With over 4000 attendees and 307 speakers, Blogworld Expo is one of the largest blogging conferences in the world. Content creators from multiple genres gathered in Los Angeles for 3 days where they exchanged ideas through networking and attending sessions. This recap highlights thoughts and insights from some of the best and brightest bloggers who attended the event. People connected and many made career opportunities happen through the networking at BWELA. Successful bloggers offered advice on topics like standing out, engaging readers, being comfortable, helping other bloggers, and bringing humor to content.
5. with ovEr 4000 AttEndEEs And
307 spEAkErs, Blogworld Expo
is onE of thE lArgEst Blogging
confErEncEs in thE world.
contEnt crEAtors Across multiplE
gEnrEs gAthErEd for 3 dAys in
los AngElEs, cAliforniA whErE
thEy ExchAngEd idEAs through
nEtworking And AttEnding
this our rEcAp with thoughts
from thE BEst And BrightEst of
thE BlogosphErE.
B L OG #bwela
6. thE connEctions pEoplE hAvE mAdE for work AlonE
hAvE BEEn AmAzing. pEoplE ArE gEtting fAntAstic
joB offErs. pEoplE ArE Building stArtups BEcAusE
thEy hAd lunch in thE nEtworking rEcEptions.
It¡¯s so awesome to see the thIngs
that are happenIng here
W O R LD lara Kulpa
community mAnAgEr
7. It¡¯s ImpossIble to come here and not fInd
subjects that are goIng to help you
with whAtEvEr it is thAt you do whEthEr you¡¯rE A foodiE,
whEthEr your A hEAlth nut, or somE BusinEss guy.
marcus sherIdan
thE sAlEs lion
8. It¡¯s just a bunch of
people connectIng and
It¡¯s a beautIful thIng
deb ng
9. if you rEAlly wAnt to grow A Blog of EngAgEd rEAdErs you nEEd to
be engaged wIth your topIc
darren rowse
10. it¡¯s rEAlly importAnt to stAnd out in somE wAy
It¡¯s not good enough
just to be better
good contEnt is just thE pricE of Admission...
EvEryBody hAs good contEnt
ONE corbett barr
think trAffic
11. In InspIrIng people you
share your own struggles
fluEnt in months
12. pEoplE thAt just go And only connEct with
importAnt pEoplE ArE rEAlly dropping thE BAll.
networK wIth everybody
just gEt to know thEm. just BE cool.
davId rIsley
dAvid rislEy
13. i gEt on Blogs likE copyBloggEr BEcAusE i pitch to thEm
sometImes all you have to do Is
just asK
alI luKe
14. the average audIence Is gettIng smarter
you hAvE to rEAlly Adjust for your usErs
syed balKhI
15. you¡¯ve got to have somethIng
InterestIng to talK about
i think pEoplE likE A good story.
thAt gEts pEoplE¡¯s AttEntion.
andy hayes
Andy hAyEs
16. COMfO
don¡¯t lEt Anything hold you BAck
step out of your comfort zone
you don¡¯t hAvE BE pErfEct.
thE morE you do it...
thE BEttEr you¡¯ll gEt ovEr timE.
pat flynn
smArt pAssivE incomE
17. AnyonE cAn BE humorous on thEir Blog As long As thEy don¡¯t
try too hArd. you don¡¯t hAvE to BE hilArious you just hAvE to...
be truthful
jordan cooper
not A proBlog
18. It doesn¡¯t happen overnIght
it took yEArs And yEArs of dEvEloping
rElAtionships, sociAl cApitAl, trust , friEndships,
And All thEsE diffErEnt things thAt ultimAtEly
EnABlEd mE to stArt my own compAny
dj waldow
wAldow sociAl
19. rEAlly work with othEr up And coming BloggErs.
thE Big mistAkE up And coming BloggErs mAkE is thEy
mEAsurE thEmsElvEs AgAinst tEchcrunch or somEBody.
the mInute my blog tooK off was
when I started helpIng people
chrIs brogan
chris BrogAn
20. i likE to sAy thAt if you cAn mAkE fun of yoursElf And
brIng some fun Into your content
thAt will rEAlly mAkE you stAnd out
nathalIe lussIer
nAthAliE lussiEr