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Mr. Santhaseelan Reddy
In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.
[ 3 T h r e a d n e e d l e p l a c e D e s a i n a g a r ]
Name of Corporation : The Businessszone2227cc trading as
Businesszone projects
Postal Address : PO Box 65971, Reservoir Hills, 4090
Business Address : 3 Threadneedle Place,
Desainagar, 4405
Telephone Number
: (032) 9431802
(032) 943 1802
Cell Number : 0795131532
Member : Mr Santhaseelan Reddy
Accountants : Mohamed Khan & Associates
Primary Business Activity : Construction, shop fitting, maintenance & solar
Management Team
- Administration & Finance : Mr M.R. Khan
- Operations : Mr Santhaseelan Reddy
- Co-ordination : A staff compliment of 20
Managing Director  Mr Santhaseelan Reddy
A strong desire to be successful and a mission to develop a safe and modern environment
through collaborative planning, policy advocacy and content marketing, Mr. Santhaseelan Reddy
has built a staff compliment of 20 within 10 years and has gained a vast amount of knowledge
and experience in construction and the industry. His passion and vision to build a top class
construction industry in South Africa and beyond has motivated him to work positively and
encourage his staff members to attain full potential. His ability to put equal energy into small
projects like into big projects has allowed him to be successful and gain customer satisfaction.
For Mr. S Reddy no work is ever too small and no detail is ever too minor not to be considered.
With this unique business approach and social friendly nature, Mr. S Reddy has managed to
create strong bonds with his clients, which has steered Businesszone projects to new heights.
Moreover, a reigning aim that Mr Reddy has adopted at the start of his career which is also the
foundation of Businesszone projects is that a successfully conceived and executed project should
be a reflection of the client, not the designer or the finisher! Client satisfaction is high on Mr. S
Reddys agenda and this principle has always put Mr Reddy ahead of his competitors. With his
positive character & image, Businesszone project has already built up an advantage over its
Mr S Reddy utilizes the services of Mohamed Khan & Associates to act as consultants &
administrators to the business.
Our business supplies services of a nature, where demand lies in the entire population of South
Africa and beyond. With vision we have managed to secure ourselves a network with top
companies. Our goods and services are administered and promoted at all times with:
 Quality & Completion
 Reliability & Satisfaction
With great teamwork, operational skills and management, Businesszone projects services are
vast. We provide services such as:
 Shop fitting
 Dry walling
 Contract maintenance
 Renovations to Residential and commercial upgrades
 Driveways and Steel fabrications
 Access control and security CCTV circuit work.
 Grass cutting
 Built-in cupboards for residential and commercial
Our business provides a better service to the industry because of our extensive networking
capabilities with the construction markets & engineering trends. Since we are centrally based and
close to the heart of our fast growing cities, we have developed a firm and strong relationship
with experienced associates. Furthermore, we have an easy access to local districts and also are
in close proximity to all major industrial, developing & developed areas. We have identified the
expertise, skill and resources to execute and supply to our customers efficiently. The combined
expertise & human resource skills that we have within our company is more than 20 years in
total. Being in the construction world for a long time, we have a strong customer liaison and
management skills which not only helps us to grow and sustain ourselves in the construction and
renovation market but also gain the customers trust and win their hearts with our quality of
services. Moreover, we have completed many large projects such as the Umgeni Central Library,
Shail Moideen Soccer Stadium; Local Substations; Civic Centres; Government Clinics &
Hospital; VFS Global & Clientele Life, JHI, properties, Brands consulting, Natal medical Centre,
Trimag group 5 Mondleka projects.
In addition to the above:
 Businesszone also has a Joint venture partner involving solar water heating projects
(Procip investments.) Procip investments held the tender with EThekwini municipality
and Eskom. Mr. Santhaseelan Reddy holds a stake of 33.3 % shares in that current
business. Business zone projects was directly involved in transporting and the installation
of low-pressure solar water geysers for Procip investments.
 Businesszone projects had also obtained a contract from Mondleka projects for Limpopo
province public works with a job description of earth works, boreholes with pumps,
building, electrical, plumbing, landscaping, grass cutting, and fencing.
 Jackpersad and partners with a job description of constructing new offices and x-ray
 AXIM (Africa X-Ray Industrial and Medical (Pty) Ltd) with a job description of
constructing medical and x-ray rooms.
With our broad expertise & experience in a variety of construction finishing styles, combined
with our valuable years of experience and knowledge in construction techniques and applications
due to strong teamwork, Businesszone projects has created a striking environment which allows
us to produce highly reliable & excellent quality of work. Our simple motto, Making experience
to work for you, has helped us strive to heights with our relationships with clients, workers and
achieve our desired goals. Furthermore, being technologically advanced we are always aware of
the new trends, techniques and materials that can help us to construct professionally and advance
with the modern era. Our resources span into all major cities in South Africa; with access to our
various vendors, we can supply & service a variety of materials & designs to facilitate the
clientele requirements. Our immediate strategic objective is to develop a lasting relationship with
our clients. Strategically we have the ability and the capacity to provide service of Quality,
Reliability & Timorous completion.
In line with our strategy of creating a service channel, we envisage creating fifty (50) jobs within
the next three (3) years. In line with the Employment Equity Act, we recruit majority of our
employees from the previously disadvantaged grouping, to ensure that our company reflects the
demographics of the region in which we operate.
We also have continuous training sessions for our employees in order to keep them equipped in
the evolving construction market.
Santhaseelan Reddy
Service & marketing Operations Logistics Finance
Strengths Weaknesses
 Reliable and qualitative services
 Customer satisfaction
 High overhead costs
 Empowerment company
 Excellent managerial skills
 Good customer skills
 Networking capabilities
 Vision based business
Opportunities Threats
 Local employment initiative  Inclement weather
 Employment equity program to allow the
company to represent the demographics of the
Businesszone project is becoming a major player in the industry at a rapid pace. With such a
sound organizational structure and dynamic management team our company is poised for great

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businesszone profile

  • 1. Mr. Santhaseelan Reddy In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure. [ 3 T h r e a d n e e d l e p l a c e D e s a i n a g a r ] BUSINESSZONE PROJECTS
  • 2. BUSINESSZONE PROJECTS 1. GENERAL INFORMATION Name of Corporation : The Businessszone2227cc trading as Businesszone projects Postal Address : PO Box 65971, Reservoir Hills, 4090 Business Address : 3 Threadneedle Place, Desainagar, 4405 Telephone Number Fax : (032) 9431802 (032) 943 1802 Cell Number : 0795131532 Member : Mr Santhaseelan Reddy Accountants : Mohamed Khan & Associates Primary Business Activity : Construction, shop fitting, maintenance & solar installation Management Team - Administration & Finance : Mr M.R. Khan - Operations : Mr Santhaseelan Reddy - Co-ordination : A staff compliment of 20 2
  • 3. BUSINESSZONE PROJECTS 2. MANAGEMENT INFORMATION Managing Director Mr Santhaseelan Reddy A strong desire to be successful and a mission to develop a safe and modern environment through collaborative planning, policy advocacy and content marketing, Mr. Santhaseelan Reddy has built a staff compliment of 20 within 10 years and has gained a vast amount of knowledge and experience in construction and the industry. His passion and vision to build a top class construction industry in South Africa and beyond has motivated him to work positively and encourage his staff members to attain full potential. His ability to put equal energy into small projects like into big projects has allowed him to be successful and gain customer satisfaction. For Mr. S Reddy no work is ever too small and no detail is ever too minor not to be considered. With this unique business approach and social friendly nature, Mr. S Reddy has managed to create strong bonds with his clients, which has steered Businesszone projects to new heights. Moreover, a reigning aim that Mr Reddy has adopted at the start of his career which is also the foundation of Businesszone projects is that a successfully conceived and executed project should be a reflection of the client, not the designer or the finisher! Client satisfaction is high on Mr. S Reddys agenda and this principle has always put Mr Reddy ahead of his competitors. With his positive character & image, Businesszone project has already built up an advantage over its competitors. 3. FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION Mr S Reddy utilizes the services of Mohamed Khan & Associates to act as consultants & administrators to the business. 3
  • 4. BUSINESSZONE PROJECTS 4. SERVICE INFORMATION Our business supplies services of a nature, where demand lies in the entire population of South Africa and beyond. With vision we have managed to secure ourselves a network with top companies. Our goods and services are administered and promoted at all times with: Quality & Completion Reliability & Satisfaction Price With great teamwork, operational skills and management, Businesszone projects services are vast. We provide services such as: Earthworks Building Fencing Shop fitting Bulkheads Dry walling Carpeting Ceilings Tiling Contract maintenance Renovations to Residential and commercial upgrades Driveways and Steel fabrications Access control and security CCTV circuit work. Landscaping Grass cutting Built-in cupboards for residential and commercial 4
  • 5. BUSINESSZONE PROJECTS 5. SALES & MARKETING Our business provides a better service to the industry because of our extensive networking capabilities with the construction markets & engineering trends. Since we are centrally based and close to the heart of our fast growing cities, we have developed a firm and strong relationship with experienced associates. Furthermore, we have an easy access to local districts and also are in close proximity to all major industrial, developing & developed areas. We have identified the expertise, skill and resources to execute and supply to our customers efficiently. The combined expertise & human resource skills that we have within our company is more than 20 years in total. Being in the construction world for a long time, we have a strong customer liaison and management skills which not only helps us to grow and sustain ourselves in the construction and renovation market but also gain the customers trust and win their hearts with our quality of services. Moreover, we have completed many large projects such as the Umgeni Central Library, Shail Moideen Soccer Stadium; Local Substations; Civic Centres; Government Clinics & Hospital; VFS Global & Clientele Life, JHI, properties, Brands consulting, Natal medical Centre, Trimag group 5 Mondleka projects. In addition to the above: Businesszone also has a Joint venture partner involving solar water heating projects (Procip investments.) Procip investments held the tender with EThekwini municipality and Eskom. Mr. Santhaseelan Reddy holds a stake of 33.3 % shares in that current business. Business zone projects was directly involved in transporting and the installation of low-pressure solar water geysers for Procip investments. Businesszone projects had also obtained a contract from Mondleka projects for Limpopo province public works with a job description of earth works, boreholes with pumps, building, electrical, plumbing, landscaping, grass cutting, and fencing. Jackpersad and partners with a job description of constructing new offices and x-ray rooms. AXIM (Africa X-Ray Industrial and Medical (Pty) Ltd) with a job description of constructing medical and x-ray rooms. 5
  • 6. BUSINESSZONE PROJECTS 6. BUSINESS STRATEGY With our broad expertise & experience in a variety of construction finishing styles, combined with our valuable years of experience and knowledge in construction techniques and applications due to strong teamwork, Businesszone projects has created a striking environment which allows us to produce highly reliable & excellent quality of work. Our simple motto, Making experience to work for you, has helped us strive to heights with our relationships with clients, workers and achieve our desired goals. Furthermore, being technologically advanced we are always aware of the new trends, techniques and materials that can help us to construct professionally and advance with the modern era. Our resources span into all major cities in South Africa; with access to our various vendors, we can supply & service a variety of materials & designs to facilitate the clientele requirements. Our immediate strategic objective is to develop a lasting relationship with our clients. Strategically we have the ability and the capacity to provide service of Quality, Reliability & Timorous completion. 7. HUMAN RESOURCES, EMPLOYMENT EQUITY & SKILLS DEVELOPMENT In line with our strategy of creating a service channel, we envisage creating fifty (50) jobs within the next three (3) years. In line with the Employment Equity Act, we recruit majority of our employees from the previously disadvantaged grouping, to ensure that our company reflects the demographics of the region in which we operate. We also have continuous training sessions for our employees in order to keep them equipped in the evolving construction market. 6
  • 7. BUSINESSZONE PROJECTS 8. ORGANOGRAM Santhaseelan Reddy Service & marketing Operations Logistics Finance Administration 9. STRATEGIC SWOT ANALYSIS Strengths Weaknesses Reliable and qualitative services Customer satisfaction High overhead costs Empowerment company Excellent managerial skills Good customer skills Networking capabilities Vision based business Opportunities Threats Local employment initiative Inclement weather Employment equity program to allow the company to represent the demographics of the region. 7
  • 8. BUSINESSZONE PROJECTS 10. CONCLUSION Businesszone project is becoming a major player in the industry at a rapid pace. With such a sound organizational structure and dynamic management team our company is poised for great heights. 8