This document describes a pipeline for predicting long non-coding RNA (lncRNA) transcripts from comprehensive rat renal cell-type specific transcriptome libraries. The pipeline applies characteristics of lncRNAs, such as shorter open reading frames, lack of conserved domains, and cell-type specific expression, to filter transcripts from the libraries. Applying this multi-step filtering process identifies transcripts predicted to be lncRNAs based on satisfying all the characteristics. The results are stored in GTF format for further analysis and classification of different lncRNA types.
Este documento resume el debate sobre las marcas propias versus las marcas de fabricantes en Espa?a. Describe c¨®mo las marcas propias han aumentado su cuota de mercado, especialmente la marca Hacendado de Mercadona. Tambi¨¦n analiza la campa?a publicitaria de Danone enfatizando la calidad de sus productos frente a las marcas propias y el impacto medi¨¢tico de Danone versus Mercadona.
Jagdish Dey is seeking a position as a Chef de Parties with experience working in hotels in Dubai, Kolkata, Ahmedabad, and Bhubaneswar India. He has over 7 years of experience in western kitchens, including positions as a Demi Chef and Commis. Dey completed his Bachelor's Degree in Tourism and Hospitality from Biju Pattanaik College of Hotel Management in Bhubaneswar.
Sai Sudheer Mittapalli has over 5 years of experience as an IT Analyst at TCS. He has expertise in C++ and Java programming and has worked on projects for clients like Ericsson and TCS. His responsibilities include design, development, testing, debugging, documentation and providing support. He has technical skills in languages like C++, Java, SQL and Python as well as tools like Ericsson proprietary tools, Visual Studio and ClearCase.
The document discusses a study analyzing housing code violation data from three areas along Oakland's International Boulevard corridor to help inform the implementation of a proactive rental inspection policy. The study aims to identify indicators of substandard housing conditions by examining demographic data, building characteristics, reported code violations, and landlords. Key findings include older housing stock, a high percentage of renters including non-English speakers, and underreporting of violations likely due to fears of eviction. Common violations observed include exterior and interior neglect as well as unpermitted construction work.