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Būvkonstrukciju projektētāju
   eksaminācija Anglijā

RTU BF Civilo ēku būvniecības katedras vadītājs
     docents, Dr.sc.ing. Kaspars Bondars
The Institution of Civil Engineers
LBS radniecīga organizācija Apvienotajā Karalistē un pasaulē

 Apvieno būvinženierus, 80000 biedru, 150 valstīs;
 Dibināta 1818. gadā: ’’The ICE was founded in 1818 by a small group of
idealistic young men’’.
 Biedru pieaugums 5000/gadā.
1828 – tika uzticēta Karaļnama deliģētā sertifikācija
Būvkonstrukciju projektētāju eksaminācija Anglijā
The Institution of Structural Engineers
LBPA radniecīga organizācija Apvienotajā Karalistē un pasaulē

 Apvieno būvkonstrukciju projektētājus, 27000 biedru, 105 valstīs;
 Dibināta 1908. gadā, kā Betona institūts;
1913 – dibināta bibliotēka
1920 – tiek organizēti pirmie eksāmeni
1923 – izstrādātas pirmās regulārās apmācību programmas
1924 – organizē International Cement Congress, Olimpijā
1934 – tika uzticēta Karaļnama deliģētā sertifikācija
Būvkonstrukciju projektētāju eksaminācija Anglijā
Būvkonstrukciju projektētāju eksaminācija Anglijā
Būvkonstrukciju projektētāju eksaminācija Anglijā
Biedru stuktūra
Biedru stuktūra
Student Member
Students, kurš studē ar būvniecību saistītu Institution of Structural Engineers, atzītu
vai akreditētu kursu.

Limited Student Member
Students, kurš studē ar būvniecību saistītu kursu, kuru nav atzinusi vai akreditējusi
Institution of Structural Engineers.

Student Member in Employment
Students, kurš ir studējis ar būvniecību saistītu kursu un strādā nozarē.

Graduate Member
Jauniesācējs būvkonstruktors, kurš pabeidzis akreditētu (vai atzītu)
būvkonstrukciju un/vai būvinženieru mācību programmu un saņēmis izglītības
Biedru stuktūra

Technician Member
Pieredzējis tehniķis būvkonstruktors, kuram ir izpratne par būvkonstrukciju
darbības pamatiem.

Associate Member
Projektēšanas komandas dalībnieks, kurš rada būtisku projekta apjomu un risina
būvkonstrukciju problēmas. Pielieto atbilstošas analīzes metodes un var patstāvīgi
pieņemt risinājumus.
Biedru stuktūra

Chartered Member
Būvkonstrukciju projektēšanas profesionāļi, kuru sasniegumus un profesionālo
kompetenci atzīst Institution of Structural Engineers

Fellow Member
Pakāpe parāda būvkonstrukciju inženiera sasniegumu ekselenci un nozīmīgu
iegūldījumu profesijā
Tehniķis - būvkonstruktors (Technician Member)

1.    Ir ieguvis Institution of Structural Engineers atzītu akadēmisko grādu
      būvkonstrukciju inženierzinātnēs vai ekvivalentu.

3.    Sekmīgi nokārtojis institūcijas ’’Initial Professional Development’’ (IPD)
      programmu. Programma satur 12 pamatuzdevumus, kuri aizpilda zonu starp
      izglītību un tehniķa - būvkonstruktora praksi.

5.    Apmeklējis un nokārtojis ’’Professional Review Interview’’ (PRI) interviju.

Tehniķis - būvkonstruktors (Technician Member)
Tipiskais portfolio satur šādas sadaļas (dotas, kā piemērs):
• Studijām, sekojošas profesionālās attīstības pierādījums (kursu sertifikāti, kursu
• Kandidāta projekta (projektēšanas) sarakste (vēstules, faksi, e-maili, atskaites,
     būvuzraudzības ieraksti, projektēšanas sapulču protokoli,...)
• Konceptuālo projektu un detaļrasējumu rokas skices.
• Kandidāta izstrādāti CAD vai kuru izstrādē kandidāts piedalījies, norādot
     līdzdalības apjomu.
• Analītisko un datoraprēķina analīzes piemēri.
• Analītisko un datoraprēķina detalizācijas projektēšanas aprēķina piemēri.
• Kandidāta izstrādātas materiālu un apjomu specifikācijas.
• Pierādījums līdzdalībai risku novērtēšanas procedūru izsrādē un tiešam risku
     menedžmentam būvlaukumā.
Tehniķis - būvkonstruktors (Technician Member)
Tipiskais portfolio satur šādas sadaļas (dotas, kā piemērs):
• Pierādījums ekoloģiskai / ilgspējīgai būvniecības izpratnei, pamatojot to ar
     projekta risinājumiem; pašmācības vai kursu apliecinājumu.
Pierādījumi būvlaukuma apmeklējumiem (būvdarbu fotogrāfijas, autoruzraudzības
     ieraksti, ...)
• Menedžmenta pamatiemaņu pierādījums, plānojot projektēšanas darbus, plānojot
     darbinieku resursus, plānojot projekta dokumentācijas izdošanas etapus, kā
     pamatojumu iesniedzot pieņemšanas nodošanas dokumentāciju, papilddarbu
     uzdevumus, saraksti, ...
• Kvalitātes kontroles sistēmas atskaites, tādas kā, apakšuzņēmēju kontroles
     atskaites, iekšējās kontroles atskaites, ...
• Līgumslēgšanas procedūru un formu izpratnes atspoguļojums uzrādot atbilstošu
     kursu apmeklējuma apliecinājumu, kursu vai pašmācības piezīmes.
• Kandidātam jāizvairās no projekta atkārtošanos atskaitē.
Asociētais biedrs (Associate Member)

1.   Ir ieguvis Institution of Structural Engineers atzītu bakalaura akadēmisko
     grādu būvkonstrukciju inženierzinātnēs vai ekvivalentu.

3.   Sekmīgi nokārtojis institūcijas ’’Initial Professional Development’’ (IPD)
     programmu. Programma satur 13 pamatuzdevumus, kuri aizpilda zonu starp
     izglītību un asociētā biedra praksi.

5.   Apmeklējis un nokārtojis ’’Professional Review Interview’’ (PRI) interviju un
     7 stundu kvalifikācijas eksāmenu.

Asociētais biedrs (Associate Member)
Eksāmena norise:
•Eksāmena ilgums 7 stundas
•Palīgmateriālu izmantošana tai skaitā PC
•Bez krāpšanās uzraudzības

Eksāmena apjoms:
•2 daļas:
    • Koncepta izstrāde (1a), konstruktīvās shēmas (1b):          30 vērtējuma punkti;
    • Detalizācija (2c), skices (2d), prasības realizācijai (2e):          70
       vērtējuma punkti.

Automātiskā eksāmena nenokārtošana:
•Risinājumā piedāvāta nestabila konstruktīvā shēma;
•Neatbildēta sadaļa (1a; 1b; 2c; 2d vai 2e).
Asociētais biedrs (Associate Member)
Eksāmena saturs:
•Tipiska dzīvojamā vai komerciālā ēka (tipiska struktūra)
•Liela izmēra ēka (konceptuāls risnājums)
•Inženierbūve (specializētas konstrukcijas)
•Maza izmēra ēka (plašs konstruktīvo materiālu klāsts)
Eksāmena atbildes forma:
•Izstrādājot savu konstruktīvo risinājumu dotajam uzdevumam;
•Izvēloties materiālu;
•Veicot galveno elementu formas un izmēra dimensionēšanu;
•Parādot būtiskās elementu kontrolpārbaudes;
•Veicot mezglu kontrolpārbaudes;
•Shēmu, skiču un aprakstu formā, savus risinājumus paskaidrojot tehniskā valodā;
•Datoraprēķinos iegūtos rezultātus atspoguļojot rokrakstā.
Asociētais biedrs (Associate Member)
Eksāmena saturs:
•Tipiska dzīvojamā vai komerciālā ēka (tipiska struktūra)
•Liela izmēra ēka (konceptuāls risnājums)
•Inženierbūve (specializētas konstrukcijas)
•Maza izmēra ēka (plašs konstruktīvo materiālu klāsts)
Eksāmena atbildes forma:
•Izstrādājot savu konstruktīvo risinājumu dotajam uzdevumam;
•Izvēloties materiālu;
•Veicot galveno elementu formas un izmēra dimensionēšanu;
•Parādot būtiskās elementu kontrolpārbaudes;
•Veicot mezglu kontrolpārbaudes;
•Shēmu, skiču un aprakstu formā, savus risinājumus paskaidrojot tehniskā valodā;
•Datoraprēķinos iegūtos rezultātus atspoguļojot rokrakstā.

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Būvkonstrukciju projektētāju eksaminācija Anglijā

  • 1. Būvkonstrukciju projektētāju eksaminācija Anglijā RTU BF Civilo ēku būvniecības katedras vadītājs docents, Dr.sc.ing. Kaspars Bondars
  • 2. The Institution of Civil Engineers LBS radniecīga organizācija Apvienotajā Karalistē un pasaulē http://www.ice.org.uk/  Apvieno būvinženierus, 80000 biedru, 150 valstīs;  Dibināta 1818. gadā: ’’The ICE was founded in 1818 by a small group of idealistic young men’’.  Biedru pieaugums 5000/gadā. 1828 – tika uzticēta Karaļnama deliģētā sertifikācija ...
  • 4. The Institution of Structural Engineers LBPA radniecīga organizācija Apvienotajā Karalistē un pasaulē http://www.istructe.org/  Apvieno būvkonstrukciju projektētājus, 27000 biedru, 105 valstīs;  Dibināta 1908. gadā, kā Betona institūts; 1913 – dibināta bibliotēka 1920 – tiek organizēti pirmie eksāmeni 1923 – izstrādātas pirmās regulārās apmācību programmas 1924 – organizē International Cement Congress, Olimpijā ... 1934 – tika uzticēta Karaļnama deliģētā sertifikācija
  • 9. Biedru stuktūra Student Member Students, kurš studē ar būvniecību saistītu Institution of Structural Engineers, atzītu vai akreditētu kursu. Limited Student Member Students, kurš studē ar būvniecību saistītu kursu, kuru nav atzinusi vai akreditējusi Institution of Structural Engineers. Student Member in Employment Students, kurš ir studējis ar būvniecību saistītu kursu un strādā nozarē. Graduate Member Jauniesācējs būvkonstruktors, kurš pabeidzis akreditētu (vai atzītu) būvkonstrukciju un/vai būvinženieru mācību programmu un saņēmis izglītības apliecinājumu
  • 10. Biedru stuktūra Technician Member Pieredzējis tehniķis būvkonstruktors, kuram ir izpratne par būvkonstrukciju darbības pamatiem. Associate Member Projektēšanas komandas dalībnieks, kurš rada būtisku projekta apjomu un risina būvkonstrukciju problēmas. Pielieto atbilstošas analīzes metodes un var patstāvīgi pieņemt risinājumus.
  • 11. Biedru stuktūra Chartered Member Būvkonstrukciju projektēšanas profesionāļi, kuru sasniegumus un profesionālo kompetenci atzīst Institution of Structural Engineers Fellow Member Pakāpe parāda būvkonstrukciju inženiera sasniegumu ekselenci un nozīmīgu iegūldījumu profesijā
  • 12. Tehniķis - būvkonstruktors (Technician Member) 1. Ir ieguvis Institution of Structural Engineers atzītu akadēmisko grādu būvkonstrukciju inženierzinātnēs vai ekvivalentu. 3. Sekmīgi nokārtojis institūcijas ’’Initial Professional Development’’ (IPD) programmu. Programma satur 12 pamatuzdevumus, kuri aizpilda zonu starp izglītību un tehniķa - būvkonstruktora praksi. 5. Apmeklējis un nokārtojis ’’Professional Review Interview’’ (PRI) interviju. http://www.istructe.org/webtest/files/e1/e1bcb9e1-6688-4470-81a6-c245a0606a03.pdf
  • 13. Tehniķis - būvkonstruktors (Technician Member) Tipiskais portfolio satur šādas sadaļas (dotas, kā piemērs): • Studijām, sekojošas profesionālās attīstības pierādījums (kursu sertifikāti, kursu piezīmes,...) • Kandidāta projekta (projektēšanas) sarakste (vēstules, faksi, e-maili, atskaites, būvuzraudzības ieraksti, projektēšanas sapulču protokoli,...) • Konceptuālo projektu un detaļrasējumu rokas skices. • Kandidāta izstrādāti CAD vai kuru izstrādē kandidāts piedalījies, norādot līdzdalības apjomu. • Analītisko un datoraprēķina analīzes piemēri. • Analītisko un datoraprēķina detalizācijas projektēšanas aprēķina piemēri. • Kandidāta izstrādātas materiālu un apjomu specifikācijas. • Pierādījums līdzdalībai risku novērtēšanas procedūru izsrādē un tiešam risku menedžmentam būvlaukumā.
  • 14. Tehniķis - būvkonstruktors (Technician Member) Tipiskais portfolio satur šādas sadaļas (dotas, kā piemērs): • Pierādījums ekoloģiskai / ilgspējīgai būvniecības izpratnei, pamatojot to ar projekta risinājumiem; pašmācības vai kursu apliecinājumu. Pierādījumi būvlaukuma apmeklējumiem (būvdarbu fotogrāfijas, autoruzraudzības ieraksti, ...) • Menedžmenta pamatiemaņu pierādījums, plānojot projektēšanas darbus, plānojot darbinieku resursus, plānojot projekta dokumentācijas izdošanas etapus, kā pamatojumu iesniedzot pieņemšanas nodošanas dokumentāciju, papilddarbu uzdevumus, saraksti, ... • Kvalitātes kontroles sistēmas atskaites, tādas kā, apakšuzņēmēju kontroles atskaites, iekšējās kontroles atskaites, ... • Līgumslēgšanas procedūru un formu izpratnes atspoguļojums uzrādot atbilstošu kursu apmeklējuma apliecinājumu, kursu vai pašmācības piezīmes. • Kandidātam jāizvairās no projekta atkārtošanos atskaitē.
  • 15. Asociētais biedrs (Associate Member) 1. Ir ieguvis Institution of Structural Engineers atzītu bakalaura akadēmisko grādu būvkonstrukciju inženierzinātnēs vai ekvivalentu. 3. Sekmīgi nokārtojis institūcijas ’’Initial Professional Development’’ (IPD) programmu. Programma satur 13 pamatuzdevumus, kuri aizpilda zonu starp izglītību un asociētā biedra praksi. 5. Apmeklējis un nokārtojis ’’Professional Review Interview’’ (PRI) interviju un 7 stundu kvalifikācijas eksāmenu. http://www.istructe.org/webtest/files/ce/ce03584e-313a-41d3-beb4-7e91ba813702.pdf
  • 16. Asociētais biedrs (Associate Member) Eksāmena norise: •Eksāmena ilgums 7 stundas •Palīgmateriālu izmantošana tai skaitā PC •Bez krāpšanās uzraudzības Eksāmena apjoms: •2 daļas: • Koncepta izstrāde (1a), konstruktīvās shēmas (1b): 30 vērtējuma punkti; • Detalizācija (2c), skices (2d), prasības realizācijai (2e): 70 vērtējuma punkti. Automātiskā eksāmena nenokārtošana: •Risinājumā piedāvāta nestabila konstruktīvā shēma; •Neatbildēta sadaļa (1a; 1b; 2c; 2d vai 2e).
  • 17. Asociētais biedrs (Associate Member) Eksāmena saturs: •Tipiska dzīvojamā vai komerciālā ēka (tipiska struktūra) •Liela izmēra ēka (konceptuāls risnājums) •Inženierbūve (specializētas konstrukcijas) •Maza izmēra ēka (plašs konstruktīvo materiālu klāsts) Eksāmena atbildes forma: •Izstrādājot savu konstruktīvo risinājumu dotajam uzdevumam; •Izvēloties materiālu; •Veicot galveno elementu formas un izmēra dimensionēšanu; •Parādot būtiskās elementu kontrolpārbaudes; •Veicot mezglu kontrolpārbaudes; •Shēmu, skiču un aprakstu formā, savus risinājumus paskaidrojot tehniskā valodā; •Datoraprēķinos iegūtos rezultātus atspoguļojot rokrakstā.
  • 18. Asociētais biedrs (Associate Member) Eksāmena saturs: •Tipiska dzīvojamā vai komerciālā ēka (tipiska struktūra) •Liela izmēra ēka (konceptuāls risnājums) •Inženierbūve (specializētas konstrukcijas) •Maza izmēra ēka (plašs konstruktīvo materiālu klāsts) Eksāmena atbildes forma: •Izstrādājot savu konstruktīvo risinājumu dotajam uzdevumam; •Izvēloties materiālu; •Veicot galveno elementu formas un izmēra dimensionēšanu; •Parādot būtiskās elementu kontrolpārbaudes; •Veicot mezglu kontrolpārbaudes; •Shēmu, skiču un aprakstu formā, savus risinājumus paskaidrojot tehniskā valodā; •Datoraprēķinos iegūtos rezultātus atspoguļojot rokrakstā.

Editor's Notes

  • #3: The deep foundations of a major bridge in Europe have been designed by interpreting the results of full scale pile tests under both axial and transverse loadings. The present example only with the axial compressive resistance of the piles and aims to show how the results of static compression load tests should be interpreted following Eurocode 7. The foundations on open-ended driven piles have to be designed in order to carry vertical compressive loads. In the following design calculations, only ultimate limit states in persistent and transient situations are considered. The permanent vertical compressive load is 31 MN and the vertical accidental load is 16 MN . The purpose of the design is to determine the number of driven piles of length 55.5m required to carry this load. It is assumed that there is no need to take into account any group effect for the pile foundation. The full design of the foundation would also require the serviceability limit states to be checked, e.g. a check that the settlement of the foundation is acceptable. A typical soil profile consists of 20-30 m of very soft clay (mud), muddy sands, sands and clays and, finally, sands and gravels at the level of the expected location of the base of the piles.
  • #4: The deep foundations of a major bridge in Europe have been designed by interpreting the results of full scale pile tests under both axial and transverse loadings. The present example only with the axial compressive resistance of the piles and aims to show how the results of static compression load tests should be interpreted following Eurocode 7. The foundations on open-ended driven piles have to be designed in order to carry vertical compressive loads. In the following design calculations, only ultimate limit states in persistent and transient situations are considered. The permanent vertical compressive load is 31 MN and the vertical accidental load is 16 MN . The purpose of the design is to determine the number of driven piles of length 55.5m required to carry this load. It is assumed that there is no need to take into account any group effect for the pile foundation. The full design of the foundation would also require the serviceability limit states to be checked, e.g. a check that the settlement of the foundation is acceptable. A typical soil profile consists of 20-30 m of very soft clay (mud), muddy sands, sands and clays and, finally, sands and gravels at the level of the expected location of the base of the piles.
  • #5: The deep foundations of a major bridge in Europe have been designed by interpreting the results of full scale pile tests under both axial and transverse loadings. The present example only with the axial compressive resistance of the piles and aims to show how the results of static compression load tests should be interpreted following Eurocode 7. The foundations on open-ended driven piles have to be designed in order to carry vertical compressive loads. In the following design calculations, only ultimate limit states in persistent and transient situations are considered. The permanent vertical compressive load is 31 MN and the vertical accidental load is 16 MN . The purpose of the design is to determine the number of driven piles of length 55.5m required to carry this load. It is assumed that there is no need to take into account any group effect for the pile foundation. The full design of the foundation would also require the serviceability limit states to be checked, e.g. a check that the settlement of the foundation is acceptable. A typical soil profile consists of 20-30 m of very soft clay (mud), muddy sands, sands and clays and, finally, sands and gravels at the level of the expected location of the base of the piles.
  • #6: The deep foundations of a major bridge in Europe have been designed by interpreting the results of full scale pile tests under both axial and transverse loadings. The present example only with the axial compressive resistance of the piles and aims to show how the results of static compression load tests should be interpreted following Eurocode 7. The foundations on open-ended driven piles have to be designed in order to carry vertical compressive loads. In the following design calculations, only ultimate limit states in persistent and transient situations are considered. The permanent vertical compressive load is 31 MN and the vertical accidental load is 16 MN . The purpose of the design is to determine the number of driven piles of length 55.5m required to carry this load. It is assumed that there is no need to take into account any group effect for the pile foundation. The full design of the foundation would also require the serviceability limit states to be checked, e.g. a check that the settlement of the foundation is acceptable. A typical soil profile consists of 20-30 m of very soft clay (mud), muddy sands, sands and clays and, finally, sands and gravels at the level of the expected location of the base of the piles.
  • #7: The deep foundations of a major bridge in Europe have been designed by interpreting the results of full scale pile tests under both axial and transverse loadings. The present example only with the axial compressive resistance of the piles and aims to show how the results of static compression load tests should be interpreted following Eurocode 7. The foundations on open-ended driven piles have to be designed in order to carry vertical compressive loads. In the following design calculations, only ultimate limit states in persistent and transient situations are considered. The permanent vertical compressive load is 31 MN and the vertical accidental load is 16 MN . The purpose of the design is to determine the number of driven piles of length 55.5m required to carry this load. It is assumed that there is no need to take into account any group effect for the pile foundation. The full design of the foundation would also require the serviceability limit states to be checked, e.g. a check that the settlement of the foundation is acceptable. A typical soil profile consists of 20-30 m of very soft clay (mud), muddy sands, sands and clays and, finally, sands and gravels at the level of the expected location of the base of the piles.
  • #8: The deep foundations of a major bridge in Europe have been designed by interpreting the results of full scale pile tests under both axial and transverse loadings. The present example only with the axial compressive resistance of the piles and aims to show how the results of static compression load tests should be interpreted following Eurocode 7. The foundations on open-ended driven piles have to be designed in order to carry vertical compressive loads. In the following design calculations, only ultimate limit states in persistent and transient situations are considered. The permanent vertical compressive load is 31 MN and the vertical accidental load is 16 MN . The purpose of the design is to determine the number of driven piles of length 55.5m required to carry this load. It is assumed that there is no need to take into account any group effect for the pile foundation. The full design of the foundation would also require the serviceability limit states to be checked, e.g. a check that the settlement of the foundation is acceptable. A typical soil profile consists of 20-30 m of very soft clay (mud), muddy sands, sands and clays and, finally, sands and gravels at the level of the expected location of the base of the piles.
  • #9: The deep foundations of a major bridge in Europe have been designed by interpreting the results of full scale pile tests under both axial and transverse loadings. The present example only with the axial compressive resistance of the piles and aims to show how the results of static compression load tests should be interpreted following Eurocode 7. The foundations on open-ended driven piles have to be designed in order to carry vertical compressive loads. In the following design calculations, only ultimate limit states in persistent and transient situations are considered. The permanent vertical compressive load is 31 MN and the vertical accidental load is 16 MN . The purpose of the design is to determine the number of driven piles of length 55.5m required to carry this load. It is assumed that there is no need to take into account any group effect for the pile foundation. The full design of the foundation would also require the serviceability limit states to be checked, e.g. a check that the settlement of the foundation is acceptable. A typical soil profile consists of 20-30 m of very soft clay (mud), muddy sands, sands and clays and, finally, sands and gravels at the level of the expected location of the base of the piles.
  • #10: The deep foundations of a major bridge in Europe have been designed by interpreting the results of full scale pile tests under both axial and transverse loadings. The present example only with the axial compressive resistance of the piles and aims to show how the results of static compression load tests should be interpreted following Eurocode 7. The foundations on open-ended driven piles have to be designed in order to carry vertical compressive loads. In the following design calculations, only ultimate limit states in persistent and transient situations are considered. The permanent vertical compressive load is 31 MN and the vertical accidental load is 16 MN . The purpose of the design is to determine the number of driven piles of length 55.5m required to carry this load. It is assumed that there is no need to take into account any group effect for the pile foundation. The full design of the foundation would also require the serviceability limit states to be checked, e.g. a check that the settlement of the foundation is acceptable. A typical soil profile consists of 20-30 m of very soft clay (mud), muddy sands, sands and clays and, finally, sands and gravels at the level of the expected location of the base of the piles.
  • #11: The deep foundations of a major bridge in Europe have been designed by interpreting the results of full scale pile tests under both axial and transverse loadings. The present example only with the axial compressive resistance of the piles and aims to show how the results of static compression load tests should be interpreted following Eurocode 7. The foundations on open-ended driven piles have to be designed in order to carry vertical compressive loads. In the following design calculations, only ultimate limit states in persistent and transient situations are considered. The permanent vertical compressive load is 31 MN and the vertical accidental load is 16 MN . The purpose of the design is to determine the number of driven piles of length 55.5m required to carry this load. It is assumed that there is no need to take into account any group effect for the pile foundation. The full design of the foundation would also require the serviceability limit states to be checked, e.g. a check that the settlement of the foundation is acceptable. A typical soil profile consists of 20-30 m of very soft clay (mud), muddy sands, sands and clays and, finally, sands and gravels at the level of the expected location of the base of the piles.
  • #12: The deep foundations of a major bridge in Europe have been designed by interpreting the results of full scale pile tests under both axial and transverse loadings. The present example only with the axial compressive resistance of the piles and aims to show how the results of static compression load tests should be interpreted following Eurocode 7. The foundations on open-ended driven piles have to be designed in order to carry vertical compressive loads. In the following design calculations, only ultimate limit states in persistent and transient situations are considered. The permanent vertical compressive load is 31 MN and the vertical accidental load is 16 MN . The purpose of the design is to determine the number of driven piles of length 55.5m required to carry this load. It is assumed that there is no need to take into account any group effect for the pile foundation. The full design of the foundation would also require the serviceability limit states to be checked, e.g. a check that the settlement of the foundation is acceptable. A typical soil profile consists of 20-30 m of very soft clay (mud), muddy sands, sands and clays and, finally, sands and gravels at the level of the expected location of the base of the piles.
  • #13: The deep foundations of a major bridge in Europe have been designed by interpreting the results of full scale pile tests under both axial and transverse loadings. The present example only with the axial compressive resistance of the piles and aims to show how the results of static compression load tests should be interpreted following Eurocode 7. The foundations on open-ended driven piles have to be designed in order to carry vertical compressive loads. In the following design calculations, only ultimate limit states in persistent and transient situations are considered. The permanent vertical compressive load is 31 MN and the vertical accidental load is 16 MN . The purpose of the design is to determine the number of driven piles of length 55.5m required to carry this load. It is assumed that there is no need to take into account any group effect for the pile foundation. The full design of the foundation would also require the serviceability limit states to be checked, e.g. a check that the settlement of the foundation is acceptable. A typical soil profile consists of 20-30 m of very soft clay (mud), muddy sands, sands and clays and, finally, sands and gravels at the level of the expected location of the base of the piles.
  • #14: The deep foundations of a major bridge in Europe have been designed by interpreting the results of full scale pile tests under both axial and transverse loadings. The present example only with the axial compressive resistance of the piles and aims to show how the results of static compression load tests should be interpreted following Eurocode 7. The foundations on open-ended driven piles have to be designed in order to carry vertical compressive loads. In the following design calculations, only ultimate limit states in persistent and transient situations are considered. The permanent vertical compressive load is 31 MN and the vertical accidental load is 16 MN . The purpose of the design is to determine the number of driven piles of length 55.5m required to carry this load. It is assumed that there is no need to take into account any group effect for the pile foundation. The full design of the foundation would also require the serviceability limit states to be checked, e.g. a check that the settlement of the foundation is acceptable. A typical soil profile consists of 20-30 m of very soft clay (mud), muddy sands, sands and clays and, finally, sands and gravels at the level of the expected location of the base of the piles.
  • #15: The deep foundations of a major bridge in Europe have been designed by interpreting the results of full scale pile tests under both axial and transverse loadings. The present example only with the axial compressive resistance of the piles and aims to show how the results of static compression load tests should be interpreted following Eurocode 7. The foundations on open-ended driven piles have to be designed in order to carry vertical compressive loads. In the following design calculations, only ultimate limit states in persistent and transient situations are considered. The permanent vertical compressive load is 31 MN and the vertical accidental load is 16 MN . The purpose of the design is to determine the number of driven piles of length 55.5m required to carry this load. It is assumed that there is no need to take into account any group effect for the pile foundation. The full design of the foundation would also require the serviceability limit states to be checked, e.g. a check that the settlement of the foundation is acceptable. A typical soil profile consists of 20-30 m of very soft clay (mud), muddy sands, sands and clays and, finally, sands and gravels at the level of the expected location of the base of the piles.
  • #16: The deep foundations of a major bridge in Europe have been designed by interpreting the results of full scale pile tests under both axial and transverse loadings. The present example only with the axial compressive resistance of the piles and aims to show how the results of static compression load tests should be interpreted following Eurocode 7. The foundations on open-ended driven piles have to be designed in order to carry vertical compressive loads. In the following design calculations, only ultimate limit states in persistent and transient situations are considered. The permanent vertical compressive load is 31 MN and the vertical accidental load is 16 MN . The purpose of the design is to determine the number of driven piles of length 55.5m required to carry this load. It is assumed that there is no need to take into account any group effect for the pile foundation. The full design of the foundation would also require the serviceability limit states to be checked, e.g. a check that the settlement of the foundation is acceptable. A typical soil profile consists of 20-30 m of very soft clay (mud), muddy sands, sands and clays and, finally, sands and gravels at the level of the expected location of the base of the piles.
  • #17: The deep foundations of a major bridge in Europe have been designed by interpreting the results of full scale pile tests under both axial and transverse loadings. The present example only with the axial compressive resistance of the piles and aims to show how the results of static compression load tests should be interpreted following Eurocode 7. The foundations on open-ended driven piles have to be designed in order to carry vertical compressive loads. In the following design calculations, only ultimate limit states in persistent and transient situations are considered. The permanent vertical compressive load is 31 MN and the vertical accidental load is 16 MN . The purpose of the design is to determine the number of driven piles of length 55.5m required to carry this load. It is assumed that there is no need to take into account any group effect for the pile foundation. The full design of the foundation would also require the serviceability limit states to be checked, e.g. a check that the settlement of the foundation is acceptable. A typical soil profile consists of 20-30 m of very soft clay (mud), muddy sands, sands and clays and, finally, sands and gravels at the level of the expected location of the base of the piles.
  • #18: The deep foundations of a major bridge in Europe have been designed by interpreting the results of full scale pile tests under both axial and transverse loadings. The present example only with the axial compressive resistance of the piles and aims to show how the results of static compression load tests should be interpreted following Eurocode 7. The foundations on open-ended driven piles have to be designed in order to carry vertical compressive loads. In the following design calculations, only ultimate limit states in persistent and transient situations are considered. The permanent vertical compressive load is 31 MN and the vertical accidental load is 16 MN . The purpose of the design is to determine the number of driven piles of length 55.5m required to carry this load. It is assumed that there is no need to take into account any group effect for the pile foundation. The full design of the foundation would also require the serviceability limit states to be checked, e.g. a check that the settlement of the foundation is acceptable. A typical soil profile consists of 20-30 m of very soft clay (mud), muddy sands, sands and clays and, finally, sands and gravels at the level of the expected location of the base of the piles.
  • #19: The deep foundations of a major bridge in Europe have been designed by interpreting the results of full scale pile tests under both axial and transverse loadings. The present example only with the axial compressive resistance of the piles and aims to show how the results of static compression load tests should be interpreted following Eurocode 7. The foundations on open-ended driven piles have to be designed in order to carry vertical compressive loads. In the following design calculations, only ultimate limit states in persistent and transient situations are considered. The permanent vertical compressive load is 31 MN and the vertical accidental load is 16 MN . The purpose of the design is to determine the number of driven piles of length 55.5m required to carry this load. It is assumed that there is no need to take into account any group effect for the pile foundation. The full design of the foundation would also require the serviceability limit states to be checked, e.g. a check that the settlement of the foundation is acceptable. A typical soil profile consists of 20-30 m of very soft clay (mud), muddy sands, sands and clays and, finally, sands and gravels at the level of the expected location of the base of the piles.