4. Embarcadero Technologies Copyright 2016
RAD STUDIO가 집중하는 기술
RAD 스튜디오 로드맵(2016.08) : http://tech.devgear.co.kr/delphi_news/424583
5. Embarcadero Technologies Copyright 2016
윈도우 8.1, 윈도우 7 2016년 10월 판매 중단
Windows 수명 주기 팩트 시트: https://support.microsoft.com/ko-kr/help/13853/windows-lifecycle-fact-sheet#section_
8. Embarcadero Technologies Copyright 2016
FIREUI 멀티-디바이스 디자이너(업계 최초)
FireUI: 마스터 뷰 공유와 개별 뷰
서로 다른 플랫폼과 폼팩터 지원을 위해 폼을 시각적으로 재정의
FireUI 멀티 디바이스 미리보기와 실제 장치에서 FireUI 앱
17. Embarcadero Technologies Copyright 2016
THINGCONNECT: 사물인터넷 연결 프레임워크
IoT 스마트 디바이스, 센서, 웨어러블 용 컴포넌트 제공
바로 다운로드 받아 설치 후 사용 가능, 참고 및
커스터마이징 가능
18. Embarcadero Technologies Copyright 2016
구성 예시: 스마트 공장
생산 라인
암호화된 데이터 IT
엔지니어의 태블릿
생산 현황
자재 창고
실내 온도
& 습도
재고 관리 로봇
RAD 서버(EMS 서버)
• 사용자 인증
• API 호스팅
• 기업 데이터 액세스
• 안전한 데이터 저장소
• IOT 디바이스 접근 통제
19. Embarcadero Technologies Copyright 2016
RAD 서버– 완벽한 백엔드 솔루션
REST 엔드-포인트 퍼블리싱
통합 미들웨어
애플리케이션 서비스
애플리케이션 백엔드 API와 서비스를 위한 바로 사용 가능한 올인원(all-in-one) 제
외부 서버, 애플리케이션 및 서비스에 대한 손쉬운 연결
애플리케이션을 강력하게 해주는 빌트인 서비스의 집합체 (사용자
디렉토리 서비스, 사용자 관리, 푸쉬 알림, 사용자 위치 추적, 내장 데이터
저장 등 핵심 기능 제공)
20. Embarcadero Technologies Copyright 2016
API 분석
All REST API end-point activity is
recorded and measured for
robust statistics tracking and
analytics. Analyze user, API, and
services activity to gain insight
into how your application is being
REST 엔드-포인트 퍼블리싱
Easy to use API publishing of
business logic. Any Delphi or C++
code can be hosted as an API
and auto-published as
REST/JSON endpoints which are
measured and managed by RAD
데스크탑, 모바일, 웹
All C++ and Delphi code hosted
on RAD Server are published as
REST/JSON end points
consumable by any type of client
for extreme flexibility and future-
접근 제어
Group and user level access to
control to all application APIs.
Control who has access to what
functionality. All access is user
손쉬운 REST API 엔드-포인트 생성, 퍼블리싱, 관리
REST 엔드-포인트 퍼블리싱
RAD Server makes it fast and easy to build flexible back-end servers for your multi-tier application solution. Developers simply load Delphi and C++ business logic into
the server, and managed REST/JSON API end-points are generated. Developers or admins can easily configure API level access control to user groups, and measure
and analyze application usage at the API, user, or service level. Since your Delphi and C++ APIs are published as heterogeneous REST/JSON end-points, RAD Server
easily supports virtually any client type from VCL and FMX Desktop, Mobile and Wearable clients to popular JavaScript Web Frameworks. RAD Server easy to build and
deploy robust heterogeneous multi-tier solutions.
21. Embarcadero Technologies Copyright 2016
엔터프라이즈 급 SQL 데이터 접속 및 커넥션 풀링
High performance built-in connectivity to all popular Enterprise RDBMS
servers. Based on FireDAC developers have easy application connectivity
and a wealth of features working with data from a variety of sources.
Connection pooling vectors client connections thru your application
middleware conserving connections and simplifying configuration and client
클라우드 서비스
Easily integrate REST cloud
services from a variety of cloud,
social, and BAAS platforms such
as Google, Amazon, Facebook,
Kinvey, Parse, and more.
고성능 통합(데이터, 클라우드, 스마트 디바이스)
통합 미들웨어
RAD Studio includes high performance integrations that make it easy to connect Enterprise Data, Cloud Services, and Smart IoT devices into your multi-tier application.
RAD Studio’s Enterprise DACs enable fast pooled connections to Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, DB2, Sybase, and more. Client connection pooling also eliminates
complex and heavy weight RDBMS client drivers and configurations. Clients applications connect to RAD Server via lightweight REST for data access, application
services, and application API calls. RAD Server includes the new IoT ThingConnect and ThingPoint IoT Edgeware making it easy to connect a wide array of wireless
smart devices and sensors into your application solution, even in remote and difficult to access locations.
사물인터넷 스마트 디바이스
IoT Connection components
enables fast and easy integration
of IoT Smart devices into your
app clients or back-end.
RADServer’s IoT Edgeware
extends it’s reach to where your
Bluetooth IoT devices are
physically located.
Your Application
22. Embarcadero Technologies Copyright 2016
JSON Datastore
Easily store and retrieve JSON
data securely and without
requiring a separate database
푸쉬(Push) 알림
Send programmatic or on-
demand notifications to your
application users.
사용자 위치/근접 거리 파악
Track user movement both
indoors and outdoors, and
respond to proximity events when
users enter or exit custom
beacon zones or approach
designated beacon points.
사용자/그룹 관리
Create and manage users,
groups, and access control via
the RADServer management
애플리케이션 기능 향상을 위해 내장된 핵심 서비스
핵심 애플리케이션 서비스
RAD Server includes a powerful set of built-in core servers to power your application back-end eliminating the need to build the key foundational components of your
server application. Core services like User directory services, authentication, and access control, push notifications, JSON data-storage, and user proximity and
indoor/outdoor user location tracking and fencing.
25. Embarcadero Technologies Copyright 2016
개발 생산성 향상
2배의 메모리를 사용하는 IDE(시애틀)
버전관리 시스템 통합 - SVN, Git, Mecurial
소스코드 파일 자동 복구(시애틀)
Object Inspector 필터(시애틀)
생산성 기능 들 – 다중 붙여넣기, 클립보드 히스토리, 코드 통계 등
델파이 메소드 유해도 측정(베를린)
북마크 스택, 선택 구문 확장(베를린)
Quick Edits(베를린 U2)