Kelly Kang is a realtor at Paragon Real Estate Group who has experience in single family home development, construction contract review and litigation, multi-unit investment management, and tenancy-in-common development and sales. She meets with buyers to understand their goals, timelines, budgets, and property preferences. Kelly then collaboratively searches for properties, assists clients in making offers, and guides them through the due diligence and closing process. Her goal is to serve clients' best interests, educate them, and ensure a smooth real estate transaction.
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Buyer Presentation
1. Kelly Kang, Realtor
Kelly joined Paragon after gaining a wealth of experience in
real estate and construction, including:
?Single Family Home Development
?Construction Contract Review & Negotiation
?Construction Litigation
?Multi-Unit Investment Management
?Tenancy-In-Common Development & Sales
2. Ever Wonder IF You Can Afford to Buy
in the City?
? Is it better to Rent or Buy?
? How Much is a Downpayment?
? What would my Monthly Payment be if I Owned?
? Is it a Good Time to Buy?
? How do Interest Rates Effect Me?
5. Initial Client Meeting
Meet with Buyers in person to discuss their goals.
?What is their timeline for buying or selling their home?
?What are their financial goals for the purchase or sale?
?Are there other critical terms for their purchase or sale?
?Preferred Neighborhoods
?Unit Type
?Unit Size
?Parking vs. Proximity to transportation
9. Making the Offer
? Review Disclosures
? Review Purchase Contract
? Offer Package
? Pre-Approval Letter
? Buyer Letter
? Purchase Contract
? Initial Deposit
? Present in Person
10. Due Diligence
? Disclosures ? Appraisal
? Natural Hazard ? Provide Comparative
Disclosures Market Analysis
? Preliminary Title Report ? Compile Supporting
? Sellers Inspections Information
? Inspections ? Additional Due Diligence
? Contractors Inspection ? Attorneys
? Structural/Pest ? Contractors
Inspection ? Investment Analysts
? Sewer
? Chimney
11. Final Stretch - CLOSING
?Ensure Loan Documents are Ready for Escrow
?Setup Signing with Escrow
?Prepare Client to Fund the Full Deposit
?Ensure Lender is Ready to Fund Full Loan Amount
?Escrow Closes
?Title is Transferred and Recorded to the New Owner
12. My promise as an agent
?Always serving the clients best interests and goals above
all others. I will give my honest opinion.
?Educate clients so that they fully understand the process,
the condition and the circumstances of the property they
are buying.
?Team of experienced professionals all committed to doing
the best job possible for the client.
?Coordinate and manage the search, the offer, the escrow
and the due diligence processes to minimize stress, time
and effort.
?I will negotiate aggressively to ensure the best possible
price and terms in the purchase contract.
13. Kelly Kang, Realtor
Paragon Real Estate Group ?
1160 Battery Street ?
San Francisco, CA 94111 KellyKangRealtor
cell: 415.912.6589 ? KellyKangSF