policy, systems and environmental changes to improve health and reduce costs.?It is a national model for providing an on-going financing / payment source for CHW services.
El documento describe las consecuencias y causas de la prostituci¨®n. Entre las causas se encuentran la marginaci¨®n social, la falta de apoyo familiar, la pobreza extrema, la drogadicci¨®n, la inmigraci¨®n ilegal, el aumento del desempleo y el ejercicio forzado por proxenetas. La prostituci¨®n puede traer consecuencias peores que una vida humilde pero digna, y a menudo es la ¨²nica salida que sienten tener algunas personas para sustentarse a s¨ª mismas y a sus familias.
Este documento discute los principios deontol¨®gicos y define el peculado y el cohecho. Explica que el peculado implica la malversaci¨®n de fondos p¨²blicos por parte de funcionarios, mientras que el cohecho implica sobornar a un funcionario a cambio de un acto u omisi¨®n. Tambi¨¦n resume las sanciones legales por cometer peculado o cohecho seg¨²n el C¨®digo Penal Federal de M¨¦xico, incluyendo multas, prisi¨®n e inhabilitaci¨®n para ocupar cargos p¨²blicos.
The first meeting of Enigma Studios was held on June 13th from 9:30-10:30am in room F10. The group discussed ideas for a short film and company name and logo. They agreed on a drama/thriller genre and began casting roles. Tasks were assigned to each member to be completed by the next weekly meeting, including creating a contents page, production schedule, assignment brief, logo design, script writing, and research on the chosen genre and film ideas.
The employees are the backbones of a company and thus it is essential that the company motivates them to work harder and succeed. Their success will indirectly be beneficial for the company. Therefore the HR of a company must be well acquainted with the pros and cones of motivation (Watt, 2010). Considering this case Mr. Simons had really worked hard and is also well qualified, however by some twist of faith he had been missed out on his promotion all the three times. Naturally this has left him in
This document contains a list of 18 items labeled TRP1 through TRP18, grouped into sections separated by line breaks. It concludes with a thank you message.
The document discusses color and color theory. It explains that color comes from light and the visible spectrum. The primary colors are red, yellow, and blue, and mixing two primary colors makes a secondary color. It describes how complementary colors, like red and green, reinforce each other when placed next to each other. It also discusses saturated versus unsaturated colors and different color contrasts like hot-cold contrast and color-to-color contrast that can influence moods and create vibrancy in artwork.
Stephany Cuevas, EdM Presentation at 2016 Science of HOPE
In this session, participants will be introduced to family and community engagement research in order to begin to interrogate why we need to partner with families and communities in service work.
Participants will be exposed to different narratives and perspectives about families and communities and will be engaged in conversations about how to push beyond deficit thinking and stereotypes, which often deter partnership opportunities. Additionally, participants will be introduced to frameworks, including research-based best practices, which allow us to understand how to do partnership work in a mutually benefiting and respectful matter.
El documento describe un plan de tres partes para ense?ar diferentes tipos de jaque mate en ajedrez, comenzando con los m¨¢s b¨¢sicos y terminando con los m¨¢s complejos. La primera parte incluye una clase te¨®rica y pr¨¢ctica sobre jaque mate b¨¢sicos. La segunda parte se enfoca en el jaque mate de torre y rey a trav¨¦s de videos y ejercicios. La tercera parte cubre el complejo jaque mate de alfil y caballo contra el rey a trav¨¦s de materiales de estudio, ejercicios pr¨¢cticos y el an¨¢
Dr. Chan Hellman's Keynote Address from the 2016 Science of HOPE conference.
Positive psychology is an emerging field focused on the scientific study of human strengths and the capacity for individuals, groups, and communities to thrive. Within this field, Hope has emerged as one of the top strengths contributing to well-being. This seminar will present the science of Hope as a meaningful resource in our ability to cope with traumatic experiences and flourish toward future goals, and will also present ¡°hands-on¡± tools to assess hope and develop strategies to attain established desirable goals. Finally, this seminar will present scientific studies conducted by the University of Oklahoma¡¯s Center of Applied Research for Nonprofit Organizations that demonstrate the power of hope among children and adults who have experienced trauma.
Charlie Alfero, MA presents on financing for community health work.
This workshop will report on the development of ¡°CHISPAS¡± a Medicaid Community Health Worker service and payment model that is being piloted in New Mexico.?CHISPAS provides PMPM (per member per month) for Basic Patient Support, Intensive Care Coordination and support policy, systems and environmental changes to improve health and reduce costs.?It is a national model for providing an on-going financing / payment source for CHW services.
El documento describe las consecuencias y causas de la prostituci¨®n. Entre las causas se encuentran la marginaci¨®n social, la falta de apoyo familiar, la pobreza extrema, la drogadicci¨®n, la inmigraci¨®n ilegal, el aumento del desempleo y el ejercicio forzado por proxenetas. La prostituci¨®n puede traer consecuencias peores que una vida humilde pero digna, y a menudo es la ¨²nica salida que sienten tener algunas personas para sustentarse a s¨ª mismas y a sus familias.
Este documento discute los principios deontol¨®gicos y define el peculado y el cohecho. Explica que el peculado implica la malversaci¨®n de fondos p¨²blicos por parte de funcionarios, mientras que el cohecho implica sobornar a un funcionario a cambio de un acto u omisi¨®n. Tambi¨¦n resume las sanciones legales por cometer peculado o cohecho seg¨²n el C¨®digo Penal Federal de M¨¦xico, incluyendo multas, prisi¨®n e inhabilitaci¨®n para ocupar cargos p¨²blicos.
1. Skru op for musikken & optimer produktionen!
N?r sj?len er fyldt op, begynder vi at synge, siger et gammelt gr?nlandsk ordsprog. Og
det er sandt - for i en verden, hvor vi bruger s? meget energi p? at holde os i form og spise
sundt, glemmer vi den ?ndelige dimension, kunsten giver.
Vi lever i en tid hvor vi bliver bombarderet
med d?rlig samvittighed i forhold til at f?
dyrket motion, spise sundt, v?re m?lrettede
og strukturerede.
Der er meget fokus p? individet og de indivi-
duelle m?ls?tninger mens vi oftest glemmer
at motoren alts? k?rer bedst n?r den er dre-
vet af lyst, af et f?llesskab, samh?righed og
af at g?re en forskel for andre.
Musikken og kulturen er noget vi har og del-
er sammen; noget der ?bner for nye poten-
tialer og inspirerer til at ville lytte, fordybe sig,
opleve og dyrke mere af det hele.
I dag bruger du m?ske en coach, n?r du skal
inspirere og omstrukturere. Men du kunne
i stedet bruge mig og min violin som en
sj?lelig og inspirerende vitaminindspr?jtning
f. eks. p? en kursusdag med mange indl?g
eller som et selvst?ndigt opl?g med fokus
p? passion, kreativitet, improvisation og
Jeg har i mange ?r undervist i komposition
og improvisation p? flere musikkonservato-
rier. Jeg bruger min viden herfra til at s?tte
fokus p? synergi, kreativitet, det at kunne
lytte og m?rke impulser, og hvordan man
oms?tter disse inputs til reel handling.
I highly recommend his business talk/solo concert for conferences, meetings, team-
building etc. - Nikolaj J?rgensen Manager Finance PRJ Novo Nordisk A/S
Violinist ¡¤ Komponist & Foredragsholder
Bjarke Falgren
En seance med Bjarke Falgren inkluderer b?de foredrag, koncert og dialog. Er der s?rlige ?nsker, taler vi om det
Falgren Strings Production | 26 71 79 54 | |
2. Violinist, komponist og virtuos formidler
M?d Bjarke Falgren, 4 dobbelt grammy vinder og en af Danmarks bedste og mest an-
erkendte violinvirtuoser. Siden 7 ?rs alderen har Bjarke passioneret dedikeret sig selv til at
mestre sit instrument og den musik, der str?mmer igennem hans n?sten 300 ?r gamle
Bjarke turnerer verden over og har udgivet 8
cd¡¯er. Desuden skriver og producerer Bjarke
film og teatermusik, underviser p? to musik-
konservatorier og har arbejdet med nogle af
de st?rste artister i ind og udland som f.eks.
Mike Sheridan,?Mads Langer, Melanie
C.(Spice Girls),?Outlandish,?Fallulah,?Smok-
ie,?Sir Cliff Richard,?Rasmus Seebach, Cut-
father, Chief 1,?Chris Normann,?Rugsted/
Kreutzfeldt,?Soluna Samay,?L.I.G.A.,?Burhan
G.,?Sanne,?Bo Evers,?Martin Brygman,?Joey
Moe,?Johnny Madsen,?Basim,?
Jens Lysdal,?Gabriellas,?Emilie Esther,?Fi-
lur,?Salem,?Br?drene Olsen,?Kaya Br¨¹el, Big
Fat Snake,?Anne Dorte Michelsen,?TV2,?Chris-
toffer Hoyer,?The Dreams,?Billy Cross, Paolo
Russo, Nico Gori, Drengene fra Ango-
ra,?Anette Bjergfeldt,?Hilde Louise Asbj?rn-
sen,?Christian Br?ns,?Big Fat Snake,?Poul
Krebs,?Billie Koppel,?Catbird,?Wonder-
brazz,?Aske Jacoby,?Svend Skipper,?Bryan
Rice,?Afenginn,?Henrik Strube,?Marie Car-
men Koppel,?Susi Hyldgaard,?Peter Lund
Madsen,?Nikolaj Busk,?Odense Symphony
Orchestra¡ og mange andre.
Bjarke Falgren er i s?rklasse en fabelagtig violinist, og jeg betragter ham som min
arvtager - Svend Asmussen
En seance med Bjarke Falgren inkluderer b?de foredrag, koncert og dialog. Er der s?rlige ?nsker, taler vi om det
Falgren Strings Production | 26 71 79 54 | |
3. Du mestrer at skabe opm?rksomhed og god stemning
fra f?rste minut. Deltagerne n?d musikken og var meget
imponerede af dine talenter, og du vandt deres hjerter
ved dine ?rlige og hjertevarme fort?llinger om passion
og kunsten at f? rum til kreativitet.
- Lone Warburg, Forstander, kursuscenter Sm?landshavet
Du illustrerede via musikken effekten af godt samarbej-
de, tillid, hvordan man bliver god til at lytte til hinanden,
at turde pr?ve nyt, g? p? tynd is og v?re kreativ. Alt det
som er vigtigt for at skabe samarbejdsrelationer, sparing,
erfaringsudveksling og l?ring p? tv?rs. Dit indslag vil
v?re en gevinst p? enhver personaledag, hvor samar-
bejde er i fokus.. Din historie om passion, bliver ALDRIG
- Randi Bjerre, HR-Advisor, R?de kors
I have used Bjarke for inspiration as part of a teambuild-
ing event for a newly established management team.
Bjarke was excellent at taking examples from music and
putting them into a business perspective. Further, Bja-
rke¡¯s talent within music is fascinating and a refreshing
add-on to a business discussion to allow for reflection
while Bjarke is playing. I highly recommend his business
talk/solo concert for conferences, meetings, teambuild-
ing etc.
- Nikolaj J?rgensen Manager Finance PRJ Novo Nordisk A/S
En seance med Bjarke Falgren inkluderer b?de foredrag, koncert og dialog. Er der s?rlige ?nsker, taler vi om det
Falgren Strings Production | 26 71 79 54 | |
Bjarke Falgren har flere gange optr?dt ved kongelige sel-
skaber p? Fredensborg og Christiansborg Slot med stor
succes. Hans dygtige violinspil har gl?det de mange
- Christian Eugen Olsen, kgl. ceremonimester
Fremragende musik og underholdning i absolut
verdensklasse, vores varmeste anbefalinger.
- Direkt?r Bjarne Elmelund Nielsen
Som arrang?r f?r du altid mere end du regner med, n?r
du booker Bjarke Falgren. Mere varme, mere dialog,
mere humor, mere overskud, mere leg. Og s? denne
helt enorme og hjertelige gl?de ved at v?re musiker
og formidler af et metier, der med Bjarke Falgrens talent
r?kker langt, langt videre end titlen kunstner.
- Sofie Rask Andersen, Dramaturg KGL+
Bjarke took us on a very inspiring journey at our BCG
leadership conference - bringing new perspectives
through a well-known vintage instrument and proving
that creativity plays a critical role in our jobs. This fan-
tastic session had an excellent improvisation element,
involving the participants and generating insightful, re-
flective messages. Bjarke ¡°caught¡± the audience with
his authentic thoughts and amazing way of playing his
instruments. This session made a big difference to the en-
ergy and excitement around our event.
- Judith Weberhofer-Larsen, Manager, BCG
Vores medarbejdere var tryllebundet efter 3 minutter.
Det, de fik med, var en opl?ftende, positiv oplevelse,
der satte resten af dagen i et dejligt lys ¨C og s? fik de
gode pointer om teamarbejde med. Kort sagt, det var
alle pengene og tiden v?rd!
- Claus H?jte, direkt?r, Lejernes LO, hovedstaden