The introduction establishes the genre as emo rock, showing props typical of the style. The band's name appears in signature fashion. The video follows conventions of the genre through its gothic feel, expressed throughout and relating to the lyric about not letting anyone steal your coffin. As with most rock videos, there are close-ups of the lead singer and performance scenes of the other band members.
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2. The start of the music
video introduces the
genre of music to the
audience. The genre is
emo rock and from this
scene the props used
shows that clearly.
The name of the band is
shown in this scene and it
is like their signature.
The introduction to this music video is typical to the genre of the music
and it is one of the code and conventions of an Emo rock music video. It
also has a gothic feel to it and that is expressed through out the music
video. That gothic theme is also explained through the lyric because the
lyric is about not letting anyone steal your coffin and that can only be
expressed with a gothic theme. The first shot of the music video is related
to the lyric and the song title , coffin
3. Like most rock videos there are close ups of
the lead singer of the band and this is done
through out the music video. There are also
performance scenes of the other band mates
and that is one of the code and convention of
a rock video.