C++ is an object-oriented programming language developed by Bjarne Stroustrup at Bell Labs as an extension of C. It adds object-oriented features to C and is one of the most popular languages for graphical applications used by companies like Mozilla, Adobe, Google, and others. A basic "Hello World" C++ program is shown that uses cout to print to the console and getch to pause the program. Key elements of C++ code like the main function, preprocessor, data types like int and float, and input/output streams like cout and cin are briefly explained.
2. is a low-level programming language
developed by Bjarne Stroustrup at Bell Labs.
C++ adds object-oriented features, C. C++ is
one of the most popular programming
language for graphical applications, such as
those that run in Windows and Macintosh
6. #include iostream.h
#include conio.h
Using namespace std;
- a computer program that modifies data to conform
with the input requirements of another program.
7. main() function
it is the function called when
the program is run.
The execution of all C++
programs begins with
the main function
int main() { }
8. Cout<< - Console Out is a standard output
cout<<Hello Word;
Hello World
9. Cin>> - Console in is a standard input
cout<<Enter name:;
10. int
type used to define numeric
variables holding whole numbers.
It defines a character primitive type
float is a single precision (32 bit)
floating point data type
is a double precision (64 bit)
string generally means an ordered
sequence of characters